How does this work? Can he not move his right arm across his body?
How does this work? Can he not move his right arm across his body?
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Is this torn pec or unfortunate insertions? There is muscle on upper chest so he can probably move it normally
its some genetic condition
he is flexing the right pec is why it look like that
Polands syndrome i think
Remember that your pec is actually the pectoralis major. The minor is still underneath. He might still have that, in which case he can.
He was born without that muscle. Go into his IG and read his bio.
who is he?
just get an implant or have the muscle reattached
not hard
could even do synthol filler
He forgot to inject steroids on the whole pec
Poor son of a bitch. Should legit get an implant.
>get an implant
>lose muscle for whatever reason
>have a huge tumor-like implant on your right side
A friends sister has this, unfortunately. She was literally born with a part of her pectoral muscle missing. Poor girl has to get implants after puberty for pretty well the rest of her life if she wants to look symmetrical
>have the muscle reattached
He was born without it, there is nothing to reattach
Hot, pics?
poland syndrome
Shouldn't even bother training chest, would probably look way less obvious and more harmonious with the rest of his body.
He still has the major, but only half of it.
> have 1 pec
> still look better than most of fit
it's a condition called pectus disappearus
The rest of his body look pretty balanced from what it can be seen in the pic.
I don't think he has mayor mobility problems
He has Poland syndrome. His movement is perfectly fine. However, his right arm might be a bit weaker than his left because of the missing pec.
t. user with Poland syndrome. If any of you guys have more questions just ask.
Probably a retarded question, but can muscles be functionality transplanted to someone? Very curious what training that would look like.
Is Poland syndrome where two larger muscle groups divide your smaller muscle group into two different parts?
Science doesn’t even know how exactly muscles produce force in the first place. I’m sure it could be attempted with some degree of success, but could never be 100% functional.
If the soviets can transplant a brain and have the subject stay alive as it performs basic motor movement. I'd say muscle transplants can totally work. The degree of success via motor capacity would just be astronomically low.
No. It’s where you are wholly or partially missing one of your pecs, usually the right, and your hand is typically deformed too. Usually someone with Poland Syndrome would have one hand smaller than the other and they may have withered or conjoined fingers.
>tfw no insecure deformed gf
I'm not even a tits guy anyway
>Science doesn’t even know how exactly muscles produce force in the first place.
Muscle fibres contain protein molecular motors. These are nanoscale machines (around one-millionth of a millimetre in size) that perform several tasks inside all cells, such as transporting material or moving chromosomes during cell division. All work on the same basic principle: a protein molecule binds to and hydrolyses the energy-rich chemical adenosine triphosphate (ATP). The energy released is used to change the protein’s shape. Repeat the cycle and you have a regular movement.
A muscle cell (fibre) is made up of myofibrils, bundles of protein that include actin and myosin. Muscle movement is powered by a change in shape of the myosin. The myosin head binds to actin and breaks down ATP. This releases energy that pulls the actin filaments along. Myosin then disconnects. The muscle contracts, not because the filaments shorten, but as actin and myosin filaments slide past one another.
In skeletal muscle, the contraction is started by a rise in the concentration of calcium ions, triggered by the arrival of a neurotransmitter (a chemical signal) from the nerve ending that attaches to each muscle cell at the neuromuscular junction. The calcium ions, in turn, interact with two other proteins, troponin and tropomyosin. These two proteins change shape to allow myosin to bind to actin. The myosin heads tilt, which pulls up the actin and causes the muscle to contract.
Fuck, that got me
/his/ here. I keked
he has gyno, but only had money for one boob
His chest is doing the dreamworks face
Based user educating the masses, keep it up.
thanks, Jeff Cavaliere
That's everyday history. You're not /his/.