How do you guys power through a workout when you’re suicidally depressed...

How do you guys power through a workout when you’re suicidally depressed? Every second of every day one have to push the desire to blow my head off out of my mind to complete the task at hand.

Sometimes it’s too much to even hit my workout like I should. Do you guys have any tips?

And yes, I know. Hope>Cope>Rope neck ropes to failure, ect. Believe me, I want to.

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i dunno usually working out is what helps me be not so depressed

get help

By thinking of all the dorks I’ve met and then remembering that at least I’m not them, dork.

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One more rep, one more set, one more day.

But to answer your question more seriously, although that is what I do to a degree (except I’m the dork and I want to beat the shitty people I’ve met, it gives me the mental drive and will to do anything), but you should seek help if it’s that bad.

Forgot my gif dork

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Have you tried pwo?

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Help just means a shit onions therapist instantly prescribing me anti depressants that will kill my dick and make me a drone.

Not necessarily, not a good one anyway. Antidepressants are definitely overprescribed and can fuck people up but if you need it then it works, and when they work they really work. Even then, look at it like this: all the people in the world have used shit to get ahead. They’ve taken advantage of people, used drugs (many former us presidents have used modalfinal people speculate for preparing for speeches, most doctors in med school too). If it helps you get out of a pinch and get to a better point in 6 months wher eyou can them come off them and start doing better without them, then you should consider it at least man. If you have no family to talk to, get in with a therapist. It sounds soi and weak but it’s not man, Derek Weida has made a few videos talking about this and how hard it was to start therapy for him if you can find them

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I also straight up can’t afford it and I have no insurance.

Imagine not researching and experimenting with the 8+ antidepressants that won't cause sexual dysfunction. Tfw what are tricyclics, tfw what are maois, tfw what is trintellix, what are other atypical antidepressants.

Your mood is a result of your biochemistry. It has no reality. If you inject heroin or MDMA you're going to feel amazing and your depression is going to magically vanish. How real are your feelings if you can just arbitrarily alter them by injecting a chemical? Answer, they're just arbitrary bullshit. Take advantage of modern science and start experimenting with non-SSRI antidepressants and do some research. There's shitloads of options. Or you can continue punishing yourself.

Holy fuck what a chad

Just do the heaviest leg press ever and just let the thing crush you, have someone film it you’ll die but be remembered for ever. If your friend manages it to post it here you’ll be immortalized.
Now that’s making it

Not him but I have a couple questions for you:

Couldn’t one increase the chemical(s) they’re lacking through means of improvement? For example if one who doesn’t have enough serotonin roughed it out, got in good shape, got a better job, socialized and all those things would they have more serotonin?

And what exactly is wrong with SSRIs

Get a job or a better job, a hobby other than lifting, and talk to that girl you have a crush on..
If it all fails you're still going to kill yourself right?
But it won't fail and it will show you that actions change things and complaining online to other complainers doesn't

Instead of being a sadkunt, become a madkunt.

Uppers help too.

Death now.

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It's still your motherfuckin' set.

imagine lifting in heavy, dense rainfall

Turn depression into fury and put it into your workout. If you cant do that maybe have somebody beat you so that you actually have something to be mad at

Use the pain. Make your body suffer like you are inside, make yourself hurt, through the pain you will find relief. Working out like this got me off of anitdepressents.

thanks user. saved

The best workout of my life came on a day where I wanted nothing more than to kill myself. It was probably the toughest day of my life and I remember nearly crying many times during the workout. But I just turned up my music louder to try and blare out my thoughts completely. I added like 10 pounds to all my lifts that day, I have no idea how.

Honestly I just look at the amount of work I’ve put into living and decide I don’t want to put it all to waste

I usually don't get depressed until I'm at home later, having finished my workout, and I'm still lonely.