I'm a 18-year-old hyper fat-fuck. Morbidly obese. I've been obese my whole life, and morbidly so since... 10...

I'm a 18-year-old hyper fat-fuck. Morbidly obese. I've been obese my whole life, and morbidly so since... 10? Or somewhere around that age.
The point is. I don't want to take any kind of jew medicine or have sugeries performed on me (unless someone here manages to convince me to the contrary).
I also want to continue alive, and perhaps get a girlfriend. But overall, I want to better myself for my own sake.
I'm around 180 kg and 5'7" (very average height where I live). I don't eat TOO much, but everything I eat is absolute shit. Prime american cuisine, as some may put it. I also don't exercise, and spend much of my time on the computer. These are very obvious problems.
Now, to cut my blog short, my point is: I'm slightly lost regarding "diet". What is good for me? What is a meme? If I wanted to have muscle instead of fat, do you first have to lose all the fat and then begin gaining muscle, or can it be a simultaneous process? What kind of exercise is best for losing weight, and how much of it? What is the "fastest" way to lose fat? Anything more I should know?

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Fastest is /fast/ look into Snake Diet or the fasting fat man on youtube. They're antithesis of one another.
Just get over your food addiction and stop eating fatty.

Lost about 45 lbs by eating just one normal meal a day, no carbs.

>I don’t eat too much

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Don't stop reading there.

>180kg at 5'7"
I'd unironically recommend the auschwitz mode/skellyfag diet I was following until recently that got me 60kg at 5'8". Just eat 1500 calories of clean food per day, which will mostly be good quality chicken breast (you can season it a ton of different ways so you don't become bored of it) and veggies, and only drink water and milk but without the autistic gomad shit, just maybe a cup a day (and absolutely NO soda)

Do this and stop driving, everywhere you go you should walk there if it's a reasonable distance, all while you start lifting and you can turn yourself around

I think you will still need surgery for loose skin, but since you're young you'll make a pretty good recovery and your skin will look okay when you're fixed. Good luck op

>Prime american cuisine
>5'7" (very average height where I live)
Anyways, forget about building big muscles . You're too fat, reduce your calories and do simple walks everyday, get used to walk nonstop for at least an hour, better would be 2. 2500 calories with a low carb macro profile would be good enough at first. Also do some IF.

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I’m gonna do you a solid even though it’s in a sticky cause you seem like an honest guy whose at least being truthful with himself and putting it out there.

You should lift weights on a bro split 4-5 times a week. 4-5 exercises a body part, working up to a few heavy sets of 8-12 each exercise. Abs and calves can be trained 3 times a week after lifting. People will tell you ss or ppl whatever, but this is basic as fuck, requires little to no thought and just gets you in there and lifting. That’s whats important right now.

Cardio: because you’re so overweight I would recommend a 5-10 minute walk adding another 5 minutes to each walk every week, 5-7x a week. This will be hard for you at first and over time as it gets easier you can jack up the incline. Do it before or after lifting whatever you feel is better for you I’d prefer after out of personal habit.

Food: people shill all sorts of meme shit on here man but realistically you need a lifestyle change that’s habitual and maintainable. Going from 3-4 big Amerifat meals a day to OMad or fasting is going to be too drastic. For the first month or two just commit that you’ll eat nothing but home cooked meals consisting of lean meats, egg whites, rice , potatoes, pasta, oats and greens 3 times a day. That alone should make a big difference. After that buy a food scale and start measuring amounts and move to counting macros and try to stay under your amounts for your deficit (use a calculator). It doesn’t have to be perfect every day, just close.

This can take you down to a normal weight with the work, once you get down come back and post with how it went and asking how to rebuild with more muscle and someone else will guide you from there.

Good luck user

The quality of what you eat has very little to do with your weight gain. Don't get me wrong, you shouldn't eat garbage because there are plenty of benefits to eating good food, but you being fat is entirely on how much you eat.

DO start exercising, because this promotes a healthy lifestyle
DO start eating good food, also count calories (TDEE minus 500) and make sure you eat that much in real food. If you don't eat enough, you'll feel too hungry and complement with sodas and garbage. Make sure you eat enough proteins (0,7 gram per pounds of bodyweight), as proteins are great at making you feel sated.

Biggest thing you should take away OP, is how to count calories, properly, and estimating your true TDEE.

Use this to estimate how many calories you need to eat to KEEP your current weight.

Then download myfitnesspal on your phone.
Everything you eat or drink aside from water, to the best of your ability, needs to go into that app.


Expanding on this, your first 2-3 weeks are gonna suck dick. No way around that. You're used to eating until full. You will acclimate over time but stick it out. Give up soda forever, best starting point. At least get a taste for diet soda or coke zero. Keep cold water with you as much as possible to fucking guzzle when you get "hungry". Most of the time fatties confuse hunger and thirst. Chug that shit like your life unironically depends on it

Swap out fatty foods for lean meat and veggies.
Make your own food and read nutrition on stuff that you buy.
Go for a 1hr walk each day.

Probably gonna get flamed for meme diet but keto really made it possible for me to lose 45kg last year.
For me after the first 2-3 weeks and knowing i was in ketosis kept me from cheating because i didn't want to go through having to get into it again.
It made saying no to that pointless little carb snack way easier.
Ate mostly beef, chicken, tuna, salads and Shirataki noodles (0 carb noodles that are great for filling out a meal)

I also did regular 24-48 hour fasts which i actually wound up enjoying for the challenge of it.
I started my diet off with a 2 day fast to try and kick start ketosis and that really helped me understand what feeling actually hungry was and reset my appetite. Doing this made started a 16:8 IF routine easier as well.

Also start walking. Find a nice big park nearby and go as often as you can this summer, enjoy the sunshine and as you lose weight maybe start doing little jogs, eventually give C25K a try.

You got this bro,

One more thing to add. As other anons have said, stop eating snacks and trash in favor of meats and veggies. If you like to eat, might as well eat good food, plus you'll feel Soo much more full for the same amount of calories.

Think of it this way: a 400 calorie honey bun has the same or a bit more calories than an 8oz fatty steak. Which is going to make you more full?

>400lbs 5'7
dios mio el goblino es una pelota


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Eat a lot less processed foods. If you can't cook for yourself it will probably be hard cause it sounds like you have been raised by fatasses who don't know shit about nutrition and just feed you junk.

Don't calculate your tdee because it gets wildly inaccurate for fatasses. Eat less than 2500 calories a day (high protein diet should keep you filled up, keep carbs to a minimum), and start working out if you can. Even just walking on a treadmill or a cycling lightly on a bike machine for half an hour a day is better than doing nothing.

If you /fast/ you will just gain that weight back because you need to learn discipline.

Good luck brah

What the fuck, at 85kg same height i was fucking disgustingly fat, start fasting right now you fucking nigger and don't stop until you at most weigh 70kg

By the way, download myfitnesspal and log EVERYTHING you eat.


>Cut out sugar to the point where it doesn't exceed the daily recommended amount.
>Count your calories with apps like myfitnesspal
>Try to avoid carbs, but don't completely exclude them.
>Remember to not drink your calories
>Don't go for long walks with your weight because It'll fuck your joints

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>Don't go for long walks
This, try and use ellipticals, or bike machines if you can find one, and swimming since they're low impact workouts

Read the sticky, swing by /fat/, lurk and learn from the board in general, and switch to eating one meal a day.

Half wrong.
Cut out carbs and sugar completely, especially if you're a fat fuck.

Just stop eating retard.

Completely eliminating carbs long term decreases your thyroid output, decreases test and suppresses your immune system. Its not healthy for him to go on such a diet at his age and the time he'll need to lose all that weight.
Its great for short term, though.