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Redpill me on stair runs
Xavier Peterson
Ayden Harris
mostly retarded
redpilling done
Justin Adams
lol enjoy your knee surgery and your 3 hip replacements by the age of 40
seriously anyone who does any cardio besides swimming is a complete and utter brainlet
Jordan Torres
I got you brah
>Stair runs
A form of cardio, although typically much harder than your normalforms of cardio such as swimming, running, or cycling. It is great for both endurance and fat loss, which is why all the jannies need to start doing it. Between all the fapping and random post deleting, they can go do stair runs in their crappy run down assisted housing for mentally challenged persons units.
Luke Torres
Stair runs are good if you wanna run up stairs faster
Nathaniel Powell
>people actually believe this
You are a living meme, post body.
Joshua Turner
imagine getting to the top and jumping down the middle haha
Hudson Thompson
Imagine you break both your arms and have to stay in the hospital for a few weeks for other injuries but are mostly okay and all your nurses are super cute and petite Asian and black girls and they think your cute and feel bad for you and snuggle you haha and they bring you food everyday and feed it to you and one morning they discover your morning wood and give you a hand with it and all 5 end up riding you until you cum inside one of them and the rest eat it out of her and take turns snow balling it haha that would be so weird haha
James Miller
Nigga you run up
Then nigga
You run down
Grayson Barnes
wow that would be pretty boss
Sebastian Thomas
Based nigga poster
Ryder Rogers
Two haha posters on complete opposite sides of the depression spectrum. This is what not giving a fuck is about, you need to learn to turn everything into a positive and run with it as a win.
Blake Jackson
Nobody says this who isn't 220lbs plus.
So yeah, if you're a fatass running isn't for you.
Jackson Ramirez
Nurses mostly feel pity towards patients never anything like arousal. They feel disgusted by patient's doing anything sexual e.g. touching themselves or having wood. Sorry to ruin your fantasy
>t. ER Nurse
Nathaniel Kelly
Oh yeah? What if I’m a super fit above average height EMT, I feel like I’ll have some chances to get some nurses when I start this job
Maybe I’ll even get injured on the job and live out this fantasy to some degree
Jaxson Ward
Mostly true. But if it's even a remotely hunky guy it's all they talk about the whole time he's there. But you're correct the second he does anything sexual or hits in someone he becomes the scum of the earth.
Jackson Jackson
Oh nurses love the EMT guys. You'll bang plenty. Just watch out they are without exception nutty to the MAX.
Camden Powell
our ancestors ran, their ancestors ran, you're just a pussy nigger faggot, i bet you don't even lift.
Samuel Foster
>watch out they are without exception nutty to the MAX.
If this a warning or some sort of promise? Nah but I seriously hope so. Crazy+nurse= that’s gotta be some fire pussy man
Julian Sanders
Best sex you'll ever have for sure.
Also best job you'll ever get fired from... happened to me.
Jacob Ward
Lmao fuck sorry to hear that man. Does getting fired for that prevent you from getting rehired by other groups or just make it harder?
Charles Williams
Depends on the hospitals relationship with other groups.
But usually you sign a noncompete and it's illegal for them or you to talk specifically about why you were terminated. All they can say is that you violated policy.
Adam Murphy
>our ancestors ran
>i bet you don't even lift
My ancestors certainly didn't lift either you inconsistent retard