Clothes to hide power level

>be me
>used to be lmaolanklet in high school
>started bulking up and working out a bunch during senior year, didn't really see noticeable results until after graduation
>really self conscious about being fit so I completely overhaul my wardrobe to be loose fitting so I don't look like some douchey gymbro. (loose fit pants, I have a box of old button up shirts from the 60s and 70s my great grandpa gave me before he died so I wear those because they're designed to hang loosely)
>be at Albertson's picking up some chicken and potatoes
>some kid tells his mom "wow he looks like an action hero from your old movies" and mom agrees with him

fuckfuckfuckfuck anons I don't want people to make these comments now I have to scrap my fashion sense again and start wearing like ponchos and and monk robes.

To stave off the jannies, and to get a question answered:
Is taking more than two scoops of protein powder even that good or necessary? How much difference does it make if you put like 3 or 4 in your shakes? I do 2 rn, 1 if I'm feeling a little ehhh in the morning.

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>he doesn't want to be mired

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>wow he looks like an action hero from your old movies
oh no

just stick with 2 scoop max, dont wanna get dehydrated.

Also fuck what people think of you, start wearing well fitting clothes if you like. I'm sure once you get used to it you'll love looking good and better than you do in loose clothes, also getting mired feels great

I always wear 3xl and I'm 85kg

>wow he looks like an action hero from your old movies

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no dude like the thought of people noticing I'm decently fit really bothers me like I just have this mental image of everyone thinking I'm a douche for wearing clothes that fit my form and stuff it's aaaaaaaaaaa

Wait but that's a good thing

lmao my seids thanks for making me laugh user :)

Thanks for answering the question. I'm usually really good at staying hydrated. Like a liter and a half to 2 liters a day. If I drink anything less I get tiny little acne breakouts on my jawline and chest

op... take the god damned motherfucking compliment, you asshole

>I just have this mental image of everyone thinking I'm a douche for wearing clothes that fit
You prefer everyone thinking you're a disgusting slob for wearing clothes that don't? You only look like a douche if you're ostentatious about it and everything is super tight.

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The clothes aren't like fucking huge so I don't look like a slob. They're just loose fitting so they don't really cling to my body in any places

post body and stats

loose clothes make u look like a fucking zoomer or skinny hippie, wear normal clothes and stop worrying what people think u pussy

You're even worse than women. Even they don't make posts like this

You're meant to be drinking at least 3L per day user. Of course this includes food so you're probably hitting it, but it won't hurt to up your fluid intake.

yeah I eat a lot of high water veggos like celery, lettuce, radish, and cucumber. I never feel dehydrated, but I'll try upping my fluid intake. I'm just kinda worried about putting on a ton of water weight by hydrating too much

Wtf, i’m 85 kg, not fat. I always wear mediums, sometimes larges

> I'm just kinda worried about putting on a ton of water weight by hydrating too much

Just the opposite. When you hydrate a lot your body flushes water. Constantly hydrating is the best way to stay as dry as possible long-term.

(Short term you can hyper-hydrate, then stop for a brief period. But otherwise drinking just a teeny amount is going to lead to your body trying to hold on to as much as possible)

ohhh I didn't know that. I haven't really read that much into how hydrating works. Thanks for the advice