>finish uni
>become a NEET
>working out everyday, lifting, running, eating homemade meals, in peak physical condition, devoted all hours of the day to my health and wellbeing
>6 months later get a finally get a job
>so mentally drained every day after work I only do the bare minimum in the gym, barely any cardio
>eat like shit because no time to cook
How do you wagies do it? I can't keep this up for 40 years, I miss the NEET life
Job is killing my gains
Caffeine and willpower.
What I'm doing is focusing as much time as possible on the shit I actually want to do with my life. Maybe freelancing here and there. You have to find a skill that
1. You enjoy
2. Can make money
Then spend a few months/years on it and congrats, you have the lifestyle you want.
I was in same boat.
2011 - In good shape. Also got real job. Gymtime went down. Stress level went up. Fell out of going to gym
boo-hoo, some faggot has to work a well-earning "mentally draining job" and has "no time" for the gym. See you at the ER at 40 after your fat ass gets a heart attack.
Damn you can say that again. 2015 to 2017 wew lad what an L.
Now a 32 yr old boomer with house, wife, and 6 figure job.
Started going back to gym after 8 years of being away.
Stronger, faster, and overall more fit than 20s. On my cut now. Looking forward to having 6 pack in 2-3 months.
Balancing work and life is hard but can be done.
If I could go back in time, I would tell my younger self...
"MAKE time for yourself. You only have 1 body and 1 mind, take care of them both"
are you me?
>super fit while in Uni and job searching
>get minimum wage office job
>breaks are frowned upon
>work 9-10 hours straight
>feel like death coming home
>no energy apart from weekends
god I wish I was a fucking neet, this post made me wet as a waterfall just thinking about the absolute peak physical condition I could be in if I could devote all my time to fitness and nutrition etc
Just got to get used to it. I work in a hospital and have dodgy shifts, but you got to put the time in. Honestly I find it harder to go the gym when I don't have work because all I want to do is sit in and do nothing like a neet. You could always try going early in the morning so you're not mentally drained. You'll feel great once you walk out into the open air and get a coffee.
You look autistic
Been on Jow Forums since 2004. This is the fate that befalls all of us eventually. Leave while you can.
DONT SUCCUMB TO THE 9-5 LIFE OP! DONT DO IT!! I got a job right out of college working 8-7 and for the first 3 months I was so fucked up. Was falling asleep at work, was dead tired after work. I didnt lift for 3 months. I didnt think I let myself go that bad, but my waist went from a 31 to a 34 so I knew I had fucked up. Here is what changed- buy a fucking case of preworkout. after work, face a scoop of that and drive to that gym. you will kill your workout. do that 4x a week and youll be good. as far as cooking goes, cook on the weekends and save it for the week. dont drink sugary drinks, eat fried food, and youll be good. make that money
You made a good ace man, you still keep up with the manga?
Hop some preworkout
No time.
I stream everytime I play vidya. I average about 1.5-2hrs of vidya a week.
However, my wife and I watch one piece anime together (I got her into it). We met at the convention I was cosplay Ace at...she basically went home with me and never left.
We're on impel down.
She doesnt know that Ace dies...this gonna be good
Go before you work, you absolute mong
>be tradesman
>tons of lifting involved in job
>literally did not try whatsoever to lose weight or do anything to be swole last summer
>almost 8/10 summer bod
>try this year, about 1 month out from having a six pack and killer pecs/arms
The hell do you do for a living?
Tears will be flowing when she gets to the marineford arc, holy shit. I still think that was the best arc in any anime I've seen
Discipline to wake up two hours before I leave for work, get a coffee, warmup and stretch. Do 30 minutes of cardio then sit down a bit and meal prep.
Then head to work, be a wage slave, head to the gym/pool then head home, shitpost and do a sudoku then sleep
Get a midnight shift job in healthcare or mental health. At the group home I work at, I usually get all the jobs done (cleaning, making their breakfast, etc.) in about an hour. After that, it's just client care which we go look at them 15 kinutes to see if they're still breathing and did not have a seizure. Every two hours, change their diapers because they are incontinent. The rest of the time is downtime. There's lots of time to get workouts in. Just about everyone I've worked with are obese because they just sit, eat, and watch TV vs me getting up and doing exercise and making my meals there since I got permission from the supervisor to do so.
>How do you wagies do it?
They don’t, hence why they’re all obese. When I was a wage cuck I would mass cook on Sunday, then go to school during weekdays, work weeknights, and the gym after. Days used to start at 0600 and end at 0000.
Then I said fuck that, enlisted, and now I’m getting paid to workout and go to school. Talk to a recruiter today.
stop being a pussy and work out a schedule man, doubt youre working more than 40 hours a week. even if you work 8 hours a day every single day with no days off you still have 16 hours in the day, say you sleep 8 of those, and spend 2 hours commuting/hygiene for work, still what are you doing with those other 6 hours man?
if you want to be productive and improve yourself you should only have maybe an hour or 2 of downtime/freetime each day
>work in a fab shop
>lifting heavy ass shit all day
>pass out when i get home
>mental health at an all time low because of fear of being stuck here forever
I'm getting close to just saying fuck it and joining the air force, but I need more time to figure shit out
Dude fuck off I'm exhausted after work
Honestly. I'm looking to work part time in my line of work working 3~ days a week so I can spend more time on myself like I used to when I was a NEET.
My workout days after an 8 hour day compared to NEET life is like night and day, heaven and hell.
>life is only about having 6 hours of free time a day goy
I was like you OP.
Here's what I did:
>Move to a place 2 min walk away from work
>Be happy
This is the real secret To have your wage and neeting too. I go to my work's gym too so I can literally just walk over do some shit at work, walk to the gym, go home, fap, take a power nap and maybe start dinner, go back to work, go back eat, go back to work, go back home, fap again, watch some anime, play vidya, chat tinder thots, go back to work, go home, shower, fap, sleep.
Life is awesome. The wagie meme should just be commuter meme.
wake up earlier and go the gym
be more efficient with your time
Your average work day should be
>8 hours of work
>8 hours of recreation
>8 hours of sleep
there is no way you don't have time for an hour at the gym in that time frame. you're just being horribly inefficient.
I typically work 10 hours a day and have a one hour commute to work and I never have problems getting to the gym
you're still cringy. its also time to trim down that disaster on the top of your head and grow some facial hair
only retards believe this
>8 hours of WORK (atleast 8 hours)
>plus lunch (for most) 30min to an hour which isn't typically included in those 8 hours
>plus commute (hopefully this is less than 30 min for you)
>plus waking up in time to shower, shave, eat, and prepare for the day
>plus some people need 9 or more hours of sleep if they are exercising
>plus running errands, and other outside life obligations that wouldn't count as recreation
Again, you're a retard who probably has never worked full time. Unless you are working overtime, you might only be getting 4 hours of actual recreation.
This is exactly why you should always train in the morning before work
its terrible, I want to die
Cringe? You sure that’s not our own suffering and betaness being probjected on to him? Seems like he’s pretty happy. Makes 100k a year, has a wife and a six pack. QQ nerd
I know exactly what you mean OP. Working less days then usual by choice.
I like my hair and take care of it.
Seeing all the balding threads here in Jow Forums can you fault me for taking pride in my hair?
Take care of your hair user
I didn't
Imagine being this much of a narcissist that you take so many pictures of yourself
>"MAKE time for yourself. You only have 1 body and 1 mind, take care of them both"
29 here, I'm thinking the same thing. I've spent too long chasing bullshit, my health has suffered, my body aches and my mind isn't the best its been. I'm feeling better than I have in some time but I've got work to do on both fronts
What are you going to do for both mind and body?
I'm curious
time isn't an issue, it's just that I can't put 100% into it anymore.
>Honestly I find it harder to go the gym when I don't have work because all I want to do is sit in and do nothing like a neet.
This, on my days off I literally want to do nothing and just exist.
Body - Getting back to gym, martial arts, correcting my sleep schedule, diet, drinking significantly less alcohol
Mind - Sleep, meditation, spending more time on my relationships, calling the end of the work day the end of the work day
Your probably a neet fat single autist larping
Meditation, caffeine, not being a bitch
I was there recently. Save up as much as you can and figure out what you want to do. Figure out a plan and then quit and do it. Spend frugally.
You didn't factor in:
-essential breaks at the job
-A lot of jobs have mandatory overtime. My last job we had to work 6 days a week 10 hours a day. My mental health took a plunge but I saved enough to just quit and be fine for a while.
You think you're having a bad time? Try working and studyng at the same time. I have to sacrifice sleep hours in order to finish hw and other duties
instead of fucking preworkout just grab a shot of espresso and a small munch as i leave work. Significantly better.
1. Cut out other shit
Automate as much as possible. How long do you think it takes to buy a cannister of oats at the store? 5 minutes? Wrong motherfucker. Once we count the time to get to the store, get inside, get your oats and check out, it's like 15 minutes minimum. Honestly can be more like 30.
Try to get your personal shopping done just once a month. Use Prime Now for free whole foods delivery. Or Walmart grocery pickup if you're poor
2. No TV/Netflix outside the gym
JoJo is your treadmill program
3. Live as close as possible to work+gym+grocery
Commutes are gains goblins. You just need a place to sleep and prep food. Get a modest but well located place.
4. Simplify food and meal prep
Seriously, if your food involves more than adding salt/sauce or combining two things you want to eat together after they're cooked, reevaluate!
Le Fit Menu
Le Fried Eggs and Salt
Le Oats and Whey
Le Chicken breast a Sriracha
Le Brown rice a la Cholula
Le frozen vegetables blended to liquid
Le assortment of nuts inserted directly into mouth
Le Greek yogurt with peanut butter
Le berries put in mouth
Obviously you also have a rice cooker with a scheduling function so you throw in rice and water and say when you want it done and come home to it being finished, too, right? You know they're totally automatic and you don't need to monitor it, and it'll just keep the rice warm once it finishes if you aren't around?
> 6 figure job
Thanks for letting us poorlets know
Theres a reason my advice was to take care of both body AND mind.
Last year, I had a full blown work stress induced manic episode complete w/ psychosis (auditory hallucinations).
I basically took on the workload of 2 people who were fired and 1 who quit. I tend to make people around me look bad/underperform by comparison....they fired 2 because I was doing 3x the work of them (product manager).
Through my research/analysis (I have B.A in accounting) found that company was nose diving and did everything i could to reverse it. I knew the financial state of company at a time when the auditors dropped us as clients (ULTRA bad sign).
Presented my findings directly to all execs in a no holds barred 3hr presentation.
The stress of the months long effort pushed me over the edge. Had a complete mental breakdown. In the lead up to it, I lost 20lbs in 3months from stress alone (wasnt dieting or exercising).
I had to take FMLA for 3 months to recover mental state enough to work again.
As soon as I got back, was let go/fired along with 30% of staff (my analysis and fears were correct).
Spent about 4-5 months unemployed putting out 20 applications a week....on a steady diet of lithium, anti-depressants, anti-psychotics, and benzos.
I had 1k left in bank and didn't know where next mortgage payment was going to come from but still went out and got gym membership because I knew it was my ticket to better mental/physical health.
Company ended up hiring me back at first as a contractor and then fulltime as a senior consultant at start of the year.
I make 6 figure now...but started as level 1 help desk making ~30k....IT equivalent of dishwasher. I've fought tooth and nail putting in tons if sweat and blood to make it where I am in career....i dont take it for granted.
Last year was wakeup call. Changed focus towards taking care of my body/mind now.
I'm not taking meds anymore...just lithium to stabilize my mood (bipolar type 1) and ambien.