Be at squat rack

>be at squat rack
>finally hit 1pl8
>chad comes in and asks if he can join in
>think he's about to warm up with my PR
>ends up warning up doing OHP with it
>chad smirks and poses in front of the mirror

Was he purposely mogging me or am I just reading into this much?

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Who gives a shit? Just keep lifting, cunt

He wanted to fuck your trap level boi hole

the entire world and everyone's actions do not revolve around you. like 99,9999999% of people, this random dude with his own complex life, problems and motivations barely noticed you

I mean, lmao1pl8 isn't all that heavy of an OHP. It was probably legit warm up, not rudeness. Also probably didn't want to inconvenience you so he just warmed up with whatever you had on rather than swapping plates.

Never care what people think about you when you are working out. I mean you should care if you are being a dick and hogging equipment or something but never about improving yourself.

I wouldn’t read too much into it. He probably saw that someone else was using the power rack and wanted to work in, nothing more. I sometimes pose a little after I do OHP just because my delts always look so FWARKING JUICY, but I’m not trying to mog anybody.

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Always care about the opinion of others if you're working out. Especially my opinion since I'm the one who decides if you can pass the gate of Petrus.

>reading into this much
He saw the right weight on the bar and pressed it.

Yes you were mogged, now your options are to switch gyms or get a home gym and never leave your house again until swole except for work and groceries to avoid further mogging.

Im kind of joking but also not I literally did this. Lifting never cured the autism...

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this is the redpill that im still struggling to realise
people don't care about me

based Commander

1pl8 squat lol are u a girl?

People need to hear this more often.

>Ohp in the squat rack
Least you're not gay op.

Post body

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True, but just because Chad's life doesn't revolve around you doesn't mean he can't still mog you in passing every day as part of his ritual simply because he feels like it in the moment. The only permanent solution is to run from your problems and escape into anime and vidya desu.

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now post "actually" squatting

Dyel cope

not the user youre replying to, but fuck off its a good squat. he hit depth, and its a half decent weight. he posted now its your turn, bost pody mong

Had same thing,
>Bench 170, PR for me, ask absolute unit for a spot on last set, didn't need it thank him.
>Asks if I'm done, say yep as I'm unracking, he says leave a pl8 on and warms up w just less than my Max
>Goes up to 3 fookin plates
Difference I suppose is that I didn't think HE shamed me. I thought ME shamed me.
Holy shit I'd kill for a time machine to make HS me lift regularly and not get that college shoulder injury trying to ego lift like a hard. Also Bitcoin... And fugg Missy and her big boobies

>>chad smirks and poses in front of the mirror

If you didn't imagine this then yes he was mogging you.

1 pl8 ohp is nothing special though. You will get there in a few years

>4 plates
>half decent


You are fucking mentally ill if you're this paranoid

Worst thing is that a good part of Jow Forums thinks this way

chadbro was motivating you, not mogging you, you massive faggot.

It was a set of 5 but pls go on and post 6pl8 squat keyboard warrior

Today ten juiced up dudes showed up out of nowhere in an usually calm and small gym. Never been mogged harder in my life, also never considered roids until now fuarrrkkkk

Definitely a mog, i purposely train my strength on OHP so that each time i see a DYEL squatting i ask him if i can work in to ohp his squat weight.