Have any Jow Forumsizens here got a bike?
Thinking of getting one just to ride it back and forth
Is it a based way to travel?
Have any Jow Forumsizens here got a bike?
Thinking of getting one just to ride it back and forth
Is it a based way to travel?
I have one and did a group ride this evening.
Great cardio, even some leg gains.
I have one and use it daily for commuting.
This allows me to arrive to work energised and aggressive in the morning. Also, riding just over 30 minutes each way keeps the cardio gains from vanishing.
> energised and aggressive
lmao your lyfe
its loads of fun, i have pokemon go installed as an excuse to ride around
bikes are dope bruh, group rides are also the shit
Anyone have recommendations for buying a bike to replace a car? I don't generally have to go farther than five miles.
>inb4 mai rebelo posting
You're more likely to die biking a mile than driving drunk a mile without your seatbelt.
Think about that
>More likely to die
Based getting one tomorrow
Surely it's incorrect, biking can't be burning so much calories right?
And you're more likely to die within 3 miles of your house every time you get in a vehicle, bike or cage than if you went cross country for the rest of your natural life.
Think about that.
You are more likely to be killed by your friend or family member than by a random stranger on the street
I have 3 bikes: good weather, so I don't have to wipe it down; shit weather, so I don't care if it gets dirty; semi-disposable, winter.
All but the nice one are eminently replaceable for a couple of hundred bucks max on kijiji.
I bought one thinking I'd barely use it. I just use it to goto the shops now because its easier than walking or running
I don't really trust the calorie counters on the equipment, and don't call me shirley
yeah, I like it better than running.
Running just hurts my knees and lower back, whereas with biking I can go for a hour and as long as the bike fits me and my seat is comfy.
Road biking for ~hour can burn 1000 Calories. Pretty sure the gym equipment is wrong though.
your "Rpm" is too low aim for 90ish for normal
And yet, long-term cyclists have drastically improved life expectancy over non-cyclists.
You are going 14km/h
You burned 500kcal tops
You are more likely to get killed by a nigger than by a cracker
Think about that
>heart rate 0
I wish that were me
Lotus where are you?
I know you rode a bike for a while.
i bike to the gym, 6km and to uni, 10km
faster than taking the bus and I get pheromone mog the engineers in my math class
Do you lads have a hybrid or road bike?
A road bike from the 70s or 80s, which means that it is closer to today's hybrids or tourers.
Remember, for best leg gains MTB>Road bike
for me its hybrid, though /n/ doesnt seem to like them very much
I have a hybrid that my brother gave me a few years ago. Can't argue with free, and it has been a great learner.
Every time I'm thinking of getting one I end up buried in research for exactly what kind of bike I want to get and end up not buying anything.
Technically that's only true if he's black
Thinking of getting one for bikepacking.
Already started doing cardio to boost my endurance for it.
do you shower at work or are you 'that guy'
I've goat a small old mtb for commuting, a nice mtb for off road, and soon I'll get an aero bike for sprints and long rides
Was gonna get a trek fx 1 2019. Is this a okay bike
Why would I deliberately miss attracting all the babes at work with pheromones emanating from my body warmed up by the ride?
I think you're me. Average just under 20 mph over 6.5 miles, commute done In 20 mins tops.
I love the feeling of cycling between two lanes of carcucks in backed-up dual carriageways.
Srs though, need that shower when you get into work in the morning.