/fast/ - #445 -

What is /fast/?
>Fast is a thread for the discussion of intermittent fasting, fasting, water fasting, and dry fasting.

What’s the difference between intermittent fasting, water fasting, dry fasting, etc.?
>Intermittent fasting: Fasting for a certain amount of time with a short eating window. 16:8 (16 hours fasting, 8 hour eating window) is the bare minimum.
>Water fasting: Fasting with only water.
>Dry fasting: Fasting with no water. Dangerous, use with caution.

Why should I fast?

How do I safely do an extended fast?
>Take snake juice, or just supplement electrolytes.
>Potassium chloride =1 tsp (No Salt)
>Sodium chloride = 1/2 tsp (Himalayan Pink Salt)
>Sodium Bicarbonate = 1 tsp (Baking Soda)
>Magnesium Sulphate = 1/2 tsp (Food Grade Epsom Salts)
>Mix these in 2L of water and sip it throughout the day.
>[OPTIONAL] 2 tbsp Apple cider vinegar and 4 tbsp lemon juice. DO NOT MIX with snake juice, drink separately.
>You can also do this if you feel lightheaded, weak, dizzy, nauseous, etc., on shorter water fasts. Don’t do this while intermittent fasting.

Won’t I go into starvation mode?
>No. The mainstream definition of starvation mode is a myth. Read the FAQ linked below for more information.

Will (something with calories) break my fast?

Can I drink coffee, tea, and diet soda? Or anything with artificial sweeteners?
>You can do whatever the fuck you want. We recommend avoiding those, sweeteners especially.

Do I need a multivitamin?
this is the community discord: discord.gg/qqtQFDQ
its SFW

Prolonged fast FAQ: fast.fandom.com/wiki/FAST_FAQ


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how do I fast without people worrying about me?

This general been here for so long and there's still no info in the OP about lifting and cardio during prolonged fasting.

if you have the fat to spare you can do everything as normal

>show them results and tell them you feel perfectly finr
You can lie about small stuff like "oh I'm taking a multivitamin and eating plenty of vegetables when I'm not fasting" and stuff like that

Basically just think up advice that your mom would give you about nutrition and tell them you're doing that
Normies are stupid

if i’m doing OMAD is it worth it to dry fast between my eating windows? basically a 24hr dry fast. it seems too easy so i’m wondering if it has any added benefit over drinking water throughout the day
>tfw gf worries about me dying if i mention a 48hr fast

There's nothing wrong with doing either if you are >12% bf. Drink snake juice if you're doing fasts longer than 48 hours and want to lift.
Fasting is already less catabolic than calorie restriction, but lifting makes it even less catabolic.
Cardio is best done after the first 24 hours of fasting since you should be in keto by then and keto cardio is great for burning fat.

lie to them, if they ask if you are hungry say you just ate

new to fast. 174cm 91kg fatty here

Today was suppose to be my first day of /fast but I broke it after 16-17hours and worst thing about it is I wasnt even hungry just bored. I hope it will get better.

Can I lose weight by doing 48 hour fasts? Eating one meal every 48 hours.

Yes, of course.
It does. Fasting improves with experience, just keep at it.
Possibly slightly higher fat-burning, but I wouldn't do it long-term, can mess your kidneys up.


Been experimenting on myself for two months, so take it with a huge swig of snake juice.

My regiment was fasting 4 days a week, broken into 2 day blocks. I ate on tuesday, friday and saturday. measured using a body analyzer1 scale.

>First month no lifting
I lost 6.4lbs of fat, 1.7 lbs of muscle, 2lbs of water, and .9lbs of bone. I took this measurement after a day of dry fasting
>Second month full body x3 a week
I lost 8lbs of fat, .9lbs of muscle, 1.6lbs of water, and 1.2lbs of bone. Same as before, day after a one day dry fast.

Going to add cardio for my third month so I'll see if it changes anything.

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What are you using to track those metrics? I'm using an entry level Renpho scale which I believe is lying to me

Body Anaylyzer1 scale. No scale will be 100% accurate, but it's almost always consistent. I can get on and off spaced out over a few minutes and get the a reading within .1-.2 difference. Scales also heavily favor leg fat, so if you look good but your scale says you're fatter than you think it might not be wrong. Someone has a code to get it for $30 I forget who on you tube, do not pay $120.

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Just ended a 4 day fast with a lot of food. Ate plain Greek yogurt, blueberries, blackberries, 2 protein shakes, salmon, 3 eggs, and a small chicken breast. Ate all this in a 5 hr time frame and took a 2 hr nap after. Did i fuck up by eating this much?

Yeah that's why I think mine is lying to me, if I get on multiple times in a minute it looks like it just reverts immediately to whatever the first result was, I can't imagine why they would make it work that way
I figure the "bio impedance" is just calculations based on the weight as well

>lost 2.1 lbs of bone

Why are there 2 #445s, which is the real one

Tried fasting for one day and ended up with a massive headache and feeling sick. Do beginners get that or i'm not cut for this shit?

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Quick question, a stupid one I know: Is intermittent fasting something you can do every day? I mean the easy 16:8 version. Or is it best used as sort of a maintence kinda thing, 3 maybe 4 times a week?
My main goal is fat loss.

It's probably wrong, I mostly include it for accuracy sake. I have lost about 15% of my body weight so I'm not surprised a little bit would come from bone though

You just need some practice and maybe some salt+potassium

Height and weight? Just curious. I had no problems doing a 24 hour fast, but I did maybe 3 or 4 16/18 hour ones first, just to try.

It is a stupid question, but that's okay, you have to learn sometime. Intermittent fasting is MEANT to be done every day.

Has anyone taken phenibut while fasting?
Are there any negatives?

I do 23:1 every day