When you see thotwheels curling in the squat rack again

>when you see thotwheels curling in the squat rack again

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that's just sad. Props to the girl for not giving up but that's not funny, it's probably rehab of some sort.

>skipping leg day
shiggy diggy doo

nice arms/upper back desu

It really isn't funny. I laugh at misfourtunate people sometimes but this joke was fucking retarded and OP should just kill himself

Fuck you nigga.
That shit was hilarious
She'd probably find it funny after she gets over being called thotwheels.
Pretty sure I can use that to get her to give me a sneaky no one fill find out bj.

It's not sad you baby, if anything its kinda arousing.

she has a leg up on the competition

Guy that had only one leg goes to my gym and he's a total bro. He goes with his crutches and puts them next to the door gym and then jumps when moving around the gym. Obviously he can't dl or squat but his only leg is ripped from the leg press machine.

Total bro and everyone's respects him.

he sounds like a legend

>his only leg is ripped from the leg press machine

Now we know what happened to the other leg

>one leg is ripped from the leg press machine, the other was ripped by it

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>>his only leg is ripped from the leg press machine
>Now we know what happened to the other leg

Actually motorbike accident

>imagine the smell

Attached: EC10542E-E2F2-4806-9A34-E3AF6101F0DF.jpg (600x656, 71K)

>She's wearing a belt

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This is legitimately brave

I would never do inhalents. Gotta keep my sniffer in tip top shape for opportunities to smell prime brap cheeks.

Right? If she loses her grip, she's going to crack her noodle on the floor pretty fucking hard.

>crack her noodle


She probs wearing a diaper

Can't stand this cunt

>incapable of washing herself

Noodle is slang for brain or head. Crack meaning to strike sharply.

The smell is the best part you dumbass

i will always support disabled people getting fit as much as they are able to.

that said, "thotwheels" is pretty fucking funny.

>not wearing a helmet
Serves him right

I did the hopping around thing when I had a broken foot. Once tripped while carrying a pl8 and it was rather embarrassing

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Made my day, thanks OP

>file name

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what a fagget

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look at those puny fucking legs what is this thot doing, has she ever even considered hitting legs????

Her black boyfriend will fuck you up

Also a guy at my gym missing a part of his leg, but it's the majority of the lower part so he puts on at prosthetic and can walk, he deadlifts 4pl8

I use to huff the shit out of Medusa I’d buy at the gay porno shop

Looks like she skips leg-day.

That's so good



Sharply = In a sudden or abrupt way.

Not sure how you strike something in a way that isn't abrupt, but whatever.

It's to hold her in to the chair.

Her arms seem to work just fine.


where do you wear helmet when you ride a bike

This board went to shit, didn't it?

man I wished there was cure for people with disablings...

There's a younger guy in a wheelchair at my gym he's decently strong has a workout buddy that helps position him on benches and shit and pull stuff down to him, i want him to make it

>Obviously he can't dl or squat
Single leg variations of both exist, so he could. Wouldn't be able to squat with a barbell though, can't see any way he could unrack safely.

If she's in the chair because of a spinal injury, she might not have control of her bladder or bowels anymore.


>DYEL is squatting in the curl rack again

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>Moral fag

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Theres a guy in my gym who wears a huge leg brace. It looks kind of cool desu. Like an exoskeleton.

>my fucking sides