Is there any way to reverse the damage done by a lifetime of refined sugars and processed oils...

Is there any way to reverse the damage done by a lifetime of refined sugars and processed oils? Say I started eating exclusively clean food from now on, is it too late for me to look young and robust at age 40?

t. 21 year old american

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its too late so just eat all the sugar you want.

you'll never look good but you can prevent/reverse diabetes

only 21? hop on keto and intermittent fasting and you'll basically stop aging.

>21 years old
lol too late gramps

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What do you mean?


You missed your chance 7 years ago Gramps

Joking aside, you'll be fine, you're young still.

What you want to avoid are

Because these both act the same and blast blood sugar, causing a mass inflammatory response in the body, but also insulin release. The repetition of this throughout the day for years past the age of 25+ will slowly degenerate your body, also increase the likelihood of turning you into a fat planet.

The other thing is its bad for athletic performance. The sugar crash leaves you feeling like shit, something you will feel increasingly as you age. Though for you, it'll likely be vastly more noticeable once you get close to 30 years of age.

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Not op, but thanks for this advice.

Whats wrnog with sugar?

>Is there any way to reverse the damage done by a lifetime of refined sugars and processed oils?
it literally isn't a lifetime christ just eat clean and you'll get better

>You want to avoid carbs and sugar
???does this nigga know what sugar is

That's such a complex question you might want to talk with your doctor or a nutritionist. Don't ask these trolling motherfuckers on Jow Forums

You're going to lose your legs at the knees anyway so save up for prosthetics.

Yes. Look up the benefits of fasting.

Remember, Good diet, good exercise and good sleep.

Not OP, but as a hungry skeleton, what can I do to benefit from fasting? Any pro tips for bulking up so I don't go full Auschwitz?

>insulin release
as opposed to insulin resistance caused by low carb diets

> The sugar crash leaves you feeling like shit
it doesn't for me and many others, if you aren't a fat unhealthy fuck yo u won't experience any of this
>Because these both act the same and blast blood sugar
good thing our bodie s are adapted for this since our glu cose requirements are so much higher tha nsimilar sized animals
>causing a mass inflammatory response in the body,
Look at the vitamin C and glucose molecules please.
Yeah, they're both anti oxidants lmao.
Furthermore you don't even mention exactly what you mean by inflammatory response, did you know that ANYTHING you eat causes an inflammatory response? Exercise also causes such a thing, breathing too.

The only major nutrient that causes substantial long-lasting damage and which is consumed in excess by the average Westerner beginning in childhood is saturated fat. The result of excess saturated fat consumption beginning in childhood is that average Western children already have fatty deposits in their arteries before puberty. Slow reversal of this state is possible by drastically reducing intake of saturated fat and cholesterol and by exercising regularly, thus reducing LDL cholesterol below 60, where removal of fatty streaks becomes physiologically possible.

Sugar and liquid oils don't cause any damage at present intake levels, so there is nothing to reverse.

I hope you don't mean avoid carbs entirely because that is stupid

> but as a hungry skeleton, what can I do to benefit from fasting?
Exactly fucking nothing, fasting hasn't even been shown to be as good as a constant low intake of calories for autophagy or health markers or any of that shit.

eat little each meal
eat frequently
don't fast, only retards do that meme

Fasting does have benefits for weightloss. For one it actually preserves muscle mass better.

That said there is absolutely no reason a fucking skellinton should fast. Just eat healthy and max 2-3 times a day.

Keto, IF and OMAD can all reverse that and more but you gotta work for it user. Kill the sugar jew.

This if skelly mode don't fast more than 18hs and eat complex carbs for bulk

he is stupid, and yes that's what he meant, because he's stupid

breastmilk has carbs, so does cow milk and tiger milk, so t his an ti carb meme shit is full on retarded, we are adapted to eating carbs, carb content in breastmilk is also much higher than in other animals' milk, meaning we need more of it.

anyone who talks shit about carbs is retarded and wrong and shouldn't voice his opinion on anything related to nutrition or fitness

pic related drank gomad with honey and chocolate for over a decade

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>Fasting does have benefits for weightloss. For one it actually preserves muscle mass better.
for one, it doesn't
no, growth hormone isn't anabolic, igf-1 is, protein and carbs promote higher igf-1 levels in the blood, fasting does not

>That said there is absolutely no reason a fucking skellinton should fast
that we can both agree on
>just eat healthy and max 2-3 times a day.
3x a day is a good meal frequency

>the body needs the same macros at birth like at adult stage
This is a falacy. Nevertheless, the human body can adapt to almost everything but that doesn't mean its the most efficient, and it doesn't mean everyone gets the same results with the same diet. Anyway, shittalking carbs in general is wrong but fuck most processed foods specially refined sugar.

Based nutritionist poster


Ketards BTH(eck)O

>it actually preserves muscle mass better.
No it doesn't

>vegans actually believe breast milk is bad for you

milk doesnt have that many carbs in, what carbs would we eat in nature?

Grains and potatoes are from nature my man

theyre both man made


You can't be serious