How the fuck do you pick up cardiobunnies?
How the fuck do you pick up cardiobunnies?
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have money
With your arms
Be fit and good at cardio, also yoga really helps too.
online dating
Have a decent body
Have a large bulge
Either be the alpha kind of guy who'll take her or be the guy who'll fuck her brains out and can keep a secret
What do you say? How do you approach?
"Hey, are you working out?"
look at her constant smirking
If you want to be a personal trainer:
>> First be a bullshitter
>> Make the ass and legs burn for the hoes
>> Make the arms and abs burn for the men
That's the fuck it.
Be negro
how to have large bulge?
Use the same machine. That’s it.
Read the sticky
Start lifting, eat more, and work out your dick
Reminder that Angie is dating a balding shitskin manlet. You have no excuse
how much you deadlift?
Better question would be... How the fuck do you pick up gold diging whores while being poor?
i'm poor ... he aint
Just put a potato in your pants.
Usually front works best
believe me, last thing you want to do is giving these insecure low IQ retards some attention, get yourself a qt3.14 in local library or park
Give her what money can't buy her.
alright my Jow Forums brothers, i will let you in on a top secret of how to pick up girls at the gym. i used to use this self-made technique all the time with a 100% success rate. i would often wonder, "how would I come up with a pick-up line that is appropriate IN THE GYM while still appealing to the female nature of needing CONSTANT ATTENTION?" you will not find this pick-up line from any self-claimed guru or any other source, this is my gift to Jow Forums.
Ok, so this works better with those girls who come to the gym in those dumbass gymshark outfits (high-waisted pants and cut off top) because let's face it, all they want is attention. All you have to ask is,
>"Hey, I was wondering, do you compete? You have a great figure."
referring to competing in bikini or women's physique because i GUARANTEE that they have (in part because they just want to have the attention of being on stage). all the cardiobunnies/brapsters ive used this on have all said "Yeah, I used to think about it, heehee. Do you? You have a great frame." from there, you just ask them what their name is, and get their snapchat. e-z-p-z boys
There it is boys, use it wisely.
just be good looking and above 6'1" you can literally go "Huur duur" and they still give you their numbers
t. good looking social retard taht got many numbers
I cant picture a scenario in which that’s a good icebreaker
if only you noted how much "good looking" outweighs "above 6'1""
if you are both attracted to each other you will know and something will probably happen.
in my experience it doesn't really matter much what you say, it's just a feeling.
Manlet cope.
this picture...
I'm a not-good-looking 6'4" :(
It's funny because you are already at the gym
everytime I see the gym PTs with a bunch of qts doing with them a bullshit routine and touch aka "assist" those asses, oh boy.... thots are stupid and that guy has a nice job.
Just film them with your camera and capture their souls clearly so they can suck more power from the world around them
>works every time bro
"Are you doin' a bit o'videoin'?"
>Attempting to get gym thots to close their legs
Say, "looking good! Do you workout?"
What is it like to caress sweaty breasts Jow Forums?
Drop a loaded bar on your chest and scream and then while you have her attention say oh god I swear this never happens wanna get coffee after
>local library
LMAOing at your life
how much do yall think he paid for to work her out and promote him?
>You have a great frame
You might bait socially deprived nerds with this but no one else
I looked at his hand against the small of her back, just at the point where the pelvis begins curving in, and imagined myself doing it to her; then I imagined her tight body in that dress slightly pressing against mine as I do this and pull her in and the mental sensation of intimacy - even a shallow or a fake one - nearly made me burst into tears. I am so painfully lonely, and yet I keep pushing everyone away from me and am too scared to make a move on anyone I actually lilke. Dying would be easier than living like this another 32 miserable years.
Actually pretty good, just drop the question and say "you look like you compete instead", might use this sometime. ty based user
How do I hit the bulge on the big 3
Jesus christ
Not that user but I've seen some lonely 9/10s at the local used book store
>someone on fit actually believes this
Ty user, can’t wait to pull narcissistic retard stacy’s
like touching wet bags of sand haha
Force yourself to date girls and be cool. If literal death is preferable to what you're feeling now, then these are not large steps.
Nerdy girls are usually super left wing, super boring and super duper bitchy when the initial shyness is overcome in my experience
>Force yourself to date girls
Oh god, I can't. Too fucking scared, mouth dry at the thought of dating. At my age I'm nowhere near comfortable admitting my inexperience to a woman.
>wanting some brainwashed, sedentary, mentally unstable leftie gains goblin that is addicted to unhealthy food and beverages, and will report all of your little fights to reddit
time to grow up, buddy. Your shy, nerdy, beautiful princess is a disney induced illusion
shes so pretty even without big tits.
I'm not a retard, books are important for your brain
you're either a basement dweller who never went outside, or you live in some libshit US city, I live in a big city in EU and never seen a leftir goblin in my life; most of girls here don't even care about politics
More likely it will mark you out as a weirdo who's into watching women in bikinis on stage after you have to explain what women's bikini comp is
Tbh lots of girls are like this. They never ask interesting shit or carry a convo
they are there for dick
unless you are ugly
they won't think you are being weird
if you talk about the thing they are there for
I didn't fuck till 25, just act confident be genuine to yourself and practice. It's not as intimidating or scary as it seems
she looks like a beherit
Yeah there's a difference between liking girls in bikinis, and telling that to a strange woman lmao.
your parents ever hug you when you were a kid?
flex a 'cep
>2 persons take the time to tell you how much of a delusional retard you are
Based and irishpilled
It makes more sense when you've actually heard her talk. Her dating life is probably a lot more difficult than you'd think.
The women you're describing hang out in coffee shops and on social media, not at the library.
What did he mean by this?
This is wrong bro. I never met a mentally stable nerd girl who was remotely dateable. And I'm a stem student, so I meet a lot.
Living as a socially awkward wallflower fucks women up just as well as men.
Nerdy girls =/= educated girls
nerdy cunts are in comic books store
She was interviewed once way back in the day when she got noticed by the misc and started getting PM'd copypastas. There was a shitty little news story about her. Her voice, goblina accent, and entire set of mannerisms are the most annoying shit you can possibly imagine. You stop wanting to fuck her immediately and can never unhear it.
Put me in screen cap
I think he means she sounds like a retard and bottomfeeding/nerd type person. Kinda like an autistic girl.
Can you elaborate bro? I feel like a nerdy smart girl is what I really want, what do you mean not dateable? How are they fucked up?
Find a worthy goal and work for it.
Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not to what someone else is today.
this actually isn’t bad advice
Lots. Peers not as lovely though.
I did fuck a few times, had a couple ONS's, took lots of alcohol on both sides and some charisma on mine, but never had a gf.
It was just sex. I think (and I admit I wouldn't know) that sex without intimacy is just mechanics, I get more pleasure doing it alone. I want love, I can pay for sex if I want to.
Look it's not my fault you lads are cowards and can't approach women, try increasing your self esteem
Often they hate men or don't understand men. They have no idea how to be feminine and fun and sexy. Basically it's like hanging out with a socially awkward guy. Expect to make every single move with nothing but anxious hesitation in response. And if you get there, she may be jealous and clingy or might revert to bossing you around. You sometimes see these girls dating soibois and the soiboi bf can never do any right (though maybe that's just because he's meek and beta, idk).
And yeah, often they are very left wing too, and in my experience always voice their lefty opinions too much and will take offence if you're not politically correct.
I'm sure there's better ones out there, I'm just relating my personal experiences here.
You're describing bitchy nerds from your fucked up university, not wholesome public-library types.
not at the gym
I just want a barely legal arthoe.
>most of girls here don't even care about politics
I cannot even imagine your world. I wish I could.
>t. Boston
I'm just filming
She is a 4'9 shitskin herself. What did you expect?
dubs of truth
I'm visiting my friend's gym later this week and will try
ayyy I never find MA fags on here
What part
Born in Somerville but now inna suburbs
Was Somerville but now i'm along that 495 life, "Western Mass" as the brainlets say
How you holding up man
Our state is soulless, I'm probably going to move in the near future
Dumped somerville GF cause we're 30 and she still doesn't want kids. Career women are a meme so I'm looking out west to meet women and friends, figure I need to join some shitty sports club. I honestly just want to be a nerd but too many in central MA are fat and weird, might move to NH where they're more normal. How've you been the last couple years?
Not that guy, but I live in Berlin and go to state college around here.
I hate this place. I have to get out.