What is the best way to train forearms?

What is the best way to train forearms?

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push ups on your fists

Probably long-duration sets of wrist rollers. Or farmer's carries with a really heavy weight. Or go rock climbing in a gym and go up and down a fairly easy wall but use your arms a lot.

I can't think of anything that's more systematic or targeted than that.

I just do barbell wrist curls front and back supersets

reverse curls, preferably on a preacher bench.

stop posting the same shit everyday, forearmlet

Hold heavy stuff


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OP, urironically high volume wrist curls, wrist rollers and various grip sport exercises will do it. problem with forearms is guys will focus on static movements and do perhaps 3-4 sets of half-assed wrist curls a week if they remember to and complain about progress. go and look up lighter powerlifters - some of them have extremely strong deadlifts but stick forearms. it can hardly be said that static training is the best for forearm hypertrophy (but obviously is great for forearm strength).

farmers walks bretty good for me

captain crush

A job in construction.

I have yet to see someone working in construction that had tiny forearms.

Bouldering 3xweek

Is it okay to do some forearm work everyday? It could be high volume low weight wrist curls/extensions,heavy farmers walk and some wrist roller.

i get carried with them and use them way too much since the one i have are pretty easy and on non working out days i use them all day.

these are good

if you're recovering properly week to week, then that's totally fine. in my experience the forearms recover very quickly so I personally hit them 4x a week.

What do you mean "seriously?" I just said wrist rollers and rock climbing (can't think of a better grip sport)

Masturbate all the time it worked for me

Can confirm. My forearms are jacked from holding onto all these feels

Hammer curls

Farmers carries, double overhand deadlifts, axle rows/deadlifts.

Grappling, especially in gi's.

firm handshake x1000

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based trips strong handsake boomer

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>farmer's carries
can i do them with just one ez-bar ? like once holding it in the right hand and than holding it in the left hand ?

Just get some bags and fill them with stuff

absolutely splendid my dudes

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Get a job and work 8 hours with your hands every day

God that zoomer’s physique is so unaesthetic, all the semi-big 20 year old’s at my gym look like that. Completely hairless and all puffy and round with no definition.

well yeah it's the most basic look that practically anybody can achieve with minimal effort. The boomer looks unironically strong.

The best exercise for wrists are hammer curls and deadlifts. Everything else is cope.