Worked out earlier today

>worked out earlier today
>went to take a leak 6 times in the last hour
What the fuck is going on Jow Forums?

Attached: file.png (646x595, 339K)

I'm not an expert but sounds to me like you drank a lot of water

caffeine + water = piss

This happen when u're becoming gay. Don't worry it's a tolerate illness now, people can almoqt live like normal people with.
Good luck. Faggot

I'm still thirsty desu

I didn't drink any coffee

You're right user, I would fucking destroy your anus if I could

Might be diabetes, see a doc

>I'm still thirsty desu
Possible symptom of diabetes. Keep looking for warning signs and then get checked.

>I didn't drink any coffee
He said caffeine, not coffee. I'm pretty sure most sports drinks have caffeine.

Pls tell me you're memeing. Does that mean I will have to stop gaining weight? I have just started ffs.

I know, I didn't drink any of that either.

>Pls tell me you're memeing
Not memeing. I'm not very educated in diabetes, but you should look some stuff up or see a doctor. It doesn't hurt to get checked out even if you don't have it.

Medfag here, constant thirst and urination are classic signs of diabetes type II. If you feel hunger after eating or dry mouth then it’s very likely. Go to your doctor ASAP

New user here no they're not memeing might be diabetes. I mean it can be something else or just you drinking a lot of water too but if you're fat and/or have a sugar problem I'd get it checked just to be sure.

Attached: it'sgonnabeokay.jpg (237x212, 11K)

6 times in an hour seems a little excessive for plain diabetes (it just seems unrelated). The bladder doesn't fill up nearly fast enough to allow for 6 full peeing sessions in an hour. A typical question to ask in diabetes screening is whether a patient frequently urinates again within 2 hours after the last time, not 10 minutes

what colour is your urine

First off it means you might die.

You should probably bulk cleaner, it sounds like you've been bingeing on sugar because "muh bulk".

I just made an appointment with my doctor. There are cases of diabetes in my family so that might be it. Wtf lads, how am I supposed to bulk ?

Too much pre-workout?

Yeah it's also a classic sign of being thirsty and having to take a piss.

Fucking retard hypochondriacs, I swear.

Haha yeah bro pissing every 10 minutes is normal haha
Kys you unironic retard

Sugar intake has nothing to do with diabetes.

First of all you need to relax. I am assuming you are below 30 years of age. Type 2 diabetes is very very rare before 30 (even before 40) and usually associated with obesity and physical inactivity (you're at the gym so I assume this is not the case). Type 1 diabetes begins most typically before the age of 20 and is unrelated to diet or exercise - it's bad luck. Diabetes does not prevent exercise or strength training in any way.

Furthermore, there are other issues that can cause problems with frequent urination, including the harmless "diabetes insipidus" (unrelated to normal diabetes), or problems with the bladder or kidneys. Just wait to see the doctor for now

Electrolyte inbalance can cause excess need to urinate, drink some Gatorade or eat some salt user probably fix you right up.

>thinks he can diagnose diabetes on Jow Forums because a guy had to take a piss
>calls me a retard

sure thing lol

yellowish-brown, like always.

It might sound nasty as fuck but when you go to piss next time, piss a drop on your hand and like it off. If the urine taste sweet, you might have diabetes. But don't eat artificial sweetener before that.

>clueless dumbass
>no u
Hope you learned to tie nooses by now

Thanks for the info, I hope that's it. I might not be eating enough salt.

yellow-pale, not different from usual