Sup friendos

sup friendos
im always fucking tired and i know its from diet
im not eating enough carbs? fats? proteins?

t. 3x a week lift and cardio

Attached: 051-6SMAC5h.jpg (3264x2448, 424K)

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In my experience, you need more protein.

Was lightheaded all the time when I didn't get enough protein.

whats the imgur album of this cutie

wow post more

hows your sleep schedule

agghhh, gotta get back to work now Op thanks for the break fren

fucked but id give my eye that its on diet.

i need to know which foods gives you that great workout where you feel you can lift the world on your back

if you lift you know what im talking about

Attached: 061-evZNZw8.jpg (2448x3264, 1.12M)

unironically [meat], rice, and [vegetable]. and coffee as a pre workout

How much sugar you eat and I dont mean natural sugar from fruits. I cut out sugar and dont feel tired or fall asleep in the day anymore

Rice. 2 hours before the gym

zero sugar. i was thinking in going back to it in case i have not enough glucose or something like that
thanks, i have to find a way to cook it with flavors cause i fucking hate rice

Jesus, I can't even imagine having a gf blessed with feet like this, based eurofag

Depends, I only take 170g max carbs per day and rest protein and fats, but usually when I feel sleepy it's cuz of too little calories or carbs in general. But I'm also fasting 18/6 so that might have something to do with it.

t. 6x ppl 2 hrs a week


imo when it comes to spices, just honestly start experimenting. When I started learning how to cook properly, I had like 3 spices: salt, pepper, and garlic salt. Now I have so many it needs like 2 shelves. And I actually use them all regularly.

But here's an easy seasoning. Put it all in a bag with some chicken and let it marinade for however long:

- Olive Oil
- Lemon Pepper Seasoning
- Smoked Paprika
- Herbs de Provence
- Garlic Powder
- Salt & Pepper

Pro tip: get real salt and pepper. For salt, sea salt, kosher salt, really any fucking salt other than iodized. For pepper, get the pepper get the one with the grinder that's cheap. Then you just buy different shit to see how'd it go.

Very useful, thank you user

is she turkish?

Thanks bros

women are unironically disgusting.

Attached: 1556592579229.jpg (240x210, 6K)

>Not a single picture of her tits

>she has no tits

reminder that this girl is a huge coalburner and her bf and her swing a bunch.
the african sculptures should be a dead giveaway but Jow Forumsacks did some digging and shes a bbc whore

Welp. This broke my no-fap.

I wanna see proof dude.

try taking 15000 IU vitamin d3 every morning for a few weeks, fixed my shit right up

Just fucking sleep you idiot

>women are unironically disgusting.

Attached: faggot 2.gif (720x480, 126K)

vaginas are hideous

put some pants on wtf.

>roasted beef

fuck she is so cute


no they are hot, they do have pea sized brains and are all biologically retarded tho

cancel that out for three weeks strict and see if it gets better

her vagina looks very tired

Why did you ask?

No. Looks more bulgarian/Romanian/Italian.

Eat meat as a primary source of food. Eat glucose-rich foods for a pump in the gym and don't skimp on fat. That's it. Try eating once a day.

she does look turkish, romanian/bulgarian they look like turks. 70% of the turks have the same skin tone as them.

I've seen someone 2 yrs ago claiming she's turkish.