>tfw you fail a set
is there a worse gym feel?
Tfw you fail a set
failing to get the cardiobunny's attention
>failing a set
>fail another set before you even reach your starting weight
>deload even lower
Sustaining an injury and having to stop your workout.
Just wait until next workout when you are able to surpass what you failed today. Literally the best.
Just Benjamin Button yourself back into non-lifting zone
yeah failing a set and getting injured
failed bench for the first time a few days ago
had to listen to these two dumb gym thots laughing while i was trying to get this fat bitch off my chest
>not a protein fart
>fail incline bench for the first time
>bar is stuck pushing down on my forehead because I'm retarded and it somehow got there
>roll of shame, plates clatter everywhere
If I weren't still a dyel newfag I'd probably look like pic related from squishing my head.
This is happening to me with my bench, but not because of lack of strength.
For some reason (and this only started happening recently), whenever I squat my right arms bicep feels like it's been torn off and crudely sown back together. It hurts like hell and it messes with my bench significantly. My left arm basically does most of the pushing while my right is just balancing. I can feel that it's not from a lack of strength, but the pain being unbearable so I don't push. Considering I squat first, my bench is a guaranteed fail due to that pain. To be honest, both my arms feel like hell, but only my right arm bicep, right at the tendon, hurts THAT bad.
Not sure why it started happening though. Maybe it's an excess fatigue due to me losing weight fast?
Weirdly enough, I can still do pull ups, painfully, but much better than my bench.
Getting the cardio bunnies attention by failing a set and having to have Chad come over and save you from dying
>fail bench
>drop dumbells cause I'm not using a barbell without a spotter like a tard
Happened to me last year on the bench press. Couldn’t get that shit up on the fucking second rep. It was stuck on my chest and I was yelling for help for like a good 10 seconds before a chad helped me out. He didn’t even look at me, didn’t even respond to me saying thanks, just walked away afterwards to his group of other chads. Somehow I finished the rest of the workout
Oh yeah and it was 155 lbs. Just fucking kill me.
i get this when i overtrain, and it doesn't go away until i go a full 2 weeks recovery with absolutely no lifting
If you're unsure about a lift, either ask for a spot or use a rack with safeties. Trust me, everyone at the gym would rather see someone helping you on your last rep than watch you guillotine your head off.
Waking up after back day and only your arms are sore.
My workouts took off once I learned to really engage my lats
>Failing to go to the gym
Why do I know you are still dyel
>failing a dl after 1 rep
>did the same weight for reps 2 workouts ago
Legit felt like killing myself
>not pushing until failure and realizing this in your mid set break
>repping away
>some gay song comes on the radio
>get extra mindful about your lifting tempo so it doesn't look like you're repping to the beat
>cus that would be gay
>lose concentration and fuck up set
that WAKE ME UP Evanescence song came on and I had to rerack the bar before the chorus started, I wasn't about to play around with that
>fail a set
>Have go down in weight that day.
>I know it's the right thing to do but feel bad
Conquering pride with failure is a melancholy feel
You are twisting your core, and invariably fucking your spine up. Take your bench back down to a manageable level and bench after you brace. Don’t let yourself twist.
What are headphones
failing a warmup set
is it fucked up if I'd rather watch the later
a-are we the same person?
similar mogging thing happened to me squatting without safeties. Stuck in ATG for a solid 20 seconds trying to not be noticed until some guy notices my pathetic ass and helps
No, you should be feeling good because it means that you are challenging yourself with heavy weights and going into failure, that’s how you make gains. Too many people use bitch ass weights and doing as many reps as they can..., thinking that that would make a difference.
>tfw forgot I’d just gotten tetanus abd meningitis shots and immediately went home to lift and flopped hard on a weak-ass bench
Agreed it sounds cool. I want to make a barbell with a guillotine blade in the middle for extra motivation.
Someone explain this to me. I fail all the time at the gym. That's literally how I train on purpose to increase my lifts. Do other people not do that?
Failing an erection
You're not supposed to go to failure, user
>being a retard who lifts right above his neck and can't push the bar down to his chest before he fails to roll out of it
never gonna make it
>Walk into gym
>Can't be fucked with it and walk the fuck home
Yeah, failing the same pr multiple times over the course of 6 months, especially with your gym buddies being there to spot you and witness your plateau
It means you're suceeding. If you're not lifting to failure you'll make progress much slower.
okayish feel:
>fail a set
>hear the chants of all of our fallen brothers
>we all are going to make it, you sick cunt
>power through the next set
getting injured, worst feeling desu
>gojira playing in headphones
>bar touches chest
>hits little button on the headphone chords
>music pauses
While I bench?
I don't believe I'm twisting while I bench and yes i take a deep breath and brace my core on every rep.
I already deloaded on my bench, like I said everything was fine and dandy. Then I started losing weight, went to go squat and noticed my ARMS hurting like fucking hell (mostly in the shoulders and bicep tendon), after a squat...
However, my left arm felt sore, but not unusable, I could push with it just fine and not feel pain. But my right arm was unbearable. Again, it felt like my tendon tore off and was in the middle of healing. It hurt when I applied pressure to try and massage it. I was sure something in there was injured. However, after the gym it goes away and I feel fine. And I wont feel it until I squat again, no other exercise triggers this pain. That's why I'm so confused, I can do pull ups just fine, deadlift fine, overhead and bench just fine, but god forbid I squat first. Then Bench isn't even doable, overhead and pull ups are doable but hurt real bad.
>2 weeks of no gains
Plz no..
>squatting without safeties
Are you retarded?
You don't even need safeties. Getting out is pretty easy (just let the bar drop from your back and jump forward out of it), but user didn't wanna be noticed because fragile ego.
So he stood there, risking injury until someone noticed anyway (defeating the purpose entirely) and saved his ass.
fucking lmao
Yeah when the gym receptionist doesn't make eye contact then you trip and fall into the manlet pit only to realize you can't get out even though you've been telling people you're 6' tall for years.
Ajusting your annoying moring wood which leads you down the path of breaking your nofap attempt for the millionth time.
>do first set of squats
>feels tough but good
>second set, fail halfway through it
Yes this it's fucking hell
>do first set for 5 clean
>next set fail to get even 2
>repeat every week
>is there a worse gym feel?
Getting told your old dog died inbetween sets.
>squat 335 last session
>315 x2 today
>fail 335 twice
I-I'm cutting
hello me
how?.. its not a warmup set if you're using max weight. how do you fuck up this badly?
The life of a natty
If you can call it living