I miss him bros

i miss him bros

Attached: 1553836087652.jpg (1500x1797, 464K)

Other urls found in this thread:


He did what he promised, he left humanity behind

someone has to i guess

Attached: 1557726690437.jpg (470x512, 67K)



>it’s another npc give me (You)s placebo thread

Attached: ACA7401F-415B-486A-8932-2CFFD4D7C200.jpg (640x607, 100K)

Me too.

Ricardo panini rest in piss


Do not stand at my grave and weep
I am not there; I do not sleep.

I am the squats with ass to grass
I am the gains to your muscle mass

I am the 8 hour workout for arms
I am the real food, PEDS and SARMS
When you awaken in the morning's haze
I am the pump from the lateral raise
Of 5%ers in the gym
I am the mentality to make you win

Do not stand at the gym and cry,
I am not there; I did not die.

He's always watching bros. Goooood fuckin morning, it's gonna be a great fuckin day.

>maybe if I keep feeding the “only if you reply with _____” (You)s I’ll stop being a fat pathetic faggot

Attached: 3AA9A1B0-8F27-4B1E-841A-A58926BE894A.png (753x960, 29K)

>bargain basement version of zyzz
>looks like shit
>"i look like shit on purpose" cope
>dead and forgotten while zyzz lives forever

Attached: 1509356992677.png (808x805, 446K)

Who’s this?

no you don't
you were never close to him nor never met him
you think you're going to get (Yous) with this post, that's all
please consider kill your entire family then yourself

Good fucking morning, god damn it.
I miss him too, buddy. I wish bigger by the day never ended, Rich never died and would just keep on growing

His name was Ricardo Piano

Rest in peace Piano ;__;7

Attached: 1555330420343.png (541x140, 33K)

found the virgin

Post body
There’s three of these “only if you respond with” threads
Remember to sage and report them whenever possible

tfw you realize his real name was rickardo, RIP rickardo. May you watch over us.

The /lit/ thread on him is pretty funny

His name was Richmond Paella

Ramon Pizza

Rizla Pinto

Link it faggot


Richter Penne

Affluent Synthesizer

Robert E. O. Peedwagon

Rhys Pozelli

His name was Richert Pianson

Rich Piranha

God bless him.
He was a great motivation force.
I still have his GOOD FUCKING MORNING as my alarm clock.

Richard Panini

>he gets (You)s so rarely he gets upset when others get them effortlessly

>> 50894772
Post body
Inb4 no you
Inb4 cope

Looks like I hit a bullseye lol.
Your status rn:
[X] Triggered
[_] Not Triggered

Attached: top kek.jpg (609x607, 125K)

That’s what I thought, dyel

Rosco Pasta

Retch Penny

You don't lift.
You just complain about threads you don't like on a fitness board.
Crying isn't an exercise bud.

Opulent Clavichord

>> 50894874
>y-you d-don’t lift
>won’t post body

Ladies first.
You could just go ahead and post a picture of any untrained normie and I'd believe it's you.
Since being a pretend janny isn't exercise.

Post yours
You were asked first

>he thinks that's how it works
Lol newfag.

>> 50895113
So much cope so little body
If you did lift you’d have posted it already
At least post your arm, I need a good laugh

Just look at your arm and pretend it's 6" bigger.
So it should be 17" ;^)

>> 5089513
>I’m bigger than you but I won’t prove it
Won’t or can’t back up your bullshit claim?
Post it then, because when npc posters look like this it’s no wonder you’re hiding it

Attached: 88B2B1DF-37C2-4648-A588-B6E9CE4ECC81.png (640x1136, 572K)

I noticed how that guy posted his body but you didn't.
Top lel, you're smaller than him.
That's why you bait others to pay body, because you never will.

> >50895174
I could have sworn I said body, not cope
Yet here you are talking shit with your little girly arms saying they’re big but can’t prove it

Post archived link of a single instance you've posted your body.
Oh wait, you never have.
Why do you think I'm going to fall for your terrible b8?
You must still be in high school.

>> 50895207
Are you incapable of posting your body because you don’t lift or are a literal npc? Love how you pull the “n-no you” card when called out and it suits you

Post body

No, I just know the game plan of >post body posters.
They whine and cry incessantly for you to post body and once you do, you either accuse the guy of being a fatass or a twink, all the while never posting their own body.
It's sad how you still think it will work.
That's why you have to post your own body before asking someone for theirs you newfag.

Post your body first and I’ll post mine
Pinky promise

>newfag thinks he can negotiate

Post your body first and I’ll post mine
You did the same shit yesterday and used that other guys ruleset
If you did you’d have posted it long ago

>still seething
How retarded are you, seriously?
I already know you won't post, because I already pointed out that >post body posters never post their body.
You could be the first but you won't.

>inb4 no you
>inb4 cope
I was hoping to avoid one or the other and all I get is both
Funny how you whined about that yesterday and use that argument now

poor trumpet

4D chess.
You played along until you figured out that I was playing you the whole time.
Now you're on damage control lol.
Look at the lengths you go to avoid posting body.
Check mate.

Post yours first and I’ll post mine
Even if I did I know for a fact you wouldn’t and would just cope your ass off

>Even if I did I know for a fact you wouldn’t and would just cope your ass off
Oh so you finally understand now?
This is how we all see you.
Hmm it seems you're not completely retarded.
You should run this new found information through your head the next time you get butthurt and spam >post body every time you see something you don't like.
Well that's solved then.
I shouldn't be seeing too many >post body posts now that this is cleared up.

>again with the no you
You did this shit yesterday saying it first so aren’t you by your own logic obligated to post yours?

Never mind you're still retarded.
I thought you grasped the hypocrisy of >post body posters through my double-dealing 4D chess moves but it seems you're still playing 2D chess.

Post body and I’ll post mine
If you lifted you’d a done it already

>confused and shook, the retarded user goes back to repeating himself.

Checked and kek'd.

Posting it would have been a lot faster than writing your paragraph upon paragraphs of smug talk

>50895588 (Me)
>50895555 (Me)

Same for you retard.
Pls rub your two little brain cells a little harder and realize that you won't ever post your body so there is no reason to ask others to post theirs.

No samefagging here boss.
You just got btfo

Attached: seething.png (851x598, 34K)

Posts yours first
Want a fucking blood oath or something? I already took the picture and wrote the timestamp, I’m just waiting on you

>still thinks I'm going to fall for it

Posts yours first and with god as my witness I promise to post mine in retaliation
Anything but you posting your body is cope, just admit you’re fat or whatever excuse you got, did you come from Georgia because you sure are stallin

You do realize you initiated the >post body in this thread >50894793?
By the rules you established, you're obliged to post first lmao.
Btfo again, 0-3 in 4D chess.

Except you were doing this to multiple anons yesterday, by your own logic you are required to post it
Thought as much
>declining victory for yourself
No wonder you won’t post it, you’re still in middle school?

>2 hours and 5 minutes since >post body
>still hasn't posted his first

Fine since you don't lift
Your turn, pumpkin
Anything but a body post is pure cope

Attached: A00BF47B-3B88-41D9-86C3-3535B13F161E.jpg (2094x2050, 773K)

>poster counter went up
>no timestamp even though it was promised
You want me to snag somebody's cbt pic to make it even?

>what is WiFi
>what is cope
The answer is right in front of me
Not posting a new pic till you post yours

>hurr my dynamic IP kicked in right when I totally posted my own body
Alright since timestamps aren't necessary here you go.
Btfo again.

Attached: Arnie.jpg (960x540, 48K)

Man you’re seething real hard today
I’ve posted mine and I’m waiting on you
Want a new pic, post yours, that what I like to call a sample

I've done enough community service with the mentally disabled today.
I hope you enjoyed all the attention you got today, I know you rarely get it.

ooh. I would have went with Clavinet, but (you)'re OK.


>> 50896014
>S T I L L after 2 days won’t post body

nobody has his charisma, all of us miss him

You first Fajit

I don't know why everyone is messing you around. his name was Ronalto Contralto.


Doesn't even count though. Just a yummy snack!

Attached: doesntevencount.png (833x485, 645K)

Rob Peanut

it's fucking Zyzz, bra!

Election is over, go back.

It's Wealthy Trombone.

my fucking sides

whatever it takes Jow Forums

Attached: 1514393796294.gif (320x180, 1.67M)

Now he's squatting in Valhalla

Get out

They are all joking bro. It's Richter Punani