Is there a more perfect food than eggs?
Is there a more perfect food than eggs?
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Is egg powder cheaper?
it's only rival are sardines
don't eat powdered fat
eggs unironically have low protein for the amount of calories. And in my native language protein is actually translated to 'eggwhite'
Not even close
Maybe breast milk, but that's a huge maybe
Protein is important, but that isn't the only factor.
Liver. Even cheaper, more nutritious, and delicious. More protein dollar for dollar, less fat, quality vitamins and minerals. Also other organs like heart, kidney, gizzards, stomach, etc.
Brined chicken breasts are the shit
>no fat
>no carbs
>just soft, squishy protein pillows
I put these little cubes in a rice based dish and all of a sudden it has an extra 92g of protein, fucking fantastic.
>are the shit
>no fat
no. they are shit.
>Not drinking your wife's breast milk for max gains.
Never gonna make it.
T. Doesnt like the taste
Sardines are god tier.
>hemp seeds
>liver (pork or chicken)
>maca powder
>goji berries
>turkey meat
This, livers are fantastic, but I can't imagine eating it daily like for example chicken breasts
what actually defines a superfood?
a food with lots of nutrients?
a food that you can rely on solely for years and still have optimal health?
just some meme food that people call a super food because it's conventional wisdom?
in any case, you can't survive on eggs, and eating only eggs is fucking terrible, no one has ever survived on eggs or an egg based diet, so eggs are not a superfood
you know what's a superfood?
milk, chocolate milk, yogurt
potatos, sweet potatos
if you eat more than 100g of liver a week you're exponentially increasing your vitamin D and K requirements due to vitamin A toxicity
furthermore liver has too much copper
Low quality bait
>chocolate milk
c'mon at least try
SPinach, fish, beans
Don't gains goblin your children bro. Use another women's breast milk
Eggs taste pretty bland unless theyre drenched in salt
fuck chicken breasts. pork chops are better. the only people that eat chicken over pork do so because they can't cook or they're jews
Doo doo is cheaper and more delicious, not sure about the nutrition comparison.
Drink your enemy's wife's breast milk for maximum efficiency
Right. Only liquid you should drink from your wife's body is diarrhea.
Not for me. They make me want to puke without salt/butter/cottage cheese
Are you german, or is there another language that does that?
Honestly they taste disgusting. Especially boiled eggs.
I have come damn close to overdosing on these things, the only thing that keeps me in check is the cost, $3 per where I live
This. Also, unironically onions. Spinach is great too. Any berries. Yams. Generally, really colorful fruit or veggies tend to be rich in antioxidants and nutrients.
Salmon is based as all hell.
Is there a worse term that became popular within the last decade?
I never really like beef liver but I recently discovered how delicious raw lamb liver is
Also russian does that.
What if you eat them...together?
Eggs are a complete protein.
This. Your bang per gram is much higher with eggs. You can combine your protiens and get good numbers (think beans and rice), but eggs are damn near a perfect ratio out the gate. Steak and chicken might have a shit ton, but they have less complete ratios so your getting less from them on there own. And no one but the dumbest autist says you can ONLY eat eggs, that's like saying eat nothing but ribeye forever.
Nisi resen
eiwitten (Dutch)
it's just (((marketing))) tricks
You forgot the best part.
Btw how likely am I to fuck up is I attempt to sous vide an egg without the fancy equipment?
You know I love cooking with onions for the aroma, but my palette is so pleb I barely notice their flavor.
Latvian language too.
Laughs in omega 3
The world health organization literally made it illegal to use the word nutritious for eggs. They're not healthy.
Problems are they are not filling and in the eggwhite are antinutrients.
So they are not the best food but still nice.
Well if the WHO says it it must be true! They wouldn't dare to publish complete bullshit.
Human babies.
What better way to get all the nutrients you need to sustain a human being than to eat one?
you'd explode. No mortal man can handle such power
Very low protein to calorie ratio. Some built guy would be better
Türkçe değil bilader başka bir dilde, Türkçede protein =/= yumurta beyazı. Nerede öğrendin Türkçeyi
I don't have to, chocolate milk is an actual superfood judging by its nutritional profile and you can easily see this for yourself
plus it's tasty, requires 0 cooking and is also very cheap and easy to store
a literal superfood
That's why you are supposed to eat whites only
I'm gonna start DEAD (dozen eggs a day). Should make cutting easier since eggs are pretty bland plus it'll save money for sips. Thoughts?
So OP likes eggs huh?
Amd you are from?
Why do you think (((they))) are pushing for abortion so hard?
I'd love to break his egg with a ball peen hammer. Those hammers don't bounce.