Couch to 5K

What's it like? I'm going to be starting it soon. From what I've seen it looks ok, but I don't like the idea of running with my phone in my pocket. Apparently the app is needed, but I'm scared of my phone falling out of my pocket and hitting concrete.

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Buy a belt with a pouch or an arm sleeve for your phone. Also its not bad, going to be rough the first couple of times but your body will adapt.

If you can, dont run on concrete

Just hold it in your hand, retard

Phones are made our of fucking glass these days. That shit flies.

Shouldnt run while holding a phone, fucks up your form

Won't I need to see and hear the phone?

I cover 10k daily just existing lel you must be couch bound as fuck

or just buy shorts/pants with zip poclets

That's a largely a meme but you don't need a phone, just measure the distance on the maps.

How does the phone shit work anyway? I don't want some anime girl screaming at me every two minutes and I don't want to wear earphones either.

You don't need an app. Get a watch. Or just measure the distance on google maps. There is no need to follow the program strictly.

>I want to do it but only in my specific way
Well then fuck off and count it in your head then retard. Jesus christ you sound like a manchild

I couldnt run half a mile at year start 2019...did c25k in february and ive since done 4 5k races, run them for fun regularly and have signed up for a half and a full marathon. Running is legit god tier, and c25k will get you to a point where u can run. Do it pussy

What's the best place to run bro?

I'm not complaining, I'm asking how it actually works.

For me it's the park by my house, but I guess it's different for everyone

If only you could download the app and find out all of this yourself

C25k is pretty good, it can be hard for the first couple of weeks if your endurance is shit but once you get into it its pretty good. And regarding your phone, just buy a phone armband from amazon, it's only like 6 bucks

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Also forgot to add, you should indeed repeat some weeks. The progression in c25k can be a bit much sometimes.

are there actually people who cant jog a full 5k? Im not trying to be a dick, but you can't even run one at like an 11 min pace?

How do I go running without thinking that suicide is more appealing

Consider the typical /a/ user - a full time student who sees exercise as a way to waste time that he could be studying. Such a person will spend 3-4 years doing NO physical activity. That'll already be enough to make them struggle, but if they also don't know anything about eating healthy then they'll be completely fucked.

No. You’ll hear commands in your headphones telling you when to warm up, jog, run, walk, and when you’ve reached the halfway point. It’ll tell you when you’re done too. Couch to 5k is great. I’ve completed the program so if you have any questions ask me.

you really underestimate the state of westerners. when i started running 2 months ago i could only cover 300m running or 700m jogging, and i wasn't even overweight.

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>300m running or 700m jogging
There is no such thing as jogging.

of course there is, it's just slow running. jog

How slow?

you know how after a sprint you'll slow down and do that awkward speed for a second before transitioning into a walk?

What kind of gay shit is this? Just get a simple interval timer. Also, there is nothing wrong with running with your phone in your pocket.

Repeat a week if need be but only if you failed that one. It never really gets easy, but it does stop being hard at some point.

Stop relying on your phone.

Just plot a mile on a map (loads of websites available with route plotters) and try and run it as slowly as you can without walking. Once you can do it a few times up it a bit. Then when you do shorter runs up the speed a bit.

My progression was as follows:

1m, 1.3, 1.5, 2m, 2.5, 3miles. Did each a few times then went up to the next one. Im 190cm, 98kg, 27.1BMI.

Running is the best and most satisfying exercise. No headphones, nothing in your pockets.

You are asking a lot from people to do three miles in 11 minutes, you even need to be decently conditioned to do that within two miles.

>plot a mile on a map
just here to boast that the trail just outside my house is exactly 1km to the next road marker on the left and exactly 1 mile to the next road marker on the right so i don't need to do that

i've done it twice, once before the app existed (or most smartphones for that matter), and once with the app

the app makes it way simpler, it tells you what to do (YOU ARE HALFWAY, BEGIN RUNNING FOR FIVE MINUTES), logs the 'lessons' you've gone through and whatnot.

i'm sure you can find pockets with a zipper

That's cool. Is there anything to be worried about when mixing earphones and running? I've never worn them outside before.

can you use this shit without internet or it's necessary for the app to tell you the commands and instructions?

I can't find a non-app version, unless you want to download a podcast.

i mean, can i download the app, start the program and have it working when im outside with no wifi?

>needing a phone for a simple c25k program
Humanity is dead.

It's all that comes up when you Google it or check the sticky.

I don't know.

>t. freshman science major

Calm down, dude. You know what jogging is

You don't need the app but you need something to measure time with. I use my phone's inbuilt stopwatch and put it in my pocket whilst running. Not hard
Use your brain
I'm on week 6 day 1, love it so far

It's such a stupid word. My easy run pace is 5/km, do I jog?

1. Carry your phone. I do it.
2. Just take your phone a couple times to judge distances / times.

I don't keep anything in my pockets other than a spare key to get into my house. Also, I have an S8 Active which is made of Kevlar essentially. I fucking love this phone

yes, i'm a beginner and a normal run for me is 4/km

I think it's kind of stupid, if you can't jog for a half hour straight you should be doing LISS, not intervals

dude if you are running 20 minute 5ks you are fast as fuck for a beginner

He's saying an 11 minutes per mile pace, friendo, which would come out to ~35 minutes for a 5k

I can only run for about 3km straight before having to walk for about 300m so I can't rate myself at 5ks yet, it's my endurance that's shite. Still good to hear though, I thought I was rather slow.

Based example

ah ok, yeah that's definitely still good though

You are approaching the training from the wrong side, distance is always better than a high pace for a beginner.

cheers mate, nice to see positivity here
i'm aware of that, i've actually been building up my distance a nice bit. like i said my endurance is complete shite but i can go a decent speed.


not him but there's a pretty large body of endurance runners that believe you should predominantly train your aerobic metabolism (low heart rate) first and that going glycolytic/anaerobic can be counterproductive as you're training your body to rely on glycogen reserves.
I'm not sure how much I believe of it. I don't know what the evidence says but a lot of it seems to be broscience and bullshit. On the other hand there are some really successful endurance athletes that have trained with the "long+slow" mentality and don't do any kind of lifting, sprint training or speed work. Stu Mittleman is one of the big advocates, but I'd take his advice with more than a grain of salt.

I really recommend you to read some running books. Jack Daniels is a must.

Ban I do couch to 5K on a treadmill at my gym? Or am I fucked? I live in a bad neighborhood.

>Can I only run outside for it to work
Are you retarded?

Fair enough, I was just assuming that something about the treadmill would be inferior to actual running. Like the act of pushing yourself and actually going forward instead of doing so in place.

Thank you, and kys you retard.

Offcourse. Its easier though. No wind, curbs, uneven ground etc. And the machine assures your speed is constant. These things add up.

Does getting better at running also make you enjoy it more? I'm not anti-exercise, I enjoy lifting, but I fucking hate running.

I absolutely hated doing it at first. At some point you're running and it's easy enough where you start enjoying it.

How are you supposed to do this without some software? Is there some paper I should have?

Jogging is weird. It's like between 3 and 6 miles per hour, but not powerwalking.

>strength training required
>no equipment needed
fucking lol

What? Since when does C25K require a fucking app? Just get a stopwatch you retard.

Post body. I'm picturing a concentration camp victim with the outline of abs and thighs

It’s really straightforward. Just do what it tells you and keep up on water/sleep.
>t. week 4

I have been lifting weights and started doing cardio on my off days with my gf. We are on week 4 and I think it's gonna be the hardest week yet because my gf just started her period. Can you even exercise while menstruating? Or just keep it light and do a jog?

Never looked at the program but you dont need a watch. People approach running and cardio as this intimidating extraneous thing that takes up hours of your day when its not.

The BEST results with running is warmup first walk then solid running for 1-2 minutes. Take a break walk then run 2-3 more times. You don't have to jog 5-6 miles everyday for cardio if you what I posted you and try to run longer before you gas, you'll get better results then the dude jogging 5-6 miles. You can also jog those 5-6 miles but for actual progression and strength you want to run for long as you can take a break then run again.

>implying anybody on Jow Forums knows anything about female anatomy

Running is cool. I hope you anons have a good time running. If you're out of shape it can be really hard at first.

Aerobic capacity isn't something that comes over night. But if you stick with it in the long term (years+) you can build up to a really high level. I run 60-90 minutes a day and it's a breeze. Only during workouts do I feel the pain but even then it's fun because you're going fast.

Once your power level is really up there you can run 20-30 mile mountain runs that most people struggle to backpack over the course of 3-4 days.

It's the freedom to move.

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Similar questions here if someone could please answer me.

I usually bike for my cardio (albeit not hard). Should I do the recommended couch to 5k+ bike and this? Should I jump ahead a week or so?

Will I reach 5k by the end of summer.

And most importantly, I need water and my phone for distance. My bike is usually good at holding it with my backpack as well. But for running I feel stupid. Phone in pocket works fine right? What about water bottles? Should I wear my backpack?

parks or just around your neighborhood at first. make it easy so its not a hassle to just put on shoes and go. once u have a routine mix itm up and explore where u live...its fun. parks, trails, beaches...even in urban areas. go places uve never been its like experiencing a new life

>60-90 minutes
without stopping??

I started getting fit at 18 and ended up powerlifting at 74kg for 8 yrs.

Im 26 now and just started running. I fucking suck at this, I finished C25K by running 3km in 30 mins. My ankles end up hurting and I dont want to risk injury.

Ia this normal? How long would I need to train to hit 25km?

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Honestly found it to be a waste of time. It's a good guide but once I dropped it I was able to get it on my own without the guide. Use it at first and figure out your own issues then put the phone away and let yourself take over to make the majority of the progress. E joyed the app at first but eventually it felt like it wasn't pushing me enough and I was a fat fuck so it wasn't Natty running ability

Yes, I used to hate running, I now look forward to running 5k every other day. If I don’t run I feel like shit and unproductive

yes, running feels like total shit until you learn form and can breathe properly, im 40lbs overweight and enjoy running now that i've started doing it for about 2 months

Lmao that's what tampons are for, literally just ask your girlfriend if you have questions you sperg

Keeping track of the runs and the dtaa that comes from them helped me a ton

How to do it without an app:

>week 1 workout 1
>Brisk five-minute warmup walk. Then alternate 60 seconds of jogging and 90 seconds of walking for a total of 20 minutes.
How am I supposed to measure that whilst running?

App gives you audio cues as well as vibration cues. You can time the intervals yourself if your watch/stopwatch can do that. You can put together a playlist and chop up songs based on your intervals such as playing 60 seconds of a metal song followed by 90 seconds of disco. You can count time in your head if you want.

just don't look for an excuse not to run

Running for 60 minutes without stopping isn't impressive

use a stopwatch based retard

Like, buy one of those neck ones?

jesus christ OP please don't heel strike like that drawing shows. You will get injured quick.

Don't worry, I'm not a monk.

get a vest, such as pic related, you can get fit and keep it stylish

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Why the fuck would you need a phone?
You answering business calls or texting whores while running?

Couch to 5k is build around an app. Even if you look in an archive and grab one from before smartphone kicked off, you still need either a stopwatch or an mp3 player.

haile g used to run to school with his books, and he turned out alright

Ali G?

Jesus Christ just get a wristwatch you fucking zoomers

haile gebrselassie, he's one of the greats in long distance running, and used to run to school with books in hand

Should I go do sprints now or wait until it gets below 90 degrees?

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Do you have good enough eyes and memory to notice a one minute difference?

wtf ppl cant run 5k?

my watch has a stopwatch function

>have to run a mile or two in high school sometimes
>most people are fit enough that they could run three miles if they had to
>mandatory PE ends in 10th grade
>stop doing sports
>go to college, no mandatory fitness there either
>suddenly it's been five years since you ran more than 100m, to the point that if you just got up and started running you'd probably injure yourself between bad form and not knowing your limits

Many such cases.

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