All memes aside, what’s actually so bad about eating carbs as long as you maintain your calorie intake?
Carbs are essential to fat loss and muscle gain.
You’re welcome.
What percentage of fat, carbs, and protein should one maintain on a daily basis?
Nothing if you're working out enough to burn them off. Otherwise you're just gonna put on fat.
Keto/low carb diets are fucking retarded. Just keep your carbs complex if possible.
That’s purely dependent on your goals/desired composition
Really? Well, let's say fat loss for starters. Eating about 1500 calories or so a day.
I would assume high protein high fat, low carbs? Just a guess.
i wanna look like that one guy from that fighting movie where after the fight hes looking back with a cigarette
For that you just need to eat chicken all day with a lot of cardio on top of the weight lifting.
I used to go on no carb diets, I don’t think they are that bad, you just tend to get crazy craving anything with carbs
>what’s actually so bad about eating carbs
the amount that the majority of people eat in comparison to their physical workload, nothing wrong with little carbs every now and then but if you eating a bunch without exercise to utlitze them it becomes a problem
>he fell for the "keto is a meme" meme
Carbs are the next boogieman until people realize red meats and processed foods were the main health problem all along
The issue with carbs is that most are "empty" like processed sugar and flour. Your body gets very little useful (read: long term) energy from simple carbs like sugar. Complex ones that come from whole grains and such are useful because they contain other things your body uses. This holds true for all macros; pork cracklins are 70% brotein yet the bag says ”not a significant source of protein" coz the protein in it isn't useful for synthesis. For carbs specifically, they are generally too simple to live off of, though you can get a wider range of useful proteins which is why keto works. Man cannot live on bread alone, but rice and lentils is sufficient.
None of this is scientific and has all been dumbed down for you faggots so do your own research before malnourishing yourselves.
>none of this is scie-
Fucks sake wasted 30 seconds reading the scrawl of a babbling retard
Carbs are fantastic
They’re essential for muscle building unless you’re rolling in money
I dont know how id be able to hit my bulking caloric intake without breaking my bank of low carb
If it wasn't for diabetes, it would unironically be very healthy to stuff yourself with sweets as long as it's below your caloric expenditure
Carbs get vilified in modern society because fatties are incapable of not acting on their primal instincts and maximizing their carb intake as if that's the only month in the entire year where they get to build some fat for survival, so they proceed to blame carbs and construct conspiracies around why they're getting fat and how it's all the nasty corporations' fault for mindcontrolling them into eating 3000kcal of sweets every fucking day
Just want to say that noone big says carbs are bad, and noone that says carbs are bad is big. Carbs are anabolic as fuck. Just look into Meadows, Israetel, and even Lyle McDonald for how necessary they are for growth. IGF, cell swelling, other downstream signalling for growth. Very anabolic!
>Very anabolic
Whatever makes you FAT also makes you BIG.
But it also makes you FAT.
It's all about the partitioning, and of the nutrients only protein helps with that.
If you're on dat dere celltech, you could eat cake and get shredded, normal humans can't.
10-20 for protein, 45-60 carbs, 20-30 for fat though max 10 percent saturated. According to nordiske recomendations
From your lips to your hips the fat you eat is the fat you wear. The fat you eat is the fat you wear. Carbs are where your calories should be coming from.
Find the amount of calories you need to eat
Find your proteins (0.8-1.4g/kg depending on sex and activity levels)
25% of your calories minimum should be fat.
Of the rest, subtract the protein calories to find your carb calories.
I'm not here to shill for keto or extreme low carb fact I think they're not a good fit for most people. That being said, I've been doing a zero to 10 carb a day diet and remaining in ketosis for the last month. I've never felt better. In fact, I've never even felt half this good.
I've already lost 15 lb in the last two months. Every single one of my lifts have gone up in that time. I also used to have a ton of inflammatory symptoms ranging from excess floaters in my eyes to joint pain and eczema. All of the symptoms have either been alleviated or eliminated. All this while becoming much leaner and stronger, with more energy throughout the day than I've ever had and with no carb crash ever.
If you do this diet right and eat an absolutly insane amount of fat, it can work wonders for weight management and vague, undiagnosed autoimmune problems. It's also in my opinion the best way to maintain musculature and strength while cutting, and possibly even gaining muscle while cutting.
Carbs don't matter if you are taking proper measures in being fit since you will be cardio to burn them off anyway.
I eat high carb meals only before and after my workouts. It's truly a patrician way of eating.
based "correlation means causation" poster
Keto is good for weight loss but absolutely useless in building muscle
Why would intentionally make it harder for your body to work when you're already putting it under stress trying to build muscle tissue?
well carbs improve nutrient partitioning and fats are the most fattening macro by far with no equal
When you guys actually build some muscle you'll find that you need to eat what you twats call "high carb" everyday just to maintain.
there's a funny one that shows obesity rates in perfect tune with caloric intake changes
too bad ketocels will never admit caloris are still the one thing that matter
It doesn't make it harder for me. If I eat any carbs, even something like oats, I get sluggish and lethargic for several hours afterwards. On keto, I wake up full of energy and maintain the energy throughout the day and feel strong as fuck in the gym. I actually find it easier to lift without carbs. That said, I've only been doing true keto for a month so it may change over time and these benefits I'm experiencing might just be due to weight loss. We'll see.
Try doing 6 day PPL program + daily cardio on keto and you'll find you gas out waaaaay quicker than someone who eats carbs
If you believe that a calorie is a calorie (which has never had scientific credibility) then it doesn't matter. If you understand the endocrine system then you should understand that the source of calories matters, in particular how they affect inflammation, insulin resistance and homeostasis.
>Why would intentionally make it harder for your body to work when you're already putting it under stress trying to build muscle tissue?
>Why would I train harder when I can just do stuff the easy way and avoid building Discipline?
Yeah not gonna make it bruh
Not that but your body is working against what i naturally wants to when you enter ketosis, its not something your body WANTS to do but rather something its forced to do to keep you alive much like the metabolism of a really skinny person is slowed down in an effort to not fucking die when undereating every day.
If you then couple your body having to work in ketosis convertin fatty acids to glycogen in an effort to not fuck up your brain with the effort of also wanting to build muscle having the need for more than usual muscle protein synthesis you're putting your body under way more stress than it needs to be under.
When you're building muscle, that should be your primary focus, just like when you're a kid growing, your primary focus should be on growing.
Then when you have built your muscle its much easier to preserve it and go on a fat loss specific diet and training routine in order to lose fat.
But trying to juggle both in an attempt to be a hardass and then ending up just hurting your body is retarded
I can't cico simply because it never worked for me, but keto suddenly did. But I'm no one who says everyone should now only go for keto.. do whatever works best for you; else you won't stay committed anyway.
>but keto suddenly did
You lost 5 kilos of water weight because you have the sponge body type that loves to absorb water. Keto makes you lose water weight while carbs help you retain it.
You're not actually getting leaner, that is, considering you're not lying about not counting calories and still eating at or above maintenance.
some people seem to absorb too much water from ea ting ple nt y of carbs for whatever reason that I cannot explain, but it is a thing I have experienced
I don't know what causes it, it even gives some people a puffy look despite no changes in fat mass, it's all water weight changes
like this guy here, eating a lot of carbs just mak es him look puffy af in just 2 weeks
I lost 13kg of water?
Did you eat at a caloric surplus, or did stuffing yourself with meat made you lose appetite and did that make you eat at a huge deficit?
Because you're fucking bullshitting if you ate at a caloric surplus yet still lost so much weight, and if you didn't eat at a surplus then what you experienced was literally just standard cico
>majority if water weight due to carbohydrates wreaking havoc and acting as inflammatory agents
lol what an imbecile
glycogen = inflammation
I can't tell. While on keto I didn't track calories, I just focused on staying below 20g of carbs, pissed on my ketostix and if they went purple I kept loosing weight.
Like I said, I'm not saying keto is the key, it just worked for me, probably because it was simpler for me to follow.
Cico not working for me, might just be me being to retarded to track correctly, or having to much fluctuations dunno.
I have my caloric diary still on the phone for last year June-August.
(Btw I went from 101 to 85kg @185cm, in case you were wondering)
This. I love Keto for fat loss and have done it very successfully when I haven't been lifting but now that I am regularly I just have to eat carbs. I usually only eat complex carbs before lifting, after lifting and for breakfast the next day though
he might be retarded, but it doesn't change the fact that he looks puffy when eating lots of carbs despite controlling for calories
I assume that it isn't really a negative unhealthy thing but just a change in the appearance he has, body sucks up more water making it look more puffy.
Maybe that's why they are called carbo-HYDRATES?!
A hydrate is a substance that contains water.
yeah, but a lot of people say things such as "carbs fill your muscles with water" and things like "you will look dry and depleted without carbs"
if you look less muscular with carbs though, how are carbs necessary for looking "big"?
I realize that they are a cheap and tasty way to bulk up but if you can look drier on lower carbs and eat a fuckton of protein and fat instead you could avoid the bloated look issue altogether while still making gains right?
You'll avoid diabetes and cavities too
Low carbs causes low test
And you will have no energy
Have fun making very very suboptimal to zero gains
how do you ketotards sleep on keto ?
Ketards usually have trouble staying awake due to being undercarbed, that's why they all consume stimulant drugs like high-dose caffeine and modafinil just to be able to function in normal life. Pretty funny
go to bed and close my eyes
Why are you mad?
Dafug is all that misinformation?
Less gains probably, but the rest complete bullshit.
It's even the other way around. My Co-workers often feel like shit and sleepy after lunch break and they try to compensate with mugs of coffee; I'm always just leveled energetic.
its scientifically proven low carb diets cause dangerously low test
Also idgaf if u can function at night while ur colleagues who eat fast food get tired
I was talking about energy while doing aerobic and anaerobic activities which is shit while doing low carb
Well nothing, but why even bother when you can achieve better results with better food? I understand there's some good tasty carbs and if you can fit them in your diet go for it, but truthfully you can eat tasty shit that doesn't fuck with your blood sugar as much. Like would you rather eat a steak or a peanut butter sandwich?
Better results at becoming a twink
This. Running the same program and eating 225g of carbs. Every 2 weeks, I have to carb load just to keep up. Anyone trying to lift and cardio without carbs is crazy.
Whoa, whoa, whoa there bud. Who said anything about cardio?
Give me the proofs.
>your primary focus should be on growing
Too bad excessive carb intake slows HGH
>have trouble staying awake due to being undercarbed
Stop. Carbs aren't a primary food source. Also a rise in insulin (from too much Carbs) is more likely to make you sleepy. Read a book sometime.
How bad is it that i add a teaspoon or two of sugar to my morning oats, and cottage cheese?
lol it's not accident that ketards jumped on "bulletproof coffee" like thirsty dogs. How many normal people, let alone high-carb vegans, are so deprived of adequate nutrition that they have to consume coffee with every meal to fight off the permanent fatigue of high blood triglycerides
I eat nothing but rice, lentils and chicken and eggs daily. I don't know if it'll help me lose weight but I love it because it lasts so long is so cheap and tastes so good
>not learning the lesson
Lesson is don't take his word for it, not that's he's wrong for not citing a source.
Carbs to start the day and after a workout (dinner) are all that's needed.
They're not needed
Wtf where are you getting this shit?
It's just coffee with sticks of butter added
The most vile shit imaginable
The "official" version also contains an additional supplement that's supposed to help your alertness on top of the caffeine.
The ketard who invented it also takes even more prescription stimulants. A whole medicine cabinet full of pills and trinkets to deal with how shit you feel after eating a stick of butter and a ton of eggs. LMAO
look at every keto retard on youtube, almost all of them consume plenty of coffee and other stimulants just to get by
joe rogan is one of them
all these fuckers are ADDICTED to fucking stimulants, some of them are even on T RT to cope with their shit diet.
The only way to do a "keto" diet right is to eat a fuckton of protein which makes it non ketogenic
Carbs aren't required at all, but are useful especially for putting on weight. Fad diets like keto come and go. The idea of simply eating less/more to lose/gain weight has been around forever though. Funny how that works.
>how u get big without carb?
You guys telling me, you're not drinking anything caffeine?
Lions and humans do not have the same digestive tract or macronutrient requirements
Stop being a retard
>How you get big as creature designed over millions of years of evolution to be bigger, faster, stronger than humans can ever dream of?
No shit. Go vegan like elephant then.
>how does mammal build muscle? carb?
I eat bread or oats or pasta or rice everyday
There's nothing wrong with carbs
Just count calories and eat enough protein and micros let the carb/fat distribution be whatever.
The only problem is eating empty carbs that won't fill you up at all like sugar
>mfw I turns out I lost 5 stone of water
Starches bloat me like fuck. I eat honey and fruit, and drink milk but starches just mess with me.
I can drink two litres of milk and feel fine. My stomach is full but there is no bloat. If I eat a cup of oats or rice, I feel like the Michelin man for hours