Anybody here have Celiac disease or gluten intolerance? How did you find out?

Anybody here have Celiac disease or gluten intolerance? How did you find out?

I am trying to bulk but I keep having really loose/mushy stools with undigested foods in. I have tried eliminating everything from my diet but nuts and gluten which I will try next.

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I'll type more for you later I gotta run right now, bump your thread in a couple hours

I have gluten intolerance/borderline celiac. Found out by taking all wheat and gluten out of diet. I get diarrhea and loose stool if I eat gluten. Celiac test I took at GI doc said I'm not a celiac.

A lot of celiac end up eliminating lactose too

If that doesn't work look into the FODMAP diet. It sucks and requires a lot of discipline but I've used it to fix up my stomach when it's being annoying and it works well

I used to think I had gluten intolerance, but it turned out the issue was actually that my gut flora had gotten all fucked up from getting sick. Heavy doses of OTC probiotic caps fixed it, after a couple years on a gluten free diet.

Do you drink booze?

Cheers bro, i've seen a lot of people saying the same, their tests come back neg but still better off eliminating the gluten anyway.

Do you think I should just skip the test and try it for a period of time (how long?)?

Tbh this only became a problem when I started weightlifting and started eating a fuck load of nuts, oats, milk, whey, pasta and bread but as I said I have eliminated everything but the gluten and nuts. I have to keep eating gluten though for the test if I decide to have it.

I have started adding dairy products again just because that didn't make much of a difference for the week I eliminated it and I really need the calories to keep the weight on.

I've started having heart palpitations and feeling a bit light headed too which can be a symptom of iron deficiency which can be caused by not sure though.

Very rarely when I go out to dinner and I don't do any drugs/caffeine/smoke.

I don't know about any of this shit, but I don't eat bread. It's been a few years now and when I used to eat bread a lot my stomach would hurt like fucking hell and a lot of times I'd take a shit and there'd be blood. After cutting it out none of that stuff happens. I just don't think you need bread as a human.

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fuck, do you eat any gluten now?

what brand did you use?
My gut flora is probably fucked too, I used to eat atleast 1 packet of pasta and 1 loaf of bread per day.

I get GERD, smeary/sticky stool, cystic acne, joint pain, fatigue, very bad anxiety and depression dosedependant on how much gluten I eat. I hate my gluten intolerance, eventhough it keeps me from eating unhealthy foods.
I found out I was borderline celiac when I cut out pasta and bread while losing weight and my acne and severe mental issues cleared up.

There is a blood test for this, go to a doctor.

I know that if i eat gluten i get acne, but without gluten its almost impossible to bulk.
A doctor said that whey is really good, but its so pure thar our body has trouble digesting it, so that you need to supplement with digestive enzymes to absorb everything.

Bulking isn't hard
replacing wheat and rye is quite easy
I eat lots of corn pasta and more oats and rice but most supermarkets offer lots of glutenfree bread varieties they're often just made from tapioca or cornstarch

Had eczema for years in one of the worst places you can imagine. Thought it was tinea cruris (like athlete's foot but cruris=leg) from all the sport I was doing.

One GP eventually figured out (after 2 years) that the hydrocortisone in the anti-fungal creams was what suppressed the itching, not the anti-fungal agents. Thus it was likely eczema.

Coincidentally, I cut gluten containing foods from my diet for a week when i got home from uni (there just happened to be no pasta and not much bread in the house) and that caused what was horrendous eczema to become bearable itching.

Doubt my skin will be alright for a while because I was on antibiotics for months due to recurring strep throat and my gut bacteria are all fucked up. but everything's a lot better since I cut gluten.

I just used generic store brand. The important part is it contains a shitload of live cultures.

Why did you ask this?

>corn pasta
jesus christ and you say that like it's a good thing
you must look subhuman

I have it OP. It sucked at first but eventually you're better off and more healthy anyway. Rice, beans, veggies and chicken my guy.

Also, I think you'd probably be more sure if you had it. When I eat gluten the effect is immediate diarrhea and indigestion. While I was still trying to diagnose it I was pretty much incapacitated with pure liquid shits, unbearable indigestion, and overwhelming fatigue. It was completely debilitating.

I believe the test is 10% false negatives. Another theory I've got is they set the celiac threshold too low.

Take out gluten and see what happens, your diet will get cleaner for sure and maybe you'll kill your gut issues too.

>Doubt my skin will be alright for a while because I was on antibiotics for months due to recurring strep throat and my gut bacteria are all fucked up. but everything's a lot better since I cut gluten.
Alright cheers. I am having bloods done to test for celiacs tomorrow afternoon so I will eat gluten up until then. I will then cut it out completely and see if it makes any difference. I've bought some gluten free oats so that should replace the carbs ill be missing.

>Also, I think you'd probably be more sure if you had it. When I eat gluten the effect is immediate diarrhea and indigestion. While I was still trying to diagnose it I was pretty much incapacitated with pure liquid shits, unbearable indigestion, and overwhelming fatigue. It was completely debilitating.
That seems pretty bad bro, I'm glad you find the cause. Did it come on suddenly? I have been like this since i've had my appendix out 2 years ago and cleaned up my diet. I'm sort of hoping it is celiacs so I can put my mind to rest. The only other thing I think it could be is the nuts but I only eat 50g of nuts per day.

imagine her shits after eating all that

Yeah, it came on very suddenly. Supposedly something will just trigger it out of the blue, and then bam no more gluten for the rest of your life basically.

>tfw confirmed celiac but without symptoms

I'm celiac, confirmed through biopsy. I didn't have many symptoms but after ~5 years of being gluten free I get puking sick within an hour of eating any gluten.

gluten intolerance is not a real thing, stop malingering

How horrifying.

Anyone here get gut noises from gluten? Like non-stop, gurgling for hours?

I tried some kefir a few weeks ago for the first time, didn't help my stomach but every other symptom disappeared after a few days, including fatgiue and acne, you lads might want to give it a try.