Why do people on a 'fitness' board adive to go full into anorexia to lose weight?
How can anyone even fathom fasting for weeks only drinking pee and snake oil?
I'd rather take roids and call it a day
Why do people on a 'fitness' board adive to go full into anorexia to lose weight?
How can anyone even fathom fasting for weeks only drinking pee and snake oil?
I'd rather take roids and call it a day
Started as a meme and then got real people to go with it. It's no better for most people than your typical crash diet.
Because you may as well accept that you will never be off roids or even do a cycle, cause at that point whats most likely to happen is you fuck up your natural test production and then start having tranny fantasies
>but I’ll do it right and be completley safe and
If you actually had a clue what you were doing you wouldn’t be fat in the first place. What’s going to happen is you fuck up your ahit cause youre a lazy moron like fat people usually are.
What if you aren't fat but skinnyfat instead, or have good muscle amount but a bit of belly
Fatties projecting their self-hate into everyone, as if anyone who isn't ripped is a hambeast, is just inexcusable
people are stupid
waths new
Energy in and energy out. It's just the fastest way to lose weight. The issue is when you start eating again. Most people just go for regular meals straight up and the body just saves as much as it can, making you fat again,
I think because it’s an easy/simple answer and I’d venture to say there’s lots of jaded fatties on here who think super fit people become like that from starving themselves.
Limiting intake is very important, but full on anorexia is full on retarded.
I do second this guy but it’s also the quality of calories. Super sugary foods will cause your body to store fat.
If you’re skinnyfat just fix your fucking diet
fasting isn't anorexia, its literally the opposite
>not eating at all to be skinny is the opposite to not eating at all to be skinny
fasting is the temporary stopping of food intake. Anorexia is literally eating basically nothing forever due to brain issues
/fast/ is gonna freak
>Anorexia is literally eating basically nothing forever due to brain issues
that's literally what /fast/ is though
The correct term would be intermittent fasting, meaning that there is a designated eating period that you aim to consume all of the required nutrients you need, but by doing so in a specified time frame your body uses them more efficiently or whatever.
They aren't fasting to become the type of skinny people with anorexia are chasing, they just don't want to be fat
Fasting isn't anorexia. Anorexia is being so mentally ill you think any bodyfat is bad and you're always fat so you hide your weight loss publicly and do shit like throw up in toilets without replacing salts, even when you weight like 40kg
Is there a proper guide to fasting anywhere?
I'mI'd guess somewhere between 15-17% and I'd like to go down to like 11-13% for the summer. How long would I have to fast to get there, and how much muscle would I lose? Also are there any precautions I should take while fasting? Should I do my usual activities and exercises while on it? Should I take any vitamins while I'm on it? Etc.
That doesn't make any sense, if you eased back into and ate at maintenance why would your body just pack it all on as fat?
Those are fatasses who have no personal discipline whatsoever and therefore can't implement a rational diet with a reasonable deficit without fucking up and shoveling mountains of food into their mouths every day, they can only go to extremes like retarded-assed 'fasting' nonsense.
>anorexia is a mental illness, not fasting
>starvation is not fasting
>retards who drink their own pee go too far.
People act like not eating for 2-3 days will kill you, it's fucking mental. You have bodyfat for a reason, use it
Because fasting isn't for gaining muscle, It's for losing weight. The healthy way to build muscle is to strip your body of fat and then build yourself from the ground up not the other way around. You are not anorexic or starving yourself if you are fat, If you are low bf% and skinny you do not need to fast. IF YOU'RE FAT YOU FAST UNTIL YOU'RE LEAN, ONCE LEAN YOU EAT CARBS,PROTEINS AND LIFT TO GAIN MUSCLE IT'S THAT FUCKING SIMPLE.
what if you put on fat while gaining muscle
do you fast again, losing all your gained muscle
Fasting doesn't lead to muscle loss
If you are working out and lifting enough to gain muscle, You won't gain fat unless you eat way too much. If you eat lean meat and complex carbs you will not gain weight. You will not lose your muscle if you fast, It is muscle sparring.
>What if you put on fat while gaining muscle?
Then you did it wrong. You got fat, doesnt matter if you did it "while gaining muscle" or not. You're still a fat fuck bloated piece of shit with no willpower either way
To add, People are so worried about losing muscle when they don't even have fuck all muscle to lose lmao. If you are lifting you enough to gain muscle you shouldn't be gaining weight.
Yes. It fucking does. How can people on this board be so fucking retarded?
Your body needs protein for cell division/repair and for basic biological functions. When you stop eating protein, your body needs to take it from somewhere, and so it will begin to use your muscle tissue.
Intermittent fasting is one thing. But yeah fasting for several days to a month at a time? Enjoy your future skinnyfat self. Ig uess it's better than being a landwhale.
That's not what happens, retard. Your hormones become more sensitive during fasting and that makes you much less likely to overeat, etc after fasting. Regular periods will make sure you keep that up.
Yeah If you're lean your body will start breaking down muscle when it runs out of body fat, Duh. Your body does not break down large amounts of muscle if any whilst you have fat.
Google Jason Fung. If you're completely new to it just do keto OMAD. Makes it much easier to keep up with training.
I've done a 7 day water fast before and all you really need is Magnesium, Sodium, and water.
t. people who have no idea what EDs are and what they're like or what the definition of anorexia is.
An obease person can be anorexic, because by definition it is not the weight that matters, it's the emotional trauma and physiological reaction your body has to eating food, and thus your methods at becoming not fat resulting from those that define anorexia.
If you're 220lbs and never eating another, throw up when you chew something and feel like utter garbage for eating a piece of cake you're anorexic and bulimic, by definition. It doesn't matter if you see these as "bitch things" or anything.
I just redditspaced so my opinion is invalid, ignore me.