/fast/ - #445 - OP is going to fast as long as this thread is up edition

What is /fast/?
>Fast is a thread for the discussion of intermittent fasting, fasting, water fasting, and dry fasting.

What’s the difference between intermittent fasting, water fasting, dry fasting, etc.?
>Intermittent fasting: Fasting for a certain amount of time with a short eating window. 16:8 (16 hours fasting, 8 hour eating window) is the bare minimum.
>Water fasting: Fasting with only water.
>Dry fasting: Fasting with no water. Dangerous, use with caution.

Why should I fast?

How do I safely do an extended fast?
>Take snake juice, or just supplement electrolytes.
>Potassium chloride =1 tsp (No Salt)
>Sodium chloride = 1/2 tsp (Himalayan Pink Salt)
>Sodium Bicarbonate = 1 tsp (Baking Soda)
>Magnesium Sulphate = 1/2 tsp (Food Grade Epsom Salts)
>Mix these in 2L of water and sip it throughout the day.
>[OPTIONAL] 2 tbsp Apple cider vinegar and 4 tbsp lemon juice. DO NOT MIX with snake juice, drink separately.
>You can also do this if you feel lightheaded, weak, dizzy, nauseous, etc., on shorter water fasts. Don’t do this while intermittent fasting.

Won’t I go into starvation mode?
>No. The mainstream definition of starvation mode is a myth. Read the FAQ linked below for more information.

Will (something with calories) break my fast?

Can I drink coffee, tea, and diet soda? Or anything with artificial sweeteners?
>You can do whatever the fuck you want. We recommend avoiding those, sweeteners especially.

Do I need a multivitamin?
this is the community discord: discord.gg/qqtQFDQ
its SFW

Prolonged fast FAQ: fast.fandom.com/wiki/FAST_FAQ


Previous Thread:

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Well OP sometimes /fast/ threads last max 12h or so

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Bros, I wanna break my fast. I'm about 41 hours in (more like 45 but started tracking 41 hours ago). Dreaming of some delicious grilled mackerel.

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What's your goal?

Appreciate this thread going up quickly. there's been some long gaps between them recently, good work op :)

who /dryfast/ here

The obvious solution is to avoid posting until on page 10 and only post once then wait again.

Initially it was 5 days but then I increased it to 8 days to meet my body comp goals faster. I haven't done a 3+ day fast in half a year.

Hour 96 here. The boredom is the worst. I’d go for walks but on day 1 I went for a casual 20 km walk and chafed my inner thighs against each other and they are still sore. I think about food a lot. 5 days was my initial goal but I think I’ll fast until a social gathering (in the weekend I think).

Better refeed a bit 12hrs before that social gathering unless you want uncomfortable diarrhea in the middle of having fun.

In my experience that would actually line up uncomfortable diarrhea with the event itself.

>be me
>be on day 3 of dryfast
>goal is seven days
Bad cravings earlier today but powered through them.

I’ll try to refeed the night before. I’m so happy that I’m not even craving sugar, chocolate, baked goods or ice cream anymore. I only think about healthy food right now. I have been struggling with a sugar addiction for over 10 years now.

is dryfasting to get rid of lose skin a myth?

Broke my 24 hour fast at noon today, felt so sick I almost went home from work.
Headache and nasua like I've never had before.
Now I had a pretty nasty headache before I ate, which is why I ate in the first place but damn I did not expect to be punished so hard for eating.
I refilled on a burrito and a soda.
was it the blood sugar difference or what? Probably could have done without the soda.

Did you have salt? I always feel like shit without salt on day 1 after about 20hrs.

>Never feel actual hunger
>Only hungry out of boredom and stress
>have gone a whole week without eating
why eat at all? why aren't there just pills you can take to meet your needs?

As a heavy deiner of dry fasting no one should dry fast ever. Maybe only if you have some kind of extreme serious medical problems which can dryfast fix but that is pretty unlikely

I'm pretty sure I eat enough salt on every refeed to kill a small horse. IDK.

dont fast if you are like this. You might have diabetes but that is unlikely. What you suffered was Diabetic ketoacidosis.

If you're chugging water you're going to flush it out too. Could try some saltwater/half snake juice or just drink water and keep some plain salt around for if you feel ill or sick. Or just full snake juice, some people start in the first 24hrs.

Bros, I'm sorry. I broke my fast. Next time I'll be reasonable and aim for 40 hours.

I just ended my 120 hour fast. What you bros on?

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You caught me earlier, so I'm only on hour 4.

about 20 minutes

repeat after me, fatties.

i will not break my fast early.
i will make it.

Anybody workout like normal when fasting? I was thinking about running/sprints on my fast days. Usually I do nothing but I was wondering if it would be detrimental to my overall fitness? I usually fast monday through thursday.

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I feel like shit after refeed so I eat 15 hours before workout.

I always lift in the morning before I eat. However I lift on feed days. I work on fast days but that is not that labor intensive. I mean I work outside but its not too har. Is it detrimental to run/sprint on fast days?

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I think it is fine if you are water fasting, take some salt water before and after the cardio though just to be safe.

Why are there 2 #445s, which is the real one

who ever has more posts or who started first. Or whichever dies first.

No one linked that when the previous thread was still up. I didn't even know that one existed.

These sorts of things happen. People will pick one or the other and either the other one will fall into the archives, or it will take the traffic after the first dies and be simultaneously 445 and 446. This wouldn't have happened if one OP had searched the catalog or if the other had linked their thread, but it's not like Jow Forums can't accommodate two fasting threads.

If the OP of this thread does really intend on fasting for as long as this thread is up, the other thread means either he will have a much rough or easier time than he thought.

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if snekman and the chink doctor say this works (i'm not denying it), why hasn't someone done a proper investigation on it

For one thing, you're not going to get much of a grant for researching fasting. There is a big stigma to it and furthermore, no money making body will finance such a thing since you can't monetize not eating.

>why hasn't someone done a proper investigation on it
Are you suggesting the studies that exist aren't "proper?"

Tell that to the fast bar people

just cresting 72 hours. It's amazing

Does dry fasting get rid of skin issues like moles etc.?

well I started fasting to keep myself from becoming diabetic.
cause if I am not Im probably damn close.
whats my best option at this point?

>Diabetic ketoacidosis is a potentially life-threatening complication of diabetes mellitus. Signs and symptoms may include vomiting, abdominal pain, deep gasping breathing, increased urination, weakness, confusion, and occasionally loss of consciousness.
>negative, negative, negative, negative, negative, negative and negative.

>feel ok
>not good not bad just ok
>have a shitty day
>dont give a fuck
>a girl asked me out
>said no
>barely any hunger
>barely walk 10 steps
>heart sounds like im being followed by a fucking tiger
so fasting makes me a sociopath with heart problems?

What's most likely is your body is not used to running on anything but sugar and was starting to transition and rebelling via addiction. Something you'll have to deal with unless you fix your diet before going into any kind of extended fast. Pretty clear from your choice of refeed this is the most likely option.

Cut all liquid sugar from your diet for a couple of weeks before you try doing another fast. If you're serious about weight loss cutting it out in general will help you. Don't even transition to diet versions. If you're serious then make that first change and you'll be able to build off that motivation. Juice is liquid sugar too.

Also, can also be happening. Depending on diet, how much you sweat, and how much water you've been drinking as has been noted.

Diabetic Ketoacidosis is a function of type 1 diabetes. Fasting to prevent diabetes is to deal with type 2 diabetes. Aka insulin resistance.

Been doing OMAD and have been feeling exhausted throughout the day.

Today I added up the sodium content and it's only 40% of the recommended daily intake, less than 1000mg a day.

How much salt should I be eating on regular OMAD?

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I'd try and get around 4000mg a day, personally.

I thought it would be stupid buy it helped me when I was stuck on the plateau.
Prob won't help with loose skin tho

Same thing happens to me. When I fast, my heart rate is abnormally high, but when I don't, my heart rate is perfectly normal, even towards the low side. It's not much of a shocker that not eating can put the body into some strain.

Weird. For me I'm at normal heart rate while fasting. When I break a fast my heart rate goes up quite significantly (from like 60 resting to 95 resting) and it comes down over like 3 days of eating to normal again. No change when starting a new fast.

I am back to prolonged fasting. I have fucked up majorly for the last year and gained 60lbs. I always told myself I would have one more day of eating and drinking whatever I wanted to and then I would fast. I have ruined my body more than it already was and I am starting over.
Fasting helped my greatly in the past but the second edge of this sword is I always think I can drop weight quickly which is toxic.
I am on my second day about to go to sleep which usually means I can go on as long as I want and intend on trying 7 days. If that is successful I believe I will try for 14 (the only reason is If I avoid breaking my fast I will have a week off from work and will have no one to be around)
If I can pass anything on from my failure is do not yo-yo with this lifestyle it can fuck you badly.

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Remember to strive for sustainability rather than immediate results.

So what's your plan at you're goal weight? Going to fast every Sunday? Or adopt omad on certain days, etc. What is your actual plan when extended fasting becomes less feasible due to low body weight?

Considering trying ayurvedic fasting
>honey, vinegar, and water, maybe some herbs
Any bros try this out?

I have never gone longer than 5 days but know for me it is easy past the third day. Just trying to find out where I currently stand.
I will most likely settle into normal 72's per Cole, this is my plan for now. I had previously lost about 50lbs and held very steady through fasting.
I still had needed to lose more but got complacent with my success. In all reality at this point I weigh 300lbs and need to drop under 200 (who knows once I get there I may need to drop much more still), I am 6'2".
The beginning for me fasting has always been the worst, after getting at least a 72 under my belt it was always so much easier.
Always felt like some fat hormone bullshit, like it had me by the throat lol!

just fuck my insulin levels up


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I think everybody reacts to fasting differently
On a fast my resting heart rate is in the low fifties, as compared to the mid sixties I usually have

Can i start a fast mid day and break mid day the next day? Ive always started and ended a fast upon waking but i want to try a 24 hour dry fast to end my cut with

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You can fast whenever works for you, bro.

Am I the only regular 7 day faster on here? I did 14 my first time but have had challenges after that. Going for it again and on my second day now.

How much could i lose on a 24 hour dry fast? Im 5'9 168lbs lean

I don't think I've seen any evidence regarding dry fasting. But on a water fast you generally figure a out .5lbs per day of fat loss.

>be skinny as fuck
>girls flirt with me
>160 lbs
>get gf
>200 lbs back again

Weight loss is just simply too variable to really take a meaningful guess, especially with such an insignificant time frame.

>blaming gf on failure

alpha af....

I went 19 days and lost 30 lbs pretty easy on my last fast. Currently on day 3 right now trying to get down another 40 to get to 165 and then I’ll refresh and start working on packing on muscle.

After dropping 20lbs from fasting a girl I like asked me out. Just wanted to throw that out there

4+ day fasters, do you get issues sleeping? Do you wake up rested?
Last time I dryfasted (2 days) I felt horrible in the gym. Maybe it was that I had water fasted 6 days the week before (ate between fasts), maybe it was too much volume on the exercises but I felt like death.

Are you literally retarded?

just froth on eating mate, im full 20 minutes before i stop eating. eating is based.

Stop giving advice. In fact, stop posting.

Are you asking permission?

Guys im about to start my IF on friday, thinking about having my eating window be from 2 pm to 10 pm.

But would i still be able to work out in the morning? Or should i only workout after having eaten?

my brother is 415 pounds, male, 5'11, hes trying to lose 150 pounds in 3 months via water fasting....is that even possible? should i convince him to take it easier, is he gonna fuckin die?
i know water fasting is legit, but isnt that too much?

There's an extremely fat dude on YT who's on day 136 I believe so yeah it's possible.

whats his results so far, link?

i support his weight loss but is his goal even possible?

I was thinking about incorperation a 24h fast during my deload week (as I feel i slight pain in my shoulder)

Is it wise to do a fast day in a week of deload, to prevent injury or should I eat normally during a week of deload?

And also a 24h fast doesn't require me to do anything special like drink eletrons or something? (never done a fast before)

I’m at 109 h, goal was to fast for 5 days but I think I’ll go longer because I still haven’t figured out how to eat after my fast. To keto or not to keto?
>sw 86 kg
>cw 82.6 kg
>gw 70-75 kg

get him on snake juice rather than water if he's not already

>water fasting
>i know water fasting is legit

too long for pure water, need snake juice

64 hours in, 46 hours left
feeling e u p h o r i c lads

he would flush out all the salts in his body before the end of week 2, have him look into snakejuice or he will be hospitalized. With proper intake it should be a-okay

I just broke a fast 20 hours in.
Man I wanted to fast for much longer.

Short term brain took over.

Did a 24hour fast yesterday (ate at around 9pm the day before andthe nextmeal was at 9pm yesterday).
Doing another one today.
Both are a coincidence, just too lazy to cook and feed myself when I'm studying.

Can I expect my lifts to suffer tomorrow?

thanks, but my other main question is, is it possible? can he actually do it? hes pretty fat at around 415, so he'd need to lose about 1.5pounds a day on average?

I am going to torch 20lbs in 6 days and there's not a thing you're gonna do about it! 40lbs in 12 days! 6 whole inches off my waist!

you will do 12lbs in 6 days and 24lbs in 12 days. If my calculations are not wrong. Gotta get that heavy cardio going if you want to aim for 40lbs

In the older threads everyone claimed to burn 20lbs in 5 days, 8 kilos in 4 days, shit like that. Even capsfag said it's all real.

That's ok, user. I bet you are starting your fasts and it's not used up to longer fasting periods. Remember, you won't lose 20kg in a single 40h fast. You must do consistend fasting periods overtime and when you refeed try eating about 1500kcal of good, healthy food.

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nope that's bullshit or outright lying on their part

42 hours into my fast and im still fat wtf

Welp I'm back on fasting because I just don't want to eat.
If I'm doing 20/4 what's a good way to break so I don't fuck it up again?
Should I actually use the whole 4 hour window? I've actually been closer to 23.5/.5 and eating close to 1500 calories in that time

Is there anything I can add to my water during my 72 hr fast to make sure I flush out all the excess water weight over gained recently? Already drinking around 3L to curb hunger, and I don't think drinking more will help too much.

Waterweight comes off as well, actual weight loss after breaking fast is different.

Memorial day weekend means I get a three day weekend from work. Which means I can do a three day fast.
Three days is not long enough to need snake juice / electrolytes is it?

Also how much success has anyone had working full time while doing longer fasts? I've been doing 24hrs/omad because I'm afraid of being foggy at work/fucking up, and I also have to drive and don't want to black out or do something stupid.

Who coke zero fast gang here

Yeah nigga I'm def ngmi gang
Follow me on Twitter at @NGMIGang


the fucks that

>Take snake juice, or just supplement electrolytes
>Don’t do this while intermittent fasting
Why? Is there a reason to not do this even on normal, eating, days?