Alright keto fans, riddle me this; if ketosis is the bodies preferred metabolic state...

Alright keto fans, riddle me this; if ketosis is the bodies preferred metabolic state, then why does the body drop out of ketosis at every opportunity? Eat a carb? Eat some protein? Eat over maintenance? Exercise a lot? Got an infection? Almost everything results in up-regulated gluconeogenesis and reduced ketosis. The only time ketosis happens naturally is when you are starving to death. The body clearly doesn't want to be in ketosis. How can it be healthy?

Attached: Ketones2.jpg (400x754, 22K)

Keto fans eternally BTFO'd

Aren't our bodies just permanently searching for the easy way out?

Hell, you can even ask "why do we like sugar?"

It's obviously not good for you but your body craves it more and more each time you stuff your face with 10 donuts.

I believe it's about balance, as with everything. Keeping your body on its toes, figuratively.

Diets don’t mean shit it’s about how your body was developing during pubescent group that then adapts to how well you process and spit out food through and out of your ass.

explain pls

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Ketosis is just your bodies way to keep your brain functioning. Because your brain is very specialised and can only use ketones and simple sugars as fuel.
This is why you feint when bloodsugar suddenly drops.
Ketosis only sets in when your body is starving (~3 day fast) and depence on ketones for long periods of time can lead to brain damage. See .
A normal diet where you try to eat less carbs will never induce ketosis. Fasting for long periods or eating shitty food (grass) exclusively is the only way.

keto = dyel

Attached: carbs-athletes.png (701x809, 48K)

>Keto level carbs per day not on list
>kEtO faGs bTfO


>If heroin is so bad for you, why does it feel good? The body clearly wants you to be on heroin, how can it be unhealthy?

The body doesn't naturally produce heroin you fucking idiot

>When the person you're arguing with starts grasping at straws and accidentally makes your argument stronger

I don't think you understand ketosis at all. We aren't supposed to be always in ketosis like it's some magical state. When the body is fat-adapted (as it evolved to be) then it can produce all the glucose it needs and it restores glycogen even while fasting. When the body is carb-adapted then glycogen stores are emptied between meals and during sleep which leads to all kinds of issues. The whole point of the keto diet (or carnivore) isn't to be in ketosis, it is to return the body to its natural state of fat-adaptation where it uses macronutrients far more efficiently and that includes glucose.

but it does naturally produce carbohydrates

It isnt the bodies prefered state, its the bodies emergency power state.

They are fucking retards.


>It's obviously not good for you
[citation needed]

It does. Gluconeogenesis. But that's dumb rhetorical-level arguing.

The question remains as to why the body prefers being in a non ketogenic state. Obviously, drugs that affect dopamine rewards are beyond the scope here as they're quite obviously addictive and detrimental. But regarding bloodsugar, why does the body attempt to regulate it even when in ketogenesis? Perhaps it's more energy efficient.

Keto is just a fattie circlejerk, provided you don't eat processed garbage there is no reason to deprive your body of its prefered source of energy.

Even the /fast/ cult is more legit.

Also there's something very wrong with the idea of gorging yourself with outrageous quanities of saturated fat and claiming it's healthy for you, kind of reminds me of HAES.

OMAD keto while cutting is the fucking best though. The anti keto circle jerk is just as retarded as the keto for life fags. Both of you are wrong. Keto is a tool, to be used temporarily. Not a religion, nor a cult.

Why would an evolutionary organism developed in an environment of inconsistent nutrition develop metabolic pathways that prefer to use short-term storage in the form of glycogen rather than long-term fat stores?

Really? This isn't that hard.

Because fat on the body is limited and is solely reserved for for when you can't find food.

There is loads of evidence that the body is quite content in both states, but what is best is cycling between them on a regular basis, as we elvolved to do. Minor stress on the body is a good thing.

Post body

Because evolution as suggested by darwin is false.


I think you are correct in that an oscillation is probably the most natural from an evolution standpoint, but there is more nuance in the body being content in both states.

Diabetes and dyslipidemia seem to be entirely a product of long-term glycogen preference. I'm actually think about this from the reverse angle. How many people in ketogenic metabolism suffer from hyperglycemia?

Luckily, biology and biochemistry has evolved a great deal in the 210 years since Darwin was born. What specifically are you arguing against in reference to metabolism?

Not saying it's a great forever fix, but im fat and got dat dere fatty liver, so I'm pretty sure low carb and fasting are right for me right now.

I don't know man, but who cares? Just eat low carb and keep an eye on how fat you are. Who gives a shit about being in ketosis?

Keto is great. Masculine men can't eat a chip without reaching the bottom of the bag. Just meat keeps me in check.

I think he takes issue with the notion that somehow inducing starvation/stress metabolism is necessarily healthy simply because it exists as a metabolic pathway.

This is correct
Okay retard

>Diabetes and dyslipidemia seem to be entirely a product of long-term glycogen preference

>How many people in ketogenic metabolism suffer from hyperglycemia?
Silly question. The more pertinent question is: do people on ketogenic diets have improved insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance and a lower risk of diabetes? The answer is of course no, they develop severe abnormalities of glucose metabolism within weeks to months, these abnormalities just aren't symptomatic due to a lack of glucose intake. In actual fact, they've often given themselves diabetes already.

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your body can't store carbs except by converting them to fat, so it uses what it can in the bloodstream before storing the rest.

that said, i think keto diets are dumb. you need some carbs in a balanced diet. but i'm not some chevy suburban trying to lose 200 lbs.

It's creepy that OP would love to force whites to eat carbs