Just got this finished recently
Jow Forums approved tattoos thread
>fit approved tattoos
Cool tat but the bod doesn't do it any justice
That's fucking gay dude
What'd that set you back? Whatever it was I'm sure it would have been better invested in a gun or a watch.
Post a pic in 2 months when all the tight lines are just a black blob
The Joestar
>a watch
Who the fuck wears watches anymore? If you aren’t rich and need to keep up status only pompous faggots wear watches anymore
Do people think positively when they see boomers covered with tats?
Of course theres a few exceptions but it seems like most inked boomers look worse of to me
It's so common to find zoomers covered in tats and in a decade or so they're all gonna become like the lame inked boomers we see today
>shitskin roider from misc
>Jow Forums
I really don't like his abs tattoo. I usually don't like tattoos at all, but he was really sexy and i wished to be fucked by him. Also he had a perfect shoulder-hips-legs ratio. I'm really craving it and i'm not even gay.
got two years ago
>being this new
Nice tit
>I'm just like a Roman gladiator!
>I'm based!
Post body, brah.
That's a nice image you attached to your post, i'm gonna save it
>but he was really sexy and i wished to be fucked by him
>i'm not even gay.
U gay homie
>if you don't worship zyzz you're new
roid rage