This is the first time in ages that I haven't seen a /fph/ thread. I even searched the catalogue for both 'fph' and 'fat people'.
What the fuck Jow Forums?
This is the first time in ages that I haven't seen a /fph/ thread. I even searched the catalogue for both 'fph' and 'fat people'.
What the fuck Jow Forums?
why do we need a seperate /fph/ thread? there's plenty fat logic and cope in /fat/
fph was up earlier today, I already got my fill of these >~
based grandma
Oh fuck well played
how long have you been browsing bro?
you okay bro?
Oh Christ what a joke
ベイせっど と あかい ピール
I remember it too
It wasn't that long ago I was browsing it between sets
Do this great again
the fuck does notyourgoodfatty even means
Fuckin grandma slaying whales left and right
To be honest most fat people have no idea what good food is as they tend to gorge themselves with absolute garbage.
Thought the same - smell ma!
This might be just what I needed to keep my NoFap streak going tonight.
Absolutely disgusting
not even on nofap but... fucking A, might start after seeing that why
we aren't imagining the smell and taste?
It's a a thing that underepresented people say when they refuse to defer to people, or apologize for their race/gender/sexuality.
And then fat people co-opted it because they feel like the fact that rational humans are disgusted by them for willingly turning their body into a smelly mushy walking heart attack puts them on the same level as groups that have been oppressed and murdered for generations.
Oh my God, Marylou HAVE MERCY
Yeah. Knew a fat guy that would never try any new food. When he would call the pizza place near him, they would welcome him by name and send him the same pizza he orders like 4 times a week.
Because they get all pissy when we show up
You can eat pizza multiple times a week and not turn into these people. They're eating a lot more than that if they're getting that big.
fucking kek
hmmmm.. got more.
bro I was studying this morning and got bored so I browsed and shitpost a little. Still studying.
aight bro
glad you're okay bro
get those brain gains bro
yeah seriously fuck off. Out of all the disgusting shit ive seen on f>h this is the worst. That disgustingly smug face, the disgusting rotting under arm hair, that whale net for a bra. Soaked in occeans of fatty, viscous sweat, FUCK OFF. I can just imagine the pure joy this disgusting austrolopithecus hamensis gets from devouring african nations worth of mcdonalds every day.
>not wanting to ring that bra out in your mouth
faggot alert
Wtf is sauce?
A movie on Netflix called Polar.
Marylou is too old for mercy
Then you arent an old fag.
Polar, a Netflix John Wick-ish movie with Mads Mikkelsen. It's good.
Because /fat/ is a thread for those who understand how disgusting it is and are actively doing something about it and /fph/ is a thread to laugh at HAES cunts. Not rocket science, faggot.
shame to these 2
I had a medical shadowing in a pathology department
This meant lots of morgue time and autopsies
I heard one of them mention there was a 600 pound woman they couldn't cut open because she couldn't fit through the freezer door or in the room
Later we got a 400 pounder one of the smaller pathologists literally had to lean into to get at the organs
Luckily for her we were all covered in at least 2 layers of protective garments
Because I want to laugh at gross fats and when half the people in the thread are posting their calorie counter screenshots it slows that down
too much. toooooo much.
Is that the same for overweight chefs?
I remember a story of a guy who typically ordered from Domino's nearly daily for years and had the ambulance called after a few days of no orders. He doesn't look overweight, but has other health problems.
Chefs in general should know good food, though. They're just outliers when it comes to fat people, but if they're chefs who don't know good food, they're just shit chefs.
Can verify this ive had the displeasure of working alongside a few fat fucks who call themselves chefs, they can never cook anywhere near the level we expect them to. Literally just using "muh butter and salt makes it taste good" meme, and they always eat foul greasy shit instead of cooking a decent meal from the offcuts and shit we have from all the prep work
I think most of those cake cooking shows are mostly fatties while other shows seem to have a normal American weight average.
i thought this picture was a half eaten burito or some shit
>Be nice to fat people when you’re traveling. We aren’t trying to take your space.
Then don't fly if you can't afford two seats you fat cunt
>normal american weight average
>not fat fuck
I get what you mean, but it ain't what you said.
US fetties maybe. You put sugar in everything.
There is a thing I don't get:
>fatties want larger seats in planes
>larger seats are available
>fatties refuse to book larger seats
>fatties complain that seats are too small
This should make me feel nauseous but I don't think it's even registering as human in my head.
>fatty final form is flood carrier mode
>We aren’t trying to take your space.
And yet you are.
classic BPP
>forehead fat
fucking Christ
all the waffles belong to her
Lemme guess.. they both died from too much exercise and calorie counting and not pulmonary embolism and 77% blockage of the aorta.
This is why you never hire them, you never let them into your home, and you never invite them anywhere. No pity, they're worse than zoo animals.
>Sarah is a fat, queer, non-binary femme from Akron, Ohio, US and now lives in Portland, Oregon, US.
And there you go.
>They are an ice cream connoisseur,
Kill it
I'm impressed she's still alive. You'd expect that fat around her neck to have strangled her by now. The human body is a wonder of resilience.
I hate this thing so much. That ratty hair in that horrible, blunt banged cut. The array of ugly glasses, the craterous skin, the pig nose and to small mouth and just over all ugly face. I hate it's entitled, 'the sun rises out of my ass and revolves around me' attitude. It isn't even a super fat, so is probably going to linger for decades more, supplying these threads with fresh content.
The French sent an anorexic, bimbo-fied muslim fag and a burger fatty to Eurovision held in Israel. It's like they just like n'importe quoi, we'll go with the most ridiculous thing we can come up with.
The ice truck one with Liam Neeson is a lot more fun.
Literally a man in a dress.
there's an insidious energy radiating from that photo
I'm convinced the French let in immigrants just to compete for them, worked with the world cup/foreign legion.
do not forget the the cave-dweller carvings of stretch marks
imagine licking that bumpy, crusty, pimple-infested, black-heads-white-heads-unite face
She says it's genetics. That's easily a 2000 calorie meal.
whenever I see westerners with their 5000-calorie food fests I have to wonder what libyan slaves think about it. surely they know about how fat the west is but do they know the true extent? what's their opinion, is it jealousy or anger or what