How much water do you drink per day Jow Forums?

How much water do you drink per day Jow Forums?

Also: reminder to drink water

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4-4.5 liters a day
although i see no benefits from drinking that much. i just don't like seeing my pee yellow.

around 17 gallons, i pee like more then 9 times a day

about 1.5 gallons as well as 12 oz. coffee and a cuppa

Not enough.
Going to dig a well and get all of that tasty ass well water.

I dunno, like 2 liters? I think it's more important WHEN you drink water.

First thing in the morning.
No water up untill 1 hour before or after each meal.

Food and water don't mix well for metabolism. Don't ask me "what about soup?" You don't eat soup every day i assume.

I'd literally creampie that slut raw. I'd then proceed to clean her beautiful ebony pussy with my tongue as I start to work her ahole ... then I'd burry my face in that brapper and take the last breathe on my life, in order to plunge my barbell in that sweet sweet candy box ... jorja let me hit ...

Based and well pilled

Why did you post that ugly not hot bitch?

Do you not drink anything while you are eating?

At least a gallon (4L) between by big ass water bottle and the seltzer I drink

I don't like blacks, but I would marry and impregnate her in a heartbeat

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RIP in peace, your kidneys

s-s-sorry Jorja, I'll drink my water...

Get that fat shit out of my screen

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Is drinking crystal light the same as drinking water?

I grew up on well water. I am now a tranny. Enjoy.

roughly 3L per day, give or take 500mL

Not enough, i should be ashamed.

Probably this. A liter in the morning, a liter before workout, a liter during, probably half after, then a literish with meals