How do you get this kind of body?

how do you get this kind of body?

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lift for about 2 month, cut one and you're good to go

Just be skinny and lift for 4 months.

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cut off your dick and break all your teeth

that is not two months of lifting lol

you are right, you need no lifting for that kind of body.

True, maybe like 2 weeks

what's your routine

checkd and basedpilled

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lift for about 2 month, cut one dick and you're good to go


I'm Theon mode. Season 4


>Theon will never marry Sansa
Why couldn't we have some fucking resolutions that didn't suck ass

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Tren and god tier genetics.

>god tier genetics

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Anyone has a routine for an ottermode body ?




eat less fattyboi

Very basic lifting routine with lots of cardio, and low, clean calories.

>god tier genetics

Mmmmm when you're right you're right, user.

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fuck this slag she threw based alfie under the bus with "alife can't you see" and then once he made it she tried to leech off his success by claiming that she auditioned for yara which is not true

Kinobody Greek God

> unironically

The character's name is Asha not Yara
Why did they have to change this simple minor fucking thing
They did not change any other character's name from the books, only her.

and asha is hot af in the books, yara in the show looks like a goblin

Holy shit you’re right. I haven’t read the books in years, why the fuck would they change that?

Hottest characters in the show:
- The snake sisters (daughters from Dorne)
- Melissandre
- The nameless twink boy who fucked with the Knight of Flowers

That's it really.

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should i try this routine? looking to switch things up for my summer cut, what are your thoughts on it?

Do it. It's great for maintaining or during a cut because it's not that intense. Greg may be a massive douchebag but the program won't turn you into a fitness model overnight or anything, but it's a fine program if you follow it consistently (as most programs are). Just make sure to add in some ab work every day and you're golden.

I forgot to add. Here's a link to all the programs:

Kek at making a song about her brother jacking off and smoking weed, hes a lot more famous than her now

Thanks bro you're a godsend. I looked at his program and it looks good but where's the leg work? It'd be cool to look aesthetic but legs are important for athletic development. Seems a little lacking for legs.

He does offer a leg specialization on the Greek God program (don't know about the others, haven't looked). But yeah he typically doesn't program squats...dude is almost 100% about aesthetics, he says "Hollywood Physique" in every video and as you guessed, Hollywood doesn't really give a fuck about leg development.

If you think your legs are lacking then add squats to one of the days. Or replace the sumo deads with squats. I have chunky thighs despite being a skinnyfat so I don't feel like I'm missing out by dropping them for a few months.

Tren for a twink's body?

>stop being a stupid faggot

Just be low body fat, and maybe 1-2 years as natural lifter and a proper program

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They were worried that people would confuse her with Osha, so they changed it.

Yeah just look at Zyzz

I'm a brainlet, which program did you mean here?

Pretty sure half of those are ass doubles.

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be a manlet, be slightly active and have low bodyfat

all it takes to be presentable on television, unless you're playing Thor or something

AFAIK the actor who plays Jon Snow is a fucking midget aswell

Yara kind of has a manly feminine appeal though. Like a tomboy with long hair. She's for when you're feeling homo but don't actually want to fuck a male (male), so you fuck Yara and satisfy your fantasy without actually being gay (homo).

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Depends on routine, diet, and height lol.

I'd say it'd take 1.5-2 years if you're joe-shmoe. If you're actually dedicated and keep your shit on a tight routine maybe a year.

Kek at that angle mate, you're leaning at fucking 55%


Basic exercise. This is the body I have and I'm on a 3 day workout program. I did fullbody workouts for a large portion of my first year and I still got this result. Then I moved on to arms, chest, then legs. I'd focus on just consistently working on those and then adjusting your diet.

Then they kinda wasted Osha anyway. I thought she was an interesting character, they just wasted her trying to make Ramsay more hated.

at least 4 years if ur natty desu

Am I ottermode? If yes I can give you my routine

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how long have you benn lifting for?

Not him but yes you are, can you give a routine? I'd say your arms are bigger than ottermode and your abs weaker than ottermode

Imagine being this delusional

For around 3 years pretty consistently. I did a bro split for the first year then switched to PPL

>abs are weaker

In what dimension

Right now I'm doing a push pull legs routine. So I do 6 days on 1 day rest. I focus on main compound lifts such as Bench, OHP, squat and deadlift. I don't really do much accessory work except for my weak points which are my traps and glutes.

And I have a pair of dumbells in my room which I use to train arms every day. I think that's why they look big

Breakfast: 3 oz birdseed with olive oil
Snack: Piece of paper, cooked
Lunch: Air with any choice of low sodium condiment on top
Dinner: 2 almonds cooked with a bag of nothing

Exercise routine
Push Day
10 sets of 2 pushups
3 sets of pillow presses

Pull Day
5 sets of 1 pull-up
10 sets of half a pull-up

Leg Day
3 squats

Be a dyel

hit shoulders, chest and biceps 3 times a week and run alot with a slightly better than average diet.

reddit ppl?

you look like simplesexystupid except more buff

Body dysmorphia runs deep

D&D are fucking imbeciles

not bad bruder


you'll need about 20 good lifts

you sound jealous

Height weight?

Depends on height.
Less than 5'7"? Probably a couple months
Over 6'3"? Probably at 1/2/2/3, so a bit longer.

Idk I designed it myself

5'8 and I weigh around 70kg

I googled him and I don't I think I look like that guy. But I'll take it as a compliment