Tried dips for chest on Monday

>Tried dips for chest on Monday
>even with adequate food and rest I’m still sore
Thanks guys. if you haven’t, take the dip pill.

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RIP shoulders

Not everyone is build to do dips.

Soreness is not really an indicator of how much you pressed your muscles.
But man, I love dips.

If you want to fuck up your shoulders and sternum it is your problem mate

I love dips, the most I ever benched was after doing dips regularly

My sternum is permanently fucked from dips. It hurts every time i bench and it cracks when i push it out and hold my arms back. It's been 3 years. 6'1" 185 for all you fat projectors.

When I just started I had same reaction to dips as OP. 2 years later I stay the fuck away from this exercise

Same, added this to my somewhat routine and decided that i should do push up with elevated leg on table (75cm high) instead of bed (40 cm).
My triceps in pain.

ive done dips every other day for 5 years. my favorite exerise by far

>187cm/92kg/13% BF (natty) male

>187cm/92kg/13% BF (natty) male
pic or it didn't happend

its really not an impressive statistic dude.....

why is that unbelievable? I have a friend who's the same height and around similar stats

Dips have been my main pull exercise for about three months now, the gains are undeniable but sometimes my shoulders hurt and my right scapula tingles when sittiong down lol

this board has become a DYEL Jow Forums breeding ground if those statis are cause for some post-body checking


used to love weighted heavy dips (+ 135 lbs on a belt) until i got costochondritis from them. was laying in bed with heart palpitations thinking i was dying. turns out my sternum and surrounding muscles had gotten so inflamed that i could feel my heartbeat in them

you aren't leaning forward enough if your hurting your shoulders with dips dude. they do not put any hard stress on your shoulder unless you fuck up royally on form

or youre just really fucking fat and the fat from your fat body inhibits proper rotation when your arms are near your fat fat fat sides

Also I recommend pushing not pulling when you dip. It will increase your gains a lot

>this board has become a DYEL Jow Forums breeding ground
This is exactly why people are asking for body checks more than ever now

but those are just 'ive been lifting for a year and have don't eat fast food twice a day' stats...this cant be the bar for post-body. what happened here

Thx, will try the pushing thing next time

>t. weak faggots, most likely with bad form
I love dips, about a year and a half in I was doing 105lbs weighted for reps and it feels awesome

You faggots are delusional but whatever
Those stats are definitely impressive for Jow Forums, where half of the poplation is fat, a quarter don't even lift and the rest who lift are half dyel.
And if i'm so wrong post your pics so we can have a laugh together.

honestly dips hurt my hands because the bars at my gym are too narrow

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>believe some old retard who fucked up his joints by doing shit badly
>or believe professional trainers with doctorates in kinesology

Athlean X is a professional physical therapist

You're likely shrugging your shoulders forward, destroying your joints. Check your form and make sure you're doing the exercise properly...

Are You Doing Dips Properly? (AVOID MISTAKES!) - Athlean X

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 38K)

and he programs dips.

>intuitive bodyweight exercise
>requires good form not to cause long term damage
yeah think ill just stick to weights

Bad bench form will wreck ur shoulders too

then you better not bench, press, lat rise, OHP, or row bro. because those will all fuck up your joitns if you are a retard

Less dangerous than RIPS

almost everyone on Jow Forums benches 3plate lad what are you on about

Linked Athlean X video below. He does talk about how shit form destroys the anterior cap of the shoulder(starts 1:35 mark). Particularly in regard to how people get lazy and they enter a sliding motion which is quite nasty on the shoulder.

The pressure make my sternum hurt like hell, and I injured my shoulder doing them

And they have literally no benefits over other chest stuff

>not benching 4
Are you sure you should be here?

>t. 2 months into Lifting dyel

In addition, in the younger adults the sternum is not totally ossified and remains a little mobile

Attached: 26993-full.jpg (136x102, 7K)

Man if you'd be here more often you'd know that i'm speaking the truth

Depending on how far I lean forward, dips make either my sternum or my clavicles feel like they are about to burst, so I would rather not take the dip pill.