Pipe smokers live on average 5 years longer than non smokers

>pipe smokers live on average 5 years longer than non smokers
>oldest person who ever lived literally smoked every day for over 100 years
>correlation between smoking and early death skewed by other 'unhealthy' lifestyle choices like being sedentary, eating shit food, not exercising
>companies add hundreds of synthetic chemicals to cigarettes
>these cigarettes are the basis for all studies and warnings not to smoke
>there are zero health studies on pure tobacco smokers
>ZOG wants to poison people to reduce fertility rates to bring population down
>but there are health warnings on every tobacco product
>no health warnings on things like soda, which arguably cause just as many health issues at the rate people drink them
>tobacco universally blamed for health problems, even when cigarettes have tons of added chemical shit
>everyone knows tobacco is bad for you, never ever smoke it
>but if you do here, have these highly overproduced cancer sticks
>exactly the same propaganda done with meat, they even want to put health warnings on it

I smoked a bowl of American delight on Sunday, and felt incredibly relaxed and clear minded all day afterwards. Really makes you think if moderate pure tobacco use might be good for you, if the relaxation (lower cortisol) outweighs the smoke inhalation.

Attached: americanpipetobaccob1.jpg (555x555, 53K)

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Inhaling anything into your lungs apart from air is against its very nature and wrong
Your post is dumb and gay.
Wow that was easy, thread done.

Pick one

What about brap air?

Attached: 1555795705967.gif (308x206, 2.56M)


>its unnatural!

That's a fallacy


Thanks expert

suck my fallacy

No that's unnatural. Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve.

That's a fallacy

>pipes, cigars
>gum cancer
pick both

>mouth cancer/lung cancer/nasty smoker habits, smells and delusion and hygiene cope

As OP said all of these studies that show 'smoking causes cancer' are based on tobacco with loads of added chemicals.

Is it illegal in Freedom land to grow your own tobacco? It is here on prison island.
>dont smoke, the added chemicals are bad for you
>nah dont grow it either, we really like your tax dollars

>It is here on prison island.
That being the UK? Shit

Cum gancer

It tastes good, I love me some pipe smoke

Attached: 1549533517120.gif (160x160, 811K)

Joke’s on you, I don’t smoke your retarded cunt.


smoking 1-3 cigarrettes a week unironically imprpve lifespam in the long run if you EXERCISE, the same with alcohol

i remember having palpitations so i began using cigarrettes and drinking a few cups of wine and beer per month and taking not more than 3 cigarrettes a week and my palpitations stoped fucking me up, i also started getting a better sleep, your body needs a bit of everything, nrver go in excess and you will never get addicted

if you had a bulking season fast for 1 or 2 days simply as that

Anyone who is pro smoking is a fucking idiot

read smoking over 10 cigarretes a day of course will harm you, it gers me how /fit dont get what moderation is

sugar,soda, alcohol, salt, cigarrettes, all in moderation are good for your health

the more variety on your diet, the better, you need vegetables meat chicken fish ALL

but >muh cancer

just fast 2 days per month and you will be fine your body will be healing itself

life is all about ying and yang, being evil will get you in trouble, being too polite will make you stupid, you need a bit of both words, a bit of everything to live a respectable and good life, not believing in god is bad, being extremely obsessed with him is bad as well, believe in god and listen to him, hes there, just dont go like retard puting on self torture to make your god happy

I'm semi-pro but I hope to one day make nationals

On my side: Decades of medicine and science

On your side: lol fasting will cure my cancer and get that tar out of my lungs

fuck yourself

the mental gymnastics you must do to justify the most retarded lifestyle choice

okay man lol live your live i'll live mine its not who is right and who is not but who is happier doing things we enjoy

I assume he meant that other Anglo country where people hate guns

Sure live your life, just don't poison others with your stupid ideas of healthiness.

I know I guy who smokes a couple hand-rolled cigs after work every day. Mexican guy with a big family that cooks lard filled food all the time. He does't have a drop of fat on him because he is stimulated and does not over eat when he comes home. the rest of his family is rather round.
I use nicotine mints when i need to not eat.

I might start pipe smoking to replace porn addiction. I'd rather spend 30 minutes a day smoking than 3 hours watching porn

>tried to quit so many times

As usual
>No sources for anything

The overwhelming majority of scientific data supports the notion that any advantages of smoking anything is far outweighed by the disadvantages.

What about herbal cigs any thoughts?

>Not using dry snuff up the ol’ nostrils


A sniff a day keeps the gay thoughts away

If you can still get an erection, you aren’t training hard enough. Run four miles tomorrow.

I saw pipe videos on YouTube and they looked pretty onions but it's an interesting possible redpill

You're only allowed to pipe smoke if you're over 45.

>On my side: Decades of medicine and science
Imagine being 12 again.

Based & herbpilled user
>oldest US veteran lived to be 112
>smoked +10 cigars per day
if you're smoking real pure tobacco you can't even inhale it, gay cigarettes fuck you up just like a McDonalds burger will compared to grass-fed, free range beef.

Don't be a retard and have a cigar or a pipe every once in a while, just don't inhale it.

You never smoked.

nicotine ruins your gums doesn't even matter if you aren't lung inhaling

opinions? pipes are too hipster for me

Attached: am_spir_gold.png (260x350, 133K)

i switched to these after smoking marlboro reds, all i noticed is that i got headaches from smoking marlboros, even just one, but American spirits i dont get any.

>tfw only smoke on nights out now
can't stomach sober smoking anymore. after half a cigarette i just toss it.

>inhaling in your lungs

I'm interested as well in these. Not a smoker, but would rather smoke a less processed cigarette with less additives, unless it's just a marketing meme.

Rollies are the only way to go desu, fuck smoking straights

>pipe smokers live on average 5 years longer than non smokers
correlation does NOT equal causation retard.
There can be 1000 other factor that contribute to this.
for example maybe pipesmokers are much more common at rural areas, so they eat locally grown vegetables and exercice much more than non-pipe smokers.
>oldest person who ever lived literally smoked every day for over 100 years
You are citing a "study" of one fucking subject retard. muh anecdotal evidence

>>pipe smokers live on average 5 years longer than non smokers
this is a lie

Nigger just chew.

As far as I can tell longevity is simply a combo of genetics and stress management. Look at any interview with a centennial and beyond and they usually have a long list of vices by Jow Forums standards but are also master stoics.
