How do prisoners get so big?
They don't. That's just a drawing, OP.
Fearing for your life around violent criminals every day = High test
Have a (You)
...have you interacted with many ex-cons?
Extra T from taking cum in the shitter
1. Largely your romanticized imagination of what prisoners look like
2. Of the people who commit violent crimes, they're far more likely to be big jacked dudes in the first place.
3. Little to do and the ability to smuggle in roids so they can get strong enough not to take it in the butt.
Pic is unrelated, I don't keep pictures of beefy guys saved much
I don't think they all look like the pic, but most people I run into that have done time are more beefed up than average gym-goers, especially if they're relatively fresh out. Obviously the average person at a gym isn't too high a bar to set for what's considered big, but still there seems to be a correlation
Literally nothing else to do but read. They bulk up on cheap shit from the commissary, that's sold at a high markup, and also trading things like cigarettes and supplies for more cheap high GI carbs. You'd be surprised how big you can get from doing endless plyos, dips, bodyweight squats and pushups at varying angles while loading up on simple carbs and protein.
One of my buddies did time when he was like 17 this skinny drug dealer got out 8 months later I remember he was utterly jacked. Every muscle was huge it was weird af knowing who he was prior. I guess in juvie they got weights. When I asked how he just said he was bored and they had a gym and they could always use it so he just did that lol
See 2 and 3
They spend all day training in some form because they have nothing else to do
>They bulk up on cheap shit from the commissary, that's sold at a high markup
Kinda surprised they sell any high protein food at all. Would think it would be to their advantage to keep prisoners weak. Even with gear you're not getting far without protein.
You gotta mog other prisoners and steal their cocktail fruit
Burpees on Burpees
By lifting I suppose?
I've heard some prisoners have access to steroids, not sure how that works.
I'll tell you when I get locked up
Making a needle from pen and wire is damn easy. Then just stick into your glutes.
shit if i got locked up id work out like hell so i dont end up dead or beaten
Yeah same here. Friend of mine did 10 years for some drug related shit. Scrawny fuck, came out jacked as fuck