Lifting wont change your personality fighting will

Lifting will make you look like a chad but you'll still have a virgin brain. Everyday conquering your fears engaging in a simulated death match with another man fundamentally rewires your brain into that of a savage. The gymcel is jacked but lacks the confidence to talk to girls. Fighting makes everything else seem so easy and unintimidating by comparison. You should start out with Brazillian Jiu-Jitsu (Submission wrestling) It's not that scary your not gonna get brain damage and its really fun. Then when you're ready add in the striking and train a lot more takedowns. Walking into a room and knowing you can kill anyone in it with your bare hands makes you act like a fucking chad. You'll also notice the atmosphere of MMA gyms is a lot different from bodybuilding gyms. Any MMA gym or Jiu-Jitsu school will be full of humble light-hearted killers. Any Bodybuilding gym will be full of obnoxious gym bro retards with their cargo cult masculinity and big egos they use to cover their insecurities.

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based but i believe that being jacked is also important
i do both mma and bodybuilding

most based viewpoint
if you have the fighting skills, getting stronger only makes you even more dangerous

I've wrestled for a decade and still struggle to make eye contact with people


I want to fight but I dont want brain damage

Then do Brazillian Jiu-Jitsu it's just submission wrestling no striking you won't get brain damage.

inhuman levels of autism

I'm actually thinking about joining BJJ.
But in doubt, because of lower back pains.

This is pretty true. Knowing you could beat up anyone in the room makes you confident. Going live or sparring is also very stressful, and repeatedly exposing yourself to stressful situations makes you better at handling them in real life. Like and said, lift and fight. Both are extremely important.

What is your lifting routine? Isolating muscles and doing hydropathy will hurt your MMA. I do Gymnastics, kettlebell snatches, Turkish Get-ups, and Olympic lifting. I look pretty jacked not as much as I would if I was bodybuilding but I value fighting more than aesthetics.

Post pics

Yeah like that guy said. Just do some form of grappling. Very low risk of concussions. Never had one in my years of wrestling.

Go see a physical therapist for the back pain. And take Tumeric, Fish oil, Ibuprofen, and CBd daily to fight the inflammation. You might wanna try an anti inflammation diet like the Tom Brady diet. When I started that all my aches and pains went away.

Could actually help if the pains are from sitting/stiffness.

I've been doing judo and kickboxing for half a decade. Fighting is way easier than social interaction.

Not that guy, but in the gym I work on my big compound lifts (OHP, Bench, Skwat, Deadlift, Row, Pull Up), do some Olympic Lifting, some dumbbell assistance exercises, and some hypertrophy work because I'm still a meathead at heart. I also sprinkle plenty of push ups and pull ups throughout.

Fuck you, shut the fuck up fucking faggot piece of shit you're not fucking funny.

>plateau on bench and can’t get out of it at all
>start mma training
>overall feel better and break that pleateau

a membership at 24hr fitness AND a boxing gym cost just as much as just joining a bjj gym where I live. Boxing seems more useful too desu unless your going 1v1 but most likely it wont.


I don't believe this for a second. Unless you're an absolute prodigy like Bruce Lee, your ability to fight will be enhanced with hypertrophy work. That guy bulked up to only 160lbs and thought that was too much, lmao.

For MMA you want as much functional strength for your weight. Hytropathy is actually the worst because it will make you bigger but not as strong as low rep strength training will. This is the worst Hytopathy makes you not that much stronger but a lot bigger which means moving up a weight class but not gaining that much strength. Having bigger muscles also makes your cardio go to shit. For MMA you want excercises that will give you grappling strength and explosive fast twitch muscle fiber to increase your striking power and the explosive movements used in wreslting and grappling. Gymnastics is the best. Doing dips and pull ups and crucifixes with rings builds a large ammount of stabilization muslces which are essential in grappling. A bench press developes strength in pushing all together in one direction. Dips with gymnastics rings increase the stabilization muslces that you use while grappling because you're never at once pusuhing forwards it's a bunch of awkward motions. Body weight excercises are very easy to recover form as well which is important becasue you want to spend as much time training MMA instead of weightlifting. Hytropathy on the other hand requires the most recovery time out of everything. Hytropathy is litrally the worst type of lifting for MMA. Look at the strength and conditioning program of any of the top MMA gyms. They do Gymnastics, kettlebells, Olympic LIfting, and isometrics.

If you want a striking art do kickboxing. A thai boxer using punches kicks knees and elbows will kill a boxer any day. Boxing is also the hardest on your body and the most dangerous combat sport. When all you can do is punch each other you get hit in the head a lot more than when all the other elements of fighting are incorporated. Most Muay Thai/MMA gyms do mostly light sparing focusing on technique and every once in a while go hard. Boxing gyms will spar hard all the time and that's why boxers have slurred speech at age 25. YOu can train Jiu Jitsu your whole life. Boxing you can only go a few years before you get punch drunk.
