Trap Aesthetics tips/help

How long is this diet diet plan maintainable before it starts become a serious detriment to my health I'm just looking to cut like 25 lbs or so. Also if you guys know any actual other valid methods to achieve trap Aesthetics please let me know. Also I've been on HRT for about 3 years now and I think I put on quite a bit of fat on more female areas of my body But it's time to send out again and I just really need some help thank you guys

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How passable are you, also got tits yet? You're a mentally ill degenerate btw.


pic related is genuine autism
>600 calories a day
>pink food lmao random
>you can't only drink water
>600 cals yet you drink pure sugar and waste your limited calories


Bleach drink x f

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I would say I'm at twinkhon level of passable atm. Yeah I know I am

You will never pass

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you will never be a woman

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The main focus here's the 600 calories a day f*** everything else that that guide says I really don't care about it it's mainly the trying to maintain on 600 calories a day is what I'm interested in joining if I can do it and successfully lose weight

this is a retarded diet.
just do 16/8 fasting and eat at a moderate deficit while making sure to get adequate macros. basically just eat healthy food and not garbage and engage in physical activity on a regular basis

actual advice
>squats for bigger butt and nicer legs
>chest exercises to push out tits, but only to an extent
>situps and other core exercises necessary
>have good genetics

Do 2468 diet. Faggot.

read the sticky, find your tdee 600 cal can either be too low or too much

The what now?

What are your thoughts on cardio mainly long distance at low speed.

Just kill yourself now. Save everyone some time and energy

2468 diet. You eat 200 kcal on the first day. 400 on the second day. 600 on the third day and then 800. Then you repeat it. That means you eat again only 200 kcal again.

lmao your face looks like shit


Unless he's a very old, sedentary midget 600 cal is not too much.

Interesting I'll have to try that maybe thank you for your advice



You've failed at being a man and now you're going to fail at being a pretend woman too. Is it that fucking difficult to do your own research? Is this a bait thread?

You've been on HRT for 3 years-- there's no way you're ever going to gain enough muscle to become bulky and your fat distribution will be feminine. Read the sticky you retarded faggot. Lift, eat at a slight caloric deficit over time, etc.

Shoo shoo

Watch this

you will never pass
go back to discord nigger

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Discord is f****** lame

i know this 140 fitness coach and shes eating around 1000/1200 a day. shes ripped and has abs. eating 600 cals makes you sound like a moron unless youre 5" and 100 lbs

>listening to a school shooter who beats his teen gf black and blue for sexual pleasure


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>he doesn't know

jump from roofs x till failure

The first time I heard that one was from a mentally ill anorexic girl.

im a trap, whats a good butt workout routine to do, also im 170 pounds and 5´11... will eating 800cal a day be ok to get down to about 145 lbs?

Repent to Christ


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strong curves

Calculate your tdee and eat 500 kcal under that. Also post body

Based OP making a false flag to kill trannies even quicker

I don't think that he wants to get shredded
You will almost certainly never pass at 5 11, have you tried just being an effeminate man instead of trying to become something which you fundamentally are not?
This won't help the mental illness, but what you can try is some combination of fasting, T3, and whatever stims are necessary to keep you from eating. I'd get at least 80 grams of protein a day to prevent your cardiac muscle from being turned into glucose

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>600 calories a day
This isn't sustainable nor healthy. 1500 calories a day, or 1200 if you're short. Ditch the hot cocoa and pink lemonade, add black coffee. Do cardio and yoga 3-4 times a week.


What about intermediate fasting followed by cardio every once in awhile


lmao a third of your daily calories on a fucking hot cocoa

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Wait hot chocolate makes you into a trap?

>600 cal/day
hmmm I highly doubt that.

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fuck off tranny

Trap here who frequently gets asked how to get my body. Big protip, if you don't already have the body for it and you have to ask, you're probably never going to get it. I had a body people were envious of long before I started working out and I didn't watch what I ate in any meaningful capacity either.

Would you happen to have any actual advice or tips on that high horse of yours?

Yeah, don't be so defensive, it'll stress you out. Bad for the skin, ages you faster. If you do already have the body for it, I'd recommend some cardio and glute targeted exercises, if not, I don't mean this to be a dick but work to your strengths instead. There was a point in life that I hated how girly and feminine I was.

Please consider repenting of your sins and stop being a degenerate

go back to facebook


i identify as male(femboy) and i pass as female when i feel like it, besides the voice bit i suppose, you sound like a manlet thinking 5´11 is too tall most super models are around my hight, it can look quite good

A 5'11 man has a completely different bone structure and build from a 5'11 woman. You do know that, right?

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ive been on the whoremoans 7 years, since i was a teen, and i have a mirror

You don't pass everyone can tell.

Why hasnt faggot OP posted body yet?

When a girl goes out without makeup she looks like a girl. When you do it, people stare and ask why that man is wearing a skirt. How do you think it will look when you're 35? You'll probably become part of the 40%. I blame your parents

you are wrong

based stonetoss


Fucking kill yourselves already

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Losing weight doesnt make one closer to a woman

this shit will exacerbate your mental illness lol, but the faggot that made it probably knows that and gets off to making faggots like you


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Bridge jumps x F


Not wrong at all. Post body fag

Based Sam.

I feel sorry for your mental illness. I hope you can find a way to treat your self-image issues (friends, therapy, clothes) and that you exercise for health instead of using it as a treatment for self-image problems.

Kek this, but unironically

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what makes you say thats how aging works?

>hot chocolate with each meal
That makes what... A potato and a hot chocolate daily?

Kys tranny faggot.

Make sure to do your bridge jumps after workout.

you might have started the hormones at some point (that's what people do to cattle by the way), but hormones start way before puberty hits. specifically, before you were born, hormones determined your gender as well as your later physiological makeup in life. even if you took hormones the day you were born, you'd still be a man. a very gay one, but not close to being a girl. just be a cute boy please. i would still like to fuck you (as well as many others) but not if you're trying to be a girl and then die.

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>thinking 5´11 is too tall most super models are around my hight.
You being 5'11'' isn't the issue its the broad shoulders, narrow hips, and most of all penis.

If you actually put the same amount of effort and dedication into actually being a man as you did into being a disgusting tranny, you'd probably live a happier more fulfilling life.
>you will never be passable
>you will look like a freak by the time you hit 30
>you will probably commit suicide or die of aids before 50

u should try injecting a gram of test without pct, the rebound will prolly do more than anything else

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Why are so many trannies weeaboos?


>lol red ribbon girl is literally him in the future.

>This thread is still up

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Fucking useless janny niggers


It's not that they age out of it into looking like men again, it's just that they never looked feminine in the first place. They just take pictures well lol. And then age gets everybody eventually, trannyfag, real woman, or man

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This what the fuck?

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based af

>and then age gets everybody
This can be minimized by living in harmony with nature, with how you were born to be! Get well soon. Polite sage for two posts in a row

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Don't listen to the fedora tipers, rational man tries everything before giving up

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god why is this thread still going on? i don't think op is even here still

>i was here at the beginning

i identify as male, and taking hormones is the best thing for me, going off hormones would likley result in me becomming manlier and no longer being able to pass as female if i chose to present myself as one, hormones wont make me suicidal turning into a manly man beast would probably would tho, ill do everything in my power to remain feminine looking life long, and i wouldnt fuck you, your idea of what is most atractive has no effect on how i feel best in my own skin you wierdo, with proper self care, excercise and hormones i can be girly my whole life and possably more so as time goes on, images of late transitioners is probably what makes you think that you turn manly at 35