Be honest Jow Forums

Is this you?

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Pretty much, still no gf so it didnt cure my autism

Yeah so what fight me offline dude meet me at the 7-11 on rosecrans

yes but instead of messing around on the computer, it's me wageslaving 8 hours a day.

Yes, being autistic doesn't go away when you get Jow Forums people are just more accepting of it

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Post the one with the anime poster.

What's the point of being the all-Japan Middleweight Champion if it never gets me laid?

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post the one with Hitler

Megumin was all I saved. Anyone have the one with Aniki?


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No. I started as an obese incel, and I have recovered, literally all I need is a career and I'll finally be a normie. My life is so much better after getting fit. Ive learned how to be accepting of people and set my own standards for what I want in my life. I don't feel obliged to go around banging whores because of societies pressures. I can hold platonic friendships with females now. I get invited to go places now. People enjoy being around me now. All the hate I had for women is gone now. I literally don't care if girls whore themselves, that just means she's not my type. I have confidence in my self worth and I don't need to use pussy to measure it.

I'm a lot more healthy and go out more often. I still play video games and shitpost, but mostly because I realized how boring and neurotic everyone is. It's funny actually, because I realized this pretty quickly at a young age, but forgot before I found myself on Jow Forums.

Based and animepilled

Good job bro, well on the way to making it

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>be shallow pig
>date other shallow pigs
modern men are intriguing.

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Based takamura is 3 weight class world champ m8

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Better version

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third panel should be the same guy unchanged tho

>Coping this hard

But he’s right. That comic is the epitome of confirmation bias and I bet the one who drew it doesn’t lift and has never met any actual women.

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shh, I'm not there yet

d-does he ever get laid? All these guys are getting fit, but are totally useless with girls

it's like there's no point in working out

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>working out for girls

I don't use corrective lenses.

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Sadly yes but less buff and more fat and hardly that composed when I troll

Also he has better posture and isn’t bald

>this is considered an impressive body is japan
I really need to go there. Does anyone know if nip pussy is easy game for a skinny prettyboy white twink? Do they prefer a slightly more build, ottermode body?

Why are they impressed by that? Do japs not have standards?

>All the hate I had for women is gone now
Literally how? I think there is something wrong with me that I hate women this much. I know it's not healthy but i can't help it. Especially fat entitled ones. I've accepted im never gonna be in a relationship ever again, I've been married and live in relationship already for 5+years each, so I think I've just had my fill. Mgtow I guess, I dunno man. Can't stop the hate!

>skinny prettyboy white twink
No, nips want real men. But i'll happily treat you like my princess if you post a picture of your twink butt.

Bro rosecrans is huge, which one. Redondo beach here

Not him, but I don't care about women whoring themselves out. I know that they will get what's coming for them, in this life or the next.
I'll stick with my waifu. She appreciates my gains.

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Jow Forums is a straight board, please leave

I dont get it. Is it saying she's a whore and telling him of her sexual exploits in ordinary dating conversation?

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the only reason women being whores should bother you is that you resent that you aren't getting laid. once you realize that sex or a gf won't make you happy you stop living your life in pursuit of those things and stop hating women

I resent that women don’t bother striving for better when they have infinitely more choices in the matter than they do. They can sit on their asses and way to chad to come to them and then pair bond with him for life but they choose to be degenerates. Men ended up fucking around because they don’t have a choice at one point, getting a good gf to bond with requires active effort rather than passive effort

It's more I don't want sex anymore and just want to find one that can hold conversation. This is really what's tiresome. Most girls find out you're looking for a relationship and then ghost you. They just want sex. Im 33, now with my own house and decent job, cant find a single girl worth my time other than sex.

user, if men stop wanting to fuck women and cant' find a single thing about them worth putting up with them for...what makes you think that men will care for them more?

Think about that.

Install gentoo

I can show you the path to enlightenment, but I can't make you walk it. as long as cum permeates your brains you'll be incapable of rational thought and happiness

I'd say he's made a strict improvement

Yep haven't changed in the slightest
I've always been habitual so going to the gym everyday is easy

Yeah man, that's the point. You're not looking for the whores. You're looking for the rare ones. The one who makes the search worth it. The whores can go fuck off. Keep looking.

They are already dating though.

NOT AT ALL user.
I'm not an assman.

Oh shit that's me.

I smell roast beef

Painfully accurate

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My traps could use a bit more work before I'm there.

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how did you get these pictures of me?


This is a convo allot of girls bring up on the first date

what said and the fact that this dude is supposed to be really weak so its surprising for them to see that hes not just entirely skin and bones

fuck i meant im a megaretard

>being so hopeless addicted to porn the majority of human female genitalia repulse you

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Good man.
Reps for Holo.

Sounds like making it, hope the career hunt goes well

Yeah, i really cant figure out what i actually want in life so im just sitting here wasting it.
Feels bad. Real bad.

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Yep, this is literally me.

>thought lifting would get me a social life and a girlfriend, would make me desirable to people
>it did nothing
>despite having a really great body (not natty), I am the loneliest I have ever been and time is seriously running out to change things (currently in mid 20s)

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