Blocks your path

>blocks your path
What do?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>that sneaky flex

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why is logan paul slapping powerlifters?

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>there are people that let other people do this to them voluntarily

He wanted to compete in the slapping Olympics in Russia.

Decided not to go because he knocked the guy out and felt guilty.

He is a big guy.


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imagine being retarded to the point you thought this was fake

Based vocaroo user.
Not trying to throw any salt in ya game, but you know how Tom Cruise or DiCaprio are always in great movies? That's not because they're phenomenal actors, necessarily, but because they pick the right scripts.
Be like the Scientologist and leo, pimp, don't waste your talent on bait Logan Paul posts.

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make some video's you lazy fuck

He’s not natty right

Do you get roid tested in boxing matches?

Mais, dat stupid, cher.

it baffles me how the internet continues to give fame to so many retards

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Scrub the video back and forth real fast from 5 seconds to 7 seconds over and over. Thank me.

half the world is more than half retarded.

Singles get smacked
Dubs get a pass


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Did fatty think he was going to take the punch because he is fat or what?

Good question. Next question.

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what the fuck is that

Literally a Chadcell

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Dude you may be funny but you are pathetic af. Is Jow Forums your only social life? You are literally worse than a namefag, stop wasting you time trying to make a name in fucking Jow Forums.

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Aryan warrior of the Reich slaps Slavic Untermensch to death, March 1943 colorized.


Fake as fuck.

/cbt/ vs. /plg/

Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaased !
Vocaroo brah each time doesn't fail to put some sense back in this shit

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One of the most cringe things I've seen in a while. Jow Forums or otherwise


Philion pls

What a fucking retard you are lay off drugs and actually learn to speak.


funny but hes a jew

Glad I'm not the only one who thinks this dude sounds exactly like phillion

dude legit looks mentally retarded, like 70 IQ or stroke

posting to acknowledge the fact that Logan Paul is wearing rick owens pods.

Wrestled with him at Ohio during a wrestling camp,hate the faggoot but i have to admit he is retard strong.Overall a good wrestler and atlete ,dunno if he roids ,met farmboys stronger in the country .

Dude was apparently a state qualifier in Ohio. I'm not too surprised if logan knocked him out

Legit wrestler ,and a fucking stupid human being .Really friendly with everyone around ,but i cant stay close to him at all,maybe jealousy, who the fuck cares.

His name is Lil Xan, he is constantly on high doses of xanax so he looks like that

It’s always retard when someone is like 1/8 Jew, and that’s just what they are.

He's sort of like this clown pepe. Strong but a total clown of a human being. I think I might have been jealous, or maybe a little attracted to him.

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Can smell the grease off this wop's voice.

not false. found the whole boxing thing crazy entertaining

Lmfao kill your self philion. You SJW fag lord


That's most actors and etc. Harrison Ford, Chris Pine, Jake Gyllenhaal, Robert Downy Jr., James Franco, etc... All European men ethnically with like 1 fully half jew great grandparent.

i truly believe an user made this

Run around him lol

Well yeah, he goes around doing this shit fairly often on Jow Forums. For some reason, the Bronx doesn’t appear to be IP range banned :/

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never stop, keep making anons buttflustered

Please make more vocaroos :3

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Why didn't you just type that out?

Comedy gold

How the fuck is he jewish?

Nice projection dude I bet you spend just as much time here you fucking fag

He hamfisted it in one video, obviously to get in the industry
t. logangster

To be honest if logan legit killed this dude from that he would feel nothing. That look he gives the camera was a shocked in an impressed with himself way and then he began to flex. Both the paul brothers are at peak levels of drunk with fame, money and power. They are both literally narcissistic psychopaths.

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Looks like he just punched him with his forearm. These bullshit power "slaps" should be grounds for disqualification. We've all seen videos of KO's resulting from legitimately well-performed slaps, it can be done.

He has never been either of those things, stop posting until you learn how to use the meme properly.

>Isis execution video
actually got me. fuck.

Because he craves attention.

ikr lel

>Hurr Durr muh nipponese suicide forest, so disrespectful
Wow, who the fuck cares, nips, chinks and gooks aren't human anyway.
The guy is pretty fucking based.

we /logang/ here

They’re big guys

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Is this what passes for humor on Jow Forums? Fucking normie bullshit

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Based and voicepilled

post bod nigger

imagine being starved for attention this much. how about you make an instagram account faggot? stop posting your retarded vocaroos everywhere.

Bavarian here. We have a culture of slapping (Watschn/Fotzn). The blonde guy WANTED to KO the fat guy. He hit with the root of his hand to the chin, which is something you do when you really want to hurt the other guy. As we say "a gscheide Watschn klatscht net" , "a real slap doesn't smack", ie, it doesn't make the usual clapping noise - because that happens when you hit the cheek with your palm. Which usually doesn't KO people.

Check this out. Big Russian guy does the same as this guy.

train neck

You can see he aims for the jaw/chin area.

Doesn't help.

decent impersonation



lmao rekt

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most of these type of videos have some sort of twist and the person who slaps second is the one who wins, usually some fatass
I'm disappointed but still glad the fit guy wins for the first time

based gabagoolanon

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MC Hammer shorts? Please don't let this become a thing.

remove that little shitstain off your forehead you disgusting fuck

It's not Phillion retards, sounds nothing like him

Not likely but even if I did, that was not the point. He is actually trying to make people laugh, make friends here and thats retarded af. I at most with just call you a faggot that you are btw and most likely in a few hours forget totally about the thread. He is literally writing fucking scripts trynna make virgin incels like yourself laugh here.

90% of the people don't have an inner voice. There's a theory that humanity just recently (speaking of roughly 3k year) acquired consciousness and most of the people are still instinct driven animals. When monkeys see violence they get emotionally involvement and will keep looking at this kind of videos.

Quit crying, loser.

Tell him I'm #logang and let him buy me a drink

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This is the dumbest thing I've ever heard of. Don't be a retard

For you...

>90% of the people don't have an inner voice.
What a load of shite.


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>There's a theory
that you are a fucking moron.

Found the subhuman NPC's

if(hasNPCbeenDetected(post)) {