No gains last forever

No gains last forever...

Attached: 0AB3736E-7021-4D5F-B422-B6A342562507.jpg (1060x799, 251K)


Attached: 6347473473525.jpg (960x651, 51K)

I'm assuming that's shopped, but how bad would you have to fuck up to end up like that when your starting point was Thor?

They went all in on pushing masculine men as being bad and needing to be feminized cucks in the movie.

Thank god the MCU is going to die.

It's a fat suit

It's a fat suit

> single-digit IQ
> legally blind

pick one

>come off gear
>stop working out
>eat like shit, in the quantities you've adjusted to from blasting roids and working out a shit load
Pretty easy self destruct if you for some reason want to

It's a fat suit

Roids. Not once

Fat suit HIVE

Men where much more masculine 100 years ago yet the actors weren't roided up monkeys.


>MCU dying

How delusional can you be lmao

They didn't have to contend with birth control, radiowaves, plastics, S 0 Y(goddamnit mods get rid of that word filter, we all know you're being paid by big s 0 y it only makes things look worse) sugar in everything and not being breast fed or being put outside to play.
Nor do they have to deal with porn and being told that and masculine inkling or behavior like in that trashheap of a movie is bad.

Tony Stark is gone
Cap has been retconned into being an uncaring asshole
Hulk is still an unlikeable cuck
Captain Marvel movie just fucked everything up AND she's the new face of the universe
Theyr'e going full men are bad and shouldn't be male or masculine, gurl powah ala starwars, and minorities women men, surprisingly enough, and the queers are still just soulless decorations that dance around a terrible plot.

both are hot

lmao they’re about to make spider man the new face of the mcu

user, the last avengers movie told everyone everything they needed to know.
Also homecoming doesn't work when you consider that huge swaths of his school were probably gone for 5 years.
Lastly, every single marvel advertisement has cap marvel plastered up there.
Nowhere to be seen.

Worst part?
The chick who plays cap marvel, bire or whatever?
She has the exact right kind of personality and presence that would make her a perfect old school drunken airforce brat who's the perfect soldier but is ultimately a weird fuck up who's just trying to do the right thing.
She's 1:1 personality and presence of the original Ms.Marvel before the captain marvel know...except she does not have the body for it.

THAT Captain Mavel/Ms.Marvel would do far better with the female audience then this wierd narrative push fuck up they're trying to go with.

It's a fat suit

It's a fat suit look at his wrist on the right pic

For me, it's the fat suit.

His body is fat but his face is slim

They make him look so odd

Sounds like you got a fragile sense of masculinity bro. Might wanna get that checked out

God i hate you faggots

It's a suit fat