Hey Jow Forums, will I look like a faggot if I wear this type of hat to the gym?

hey Jow Forums, will I look like a faggot if I wear this type of hat to the gym?

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should I wear it though


of course, if you like an article of clothing, who are we to tell you to not wear it?

you can get away with it if you look jewcee as fuck you


Holy fuck kek

What faggot

It made me laugh.

thank you for your service young man :^)

Besides the fact that you would definitely look like a faggot wearing that hat to a gym, I like the boonie cap.

There's this middle aged guy that comes into my workplace every once in a while and he always wears a tan coloured boonie cap and hiking boots. I don't know why, but I get comfy vibes whenever he comes in. Like it would be nice to go on a casual stroll with him and just shoot the shit for a couple hours.

I'm sorry but yes, Scooby.

As a Marine, I always wear these to field ops instead of regular covers because they have a sweat band inside them and I can maneuver better without losing my cover.

So if you do cross fit/full body in your outside gym, exercises you need sun protection and don't want to lose your cover whilst conditioning your body in hotter clothing, sure why not?

If you do it inside the gym? No. Look presentable. A cover is not presentable in any facility.

As a Marine don’t listen to this boot ass pog and wear a normal hat like a normal fucking person.

be sure that you are casting bullets at the same time

I salute you, faggot


Shut up boot

Young guys in boonie hats look like annoying frat bros with no personality outside of alcohol. Older guys in boonie hats look like they hike in the Australian desert.

There was a skelly Mexican wearing combat boots, camo pants and a tan tucked in tee at my LA fit yesterday doing endless curls in the mirror. And even he had a qt fit gf.
What am I doing wrong, boiz?

Better than the guy with a nike cap that its inserted on his skull.

Why do these look so much worse with a wider brim? I got one with a bigger brim and its really handy as a palefag, but it is much less aesthetic. Just olive green tho no camo larp

I wouldn't worry, nobody will be able to see you.

By the way, is it a jungle gym?

thank you for your service sir

You’ll look like a faggot wearing this anywhere. Wear it if it makes you happy

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