>not raw meat? TOXIC
>not raw egg? TOXIC
>not raw milk? TOXIC
Other urls found in this thread:
id be more inclined to listen to this guy if he wasnt such a dead eyed mongoloid
>taking diet and health advice from a flat Earther.
>stares at sun
imagine being a globe head in 2019
There's nothing wrong with raw animal products if they are fresh and clean, and they digest more easily raw than cooked, but they shouldn't be all you eat. I think something RESEMBLING paleo is probably the most logically sound diet. I.E. Mostly meat, eggs, fish, low carb fruits, berries, tubers, some dairy if you have the genetics, some veggies. All you really cut out with this are grains and processed junk which humans have been eating for the shortest time and are the least necessary.
my diet is similar.
>organs > muscles > eggs > veggies (carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, lettuce) > dairy (mostly milk, sometimes butter) > occasional fruit
simple (or refined) carbs are the enemies, specially sugar. Cutting this out you are extremely better than 95% of westerners. I also cut out everything that needed to be sweetened. If there is something I can only enjoy or tolerate with sugar/artificial sweeteners then I do not want to eat that thing.
Good rule of thumb is
>eat food that expire quick
>eat food that preferably you buy fresh and make yourself
>avoid processed food as much as possible, if you need it occasionally, never go for items with more than 2~4 ingredients and never buy shit with the names that sounds like chemical components
dumb brainwashed slave hehe
What organs do you eat? I like beef and chicken liver, and chicken hearts, but I haven't tried any others aside from blood pudding, which was... Tolerable, but not great.
liver is nootrient filled
The only organ worth eating that actually had pre-agricultural relevance is an animal's brain because it is high in omega-3s and low in saturated fat and would have provided ample omega-3s in the absence of steady fish consumption in some populations. All other organs are complete memes only eaten out of desperation and poverty, or, in modern times, "street cred" in a given internet diet cult
sat fats are good 4 u
>make sure all your eggs are free range!
>if it's not organic and grass fed, it's not beef!
>only eat wild-caught, fresh water fish!
>make sure all your dairy is raw, organic, local, and comes from grass fed cows!
The thing they never acknowledge is how unrealistic this is. Half of this shit simply isn't available where I live, and what is/the next closest alternatives are insanely fucking expensive.
>free range eggs
Starts at $8/dozen
>grass-fed beef
Starts at $12/lb
>wild caught, fresh water fish
Starts at $20/lb
>raw, organic, dairy from grass fed cows
Simply not available at all
Just getting enough calories to survive you'd be looking at spending at least $30-40 every single fucking day mimio. That's like $900-1200/month. Why does no one ever acknowledge this? Who the fuck can even afford this?
Wild animals contain very little saturated fat, there is no reason to believe humans evolved in any way to deal with it, nor that they ate it in any significant amount before agriculture. In fact, Cordain and Eaton who started the whole paleo meme estimate a typical pre-agricultural saturated fat intake of 5-10% which is in line with modern dietary guidelines.
Let me guess, Canada? Or maybe Northern Europe?
Cooked meat and eggs has better nutrient uptake you fucking mong
Not really, just slightly (like 2-5%) better MPS. But heat destroys all the bacteria and enzymes, which is why people get constipated if they eat nothing but cooked meat, but have zero problems on raw meat. Heat also destorys a lot of vitamins, like the vitamin C in liver for instance. For the record, I don't eat raw meat myself, but I don't think doing so is stupid at all if you have access to quality meat.
Close. Alaska. This stuff is available in some places but not others, and is insanely fucking expensive. It wasn't much better when I was in Colorado though. You have to be exceedingly wealthy to do raw carnivore right, otherwise I would try it but I wouldn't cut out plant foods altogether personally.
Not right, only the muscle meat of wild animals containn almost no (saturated) fat.
Organs and other body parts do.
>Wild animals contain very little saturated fat
Literally all animal fat is saturated fat you god damn retard.
you are retarded. Look up in any website, liver is top3 most nutrient-dense foods known to man.
egg's protein and nutrients have been proven to be more bioavailable when cooked
pick ONE
what about microwaved food?
The protein, yes, but again were talking like 2-5%. If you're eating carnivore you'll be way over the protein intake needed for a positive nitrogen balance anyway so that's a non issue. As for the other micronutrients, that's just flat-out, 100% false. Heat destroys some of them them and makes no difference for others. it does not make any them more bioavailable.
>Vegan internet defense force.
>Raging against the natural man
This is why we ought to eat meat rare, best of both worlds.
can anyone post the "hoho" version?
>neither of these replies mentioned veganism
>I'm too lazy to go fish for wild Salmon
>Which is readily available here
>For FUCKING Free!
The salmon you can catch in Alaska is free to you, and healthier than anything available to us at any price in the lower 48.
So you stare at the sun?
fuck, people like you are so stupid. Wild animals can be lean, but still, when you see that red muscle meat, depending on the cut there is still a lot of fat entrenched in there. Also there is the fat on the skin of the animal which we do eat as well as the visceral fat (think suet in cows).
Also, most of our evolution we were living along the megafauna, which were way bigger and fattier than the animals we have today, its interesting that agriculture only developed AFTER the megafauna went extinct, really makes you think.
Worry about your own rotten teeth vegan, don't worry about healthy me.