I'm 6'5 and I'm still lanklet as fuck
Brehs how did this lanklet get so shredded?
he juiced
why do you fucking retards keep making these threads
>why do you fucking retards keep making these threads
We got a lot of lonely people here
Making new thread is a way for them to interact with fellow men. I can guarantee you OP is following his thread in a seperate thread right now, slightly excited to see how many people will reply in it.
That's fine I guess, yet as a result a lot lf threads on Jow Forums are worthless garbage such as this one
he used steroids u fucking idiot
like, are u kids actually fucking retarded or what
You’re fucked. If you’re that height and a lanklet it means you got bad genes. Im 6’4 and my frame is naturally built.
This is a manlet cope-word. Skeletons are just hungry skeletons, regardless of height. When will they learn? Seethe, manlets.
Looks like we got an angry lanklet
...Who said that?
>he juiced
>he used steroids u fucking idiot
the dyels insta response. most guys that i know to be taking steroids are bloatfags. nowhere as lean or aesthetic as david.
Lol everyone on this board claims to be 6’5
ever heard about cutting steroids?
let me help you they don't make you bloated like the test derivates which aromatase into estrogen which makes you hold more water.+good diet+training
On Jow Forums It's more rare to see someone who is 5'10 then someone who is 6'5.
Lol everyone on this board claims to be 6’5
>most guys that i know to be taking steroids are bloatfags
So there are some guys you know that take steroids that aren't bloatfags
>This is a manlet cope-word
No, you’re the one coping. No women digs a lanky.
t. Lanky
I’m drunk, sorry for tagging you
Ah double post fuck
He has a lot of knowledge and experience, he’s smart, and also has great genetics.
but he’s definitely juicing
nah i dont agree
hes natural trust me
On Jow Forums It's more rare to see someone who claims to be 5'10 then someone who claims to be 6'5.
Recovering lanklet here- is it normal for my upper body progression to be pretty shit compared to lower? I have orangutan arms (need most dress shirts tailored) and my chest/arm lifts are pretty slow. OHP has been better.
look at his calves lol
70% of every lean, fit and famous person is on gear.
100% of every swole, fit, lean and famous person is on gear.
If taking steroids gives me a chest like David's, I'm content being a bluepilled natty.
>hes natural trust me guys
I dub thee a stupid ass nigga