How big do I have to be to get a cosplay GF?
How big do I have to be to get a cosplay GF?
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Those girls are sluts. Showing them dick will be sufficient.
Just look like the character her character would fuck?
Shit this is a slippery slope desu
You don’t lift and won’t get laid
Sage sage sage sage sage sage
zero two is my waifu. cosplayers just ruin the whole concept. ITS 2D FOR A REASON
Post body.
>inb4 no u
Post face home address social security and phone number
Only thing you'll get is deez nuts.
Post body
ottermode and have some level of charisma. they're all bat shit crazy though, so it's not worth it for anything but a quickie at a con.
this guy is just fridge mode
I'm pretty sure OP doesn't want to be a twink
these girls go for big bank accounts user
my best friend is a 6’0 skinnyfat who embodies the persona of an unwashed Jow Forumsommando who spends way too much time innawoods and he has the cutest cosplay gf i have ever laid eyes on, and she has one of the best personalities i have ever encountered in a female
so i guess literally just be yourself and get lucky
*a 6’0 skinnyfat skeleton
That's a man and you know it
You don't want a cosplay girlfriend, trust me. 99% of them have severe self-esteem issues from being losers in highschool, sating their need to feel desired by dressing provocatively for the attention from the loser beta boys in their web groups and camwhoring on Omegle and chatroulette (before going into actual camwhoring).
From these experiences, and their heavy reliance on anime and manga for escapism, they develop mental shortcomings and are often psychotic/narcissistic/promiscuous/solipsistic (although the majority of women are prone to solipsism). Oftentimes they think they're the main character in an anime; this is more dangerous than males thinking the same, as men who think this are laughed at and shunned from the most of society, and rightfully so. Women who think like this are not. Usually being encouraged to be arrogant and self-serving, as "all bodies are beautiful, so show off as much as you can".
You'll have a gf walking around cons half-naked, vying for attention. No amount of attention you give her will be enough, and the moment you forget to praise her for the promiscuous photos she posted on Facebook is the moment she jumps on another dick (or rather make it known to you).
I implore all anons, do not engage with cosplay girls.
This is what I assumed. They're a stone throws away from a porn star. A hot broken woman is still a broken woman and her novelty will wear off fast and the crazy will shine through
>You don't want a cosplay girlfriend
What if I just want to fuck cosplay women, running the risk I'll get an STD from one down the road. Some of these cosplay girls are so hot and you know it. Does age matter for these girls or as long as I'm Jow Forums I'm good?
>Some of these cosplay girls are so hot and you know it
Oh, I know it alright, which is why I was attracted to them initially. "Dress up" is so rare with non-cosplay women. Just something about having some petite whore bent over in front of you in some weeb dress and sheer white thigh-high stockings strapped into a garter belt, begging for you to fuck her sets off something primal in me.
Fucking them is fine and easy, just keep them at an arms length. As long as you give them attention and aren't ugly, you're good. You all but secure your chances if you're Jow Forums and facially aesthetic. Height, as always, also helps.
Just imagine you're a Chad back in highschool trying to fuck one of the nerdy loser girls; easy.