ITT extremely brutal mögs
ITT extremely brutal mögs
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the one that looks like a human mogs the alien like creature
i don't get the point this image is trying to make
It's so over for whitey
Tick tock mayocels, the sun is rising in the East. After a decade or so of China's eugenics/genetic engineering program, the averge Chinese guy will brutally mog even the best-looking Westerner.
Guy on the left is fucked if you look on the German's shoulder you can clearly see that he has glow sticks thus meaning he'd one shot that roided up sand person
Leftists seething at the fact that they're losers, they're doing nothing of substance, their legacy will disappear in less than 2 generations and all their efforts pretending to be on the right side of history will be futile.
Which explains why they hate everything that's normal.
Spoken like someone who doesn't have glowsticks on their shoulder
God I want to suck on that christ killers milkers so bad
The guy in the left is a russian and that image is staged
As if the chinese Eugenics program won't just turn all Chinese into whities.
i like how this tries to paint tucker carlson as anything else than a massive kike
Look at the eyes of the Polizei
He's a hardcunt and could remove 50 kebabs before they could even perform the daily rape of their child wives
The guy is Italian and it is for a german TV show. He is a bodybuilder and he and his friends have this youtube channel where they visit other athletes and train with them. Like strongmen, climbers, basket ballers and even ballet. They don't take themselves to seriously and are pretty chill.
I want to be mogged by a girl, not even joking
Really? I just don't find the taste of corporate boots to be "normal"
The only way to support the white american family is to help the working class.
Look at that FORM
Cringe and bluepilled
That's assuming they don't all die in escalator accidents first.
>be me
>be Chinese
>wake up for work
>apartment elevator shaft closed cos somebody's cut in half
>use stairs instead
>parking garage collapsed, car totaled
>walk to work
>barely avoid being swallowed by sidewalk sinkhole
>narrowly dodge a car that runs over a 4 year old child
>make it to train station
>escalator eats guy in front of me
>10 people trampled to death trying to board train
>train derails, killing hundreds
>crawl out of rubble and stumble to work
>clock in at oil refinery
>work 16 hours straight
>take allotted 10 minute lunch break
>light a cigarette
>refinery explodes, 4 city blocks vaporized
>work 16 hours straight
>and not a single death
ya almost had me
Must have jumped into the suicide prevention net
It makes me happy so many of these asshole bloodlines will die with them.
What is this clip from?
She isnt chinese and isnt saying that,
Conservatives are so dumb.
What a pathetic way to fit. It's like you're telling everyone you're weak in body and mind.
pls explain glowsticks for us retards
is the other guy standing in a hole or something?
You sound like the type of man who will definitely get laid and carry on his genetic legacy
>implying having to pay for 4 kids is a good thing
Jeff is 5'2
And Alexander is 5'4
They both belong in the hole
>absolutely everything is about money!!
uhh user you forgot to feed your 3 cats, you know the only company you have in life? get to it, mr. Purr-purr is waiting...
>no eye contact
Fucking brutal.
Have you unlocked jacked middle school kid mode?
The guy on the left is Greek and he has a youtube channel, forgot his name tho
how's your 9/10 aryan wife?
Hey JIDF. You can shill against him all you like, but Tuck's woke on the JQ and we won't stop backing him anytime soon.
Tuck the cuck. His kids don’t even look like him lmao.
how the fuck do you spot a giraffe
Subhuman lanklet
The biggest mog in history
if the dwarf had at least 1 year of training in bjj he could still submit him
Genetic mog
the only reason tucker carlson's children won't be slaves is because he is from a rich as shit family and is a fucking mouthpiece for the bourgies
they're both 5'5" but alex is wearing lifts lmao
Have kids
Corporate boots want you to be a consumerist and a homosexual.
Who is we?
>Mouthpiece for the bougies
>promotes family first policies and anti-ruling elite policies
>hated by smarmy bougie leftists who profit from societal decay and hate the working class.
Between a rich guy who sticks up for American families and rich people who hate American families and don’t have kids, I’ll take the former.
Nigger or femcel? Either way, find love
Very conservative people have the most children. Statistically speaking, he’ll likely have more children than any of the liberals in this thread.
Out of curiosity, is the mailman blonde?
thats a moist head
if the smaller man knew aikido the fight would be over before it started
he could use the giants tremendous strength against him with a single hand lock
Why does that faggot claim to love blue collar, republican America but live in New York? Anyone who likes Tucker is a massive cuck, you should go look up why he no longer wears bow ties
>hint John Stewart made fun of him and he’s been seething ever since
>claims leftist hate the working class
>proceed to raise taxes on them and slash all social programs
Also Tucker is only rich because they elites pay him to spew their propaganda.
>height threads on Jow Forums.jpg
Asians are scum and they know it
Lol at all the cope replies. Leftists are weak in mind and body
Guy on the left is Venezuelan, he makes Snapchat videos and shit. Pretty calm guy overall
Who the hell is do Don Lemon?
The guy on the left is Portuguese and is doing an eye stare contest with the German cop. The cop won, eventually
You sound like the farmers who voted for trump, only to get fucked by a trump backed trade war
>hint John Stewart made fun of him and he’s been seething ever since
Just like John Stewart seething at his dad and changing his name from Leibowitz decades ago?
To be fair, they already get billions in subsidies and depend on illegals.
I agree with Liberals when they think employees should be paid a living wage or the employer shouldn't be in business.
>all of this leftist cope
White children are born blonde unless they're meds. Mudpoop detected
The whitoid is much more attractive
Yes that ref is taking no shit
Whats the youtube channel called?
>implying that other non-whites don't want to look like whites.
That's fucked up.
heh, no matter how much you lift, you will NEVER lift enough to get taller.
Have a seizure, Kurt
Based and Moore-pilled
Meds are god tier. Healthy tan, good beard genetics, and the birthplace of western civilization. Nords are white niggers and anglos aren't even white
You realise Carlson has fuck you money right?
The guy on the left is from ole Ababammy and the cop is a Bama fan and they're about to kiss.
the guy on the left is actually Korean and had all the available surgeries at once. The policeman is actually just explaining how to get to Alexanderplatz, he is autistic though therefore it looks a bit tense.
what the actual fuck lol
Tucker Carlson lives in DC
Wow is EVERYONE at CNN gay?
Whom are these relatively attainable and therefore more attractive sëämon ðėämoňß?
It's easy. Progressive leftists want to change the fabric of society. They often use a vague concept of a "just future" as reason to justify their worldview. The joke is that these leftists are usually unmarried spinsters with no children or family at all, and as such have literally no right to lecture people who actually have families, people who actually have an investment in the future of this planet, on morality and what is good for the future. They have no skin in the game.
unironically this
>Don Lemon is gay
fuck i didnt know that but it explains why he’s acting like a bitchy woman all the time
tfw no tall gf