Do you guys shower at the gym?

Do you guys shower at the gym?

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The only time I shower at the gym is if I want to jack off in there, locker room shower porn is the greatest.

i shower at home wearing underwear. Im not joking

Yes, together with faggots that scrub my back and clean my ass and beg me to let them suck my dick.

i dont only shower, sometimes i actually sleep on the gym lmao
planetfitness is comfy as fuck

No but only because they've only hot water.
Cold shower master race and don't want to break my 4+ year streak.

>be me
>3 or 4 years old dont remember exactly
>at the water park with mum
>she brings me into the womens changing room
>thinks im too young to understand anything
>actually remember the whole experience vivdly
One of the best days of my life

no 1. thats weird 2. it always smells like piss 3/. homeless faggots lurk in there

If I go in the pool or hot tub or sauna, yeah. Otherwise I just wait until I get home because it's more comfy there.

It's just cold water, don't lose your head

no, i don't want to be taken advantage of.

lol i always trash the fucking gym bathroom. Most of the times i dont bother liifting the seat up so i end up getting a lot of it on the seat. Sometimes when the lid is down as well i just straight up piss on the lid and the floor. Sometimes I go out of my way to piss onto the toilet paper roll lol

Did you see your Mom's Bush?

chad as fuck tbdesu

True but I'm autistic like that.

yeah, she was like 23 at the time so it looked pretty decent, she isnt my biological mum though. Didnt care a lot for her, some of the other bitches in there were fire af

Where do you put your wet towel?

I wanted to exercise in the morning, prior to work, and shower at the gym, but I didn't know what to do with my towel.

You can't just keep a wet towel in a bag all day! It'll get moldy!

no, my cock is too big and I don't want people to watch because I think I am going to have a boner

Lol i used to double decker my university's gym on the monthly basis. Sometimes i removed the tank lid and my old log was still brewing in there all mushed up and stuck on the pipes and floating things. Eventually they figured out why particles of shit was coming out when flushing and discovered a toilet tank full of turds. It was so legendary that the rector mentioned it in his yearly speech

Ew no
I'd rather ferment in my own stink rather than encounter the stagnant stink of many other men

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I can't oil my body and face (completely naked) with almond oil when in the gym. Something i do twice a week.

I'll let it sit in 20 minutes before i shower it off. Afterwards i'll apply some moisterising cream on my face.

Dude wtf why

I remember when i was in the army and when there i probably saw thousands of dicks in the locker room. Believe it or not micro penises are FAAAAAR more common than horse cocks. We had this pathetic twink dyel loser in our platoon who failed at just about anything other than having the biggest dick in the whole Battalion. Dude legit had a cannon hanging down his pant leg, like it literally hanged almost down to his knees. People always told him "nice dick bro" when they saw it. Sad thing is that he was a virgin (at 25yo) at that time. Once we were doing TCC drills and i legit had to put a tourniquet on his thigh and couldnt go high enough because his fucking magnum dong was in the way. We also had these fucking gay ass short shorts for P.E and the tip of his dick almost always showed through his boxer leg and the shorts leg

Based homeless
Where do you sleep
Do you push the benches together to make a bed?

Get a chamois towel. You can wring it out and store it in the plastic tube it came in. Saves space too.

This sounds retarded because it is but i have this irrational phobia that if i take my underwear off my balls cannot support themselves and will stretch lower and lower and eventually fall off. I legit shower in underwear and change them VERY fast to a dry pair when done. When i have sex i always do it through the hole in the front of the boxers

Aw shit I just remembered I perved on my mom once because I was curious of what she had
Pretty sure I was over 10

Can't lose it at that point
Couldn't even fit it in

Lol same

Hahahahahah holy fuck dude I just lost
Well played

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Jesus at least we're perverts with company

Isn't this normal? To have perved at least once at a person you shouldn't perv over and then you fap back to reality (family, older people, younger people, your best friends gf and whatnot)

One night before going to bed we wanted to see if his dick was longer than the forearm of the shortest dude in our company so we brought the manlet in and the whole coy gathered around to see. It legit was, we laid his dick across the dudes arm and it reached his elbow with his fist holding onto his balls. The dude had at the very least a 10 inch dong but im pretty sure it was like 11 or 12 hard. We told him to get it measured since it has to be some sort of a record but he was embarrassed of it and was a sad beta all together. We eventually hired hookers for him while off duty and both of these girls just said "AAAAWW HEEEELL NAAAWWW" and refused to ride that shit

in the locker room, if you pick the right angle the cameras cant see you

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Ofc its normal, hormones often get the best of you. Just dont act out on it

I think you're a homosexual and are making your gay little story up

Yeah its not my job to make you believe what i say im just here to share stories


That is actually no funny at all it fucking sucks. Ive tried just about anything to try to get over the fear but i legit have a panic attack when i let them hang for more than 30 seconds or so, i just feel them stretching and stretching and the gravity doing its work. I cannot help it man so i just live with it. My gf understands it but boy was it awkward at first. We even tried doing it without underwear and having her hold them up but it still made me too fucking nervous

My gym is in my condo building so I just go back upstairs when I'm done



No, you stfu

If you have a car with leather interior i just throw it over passenger seat. If its a warm day i crack a window and it usually dries by next day

I prefer to. The pool is heavily chlorinated, Nurgle knows what all is in there. If I shower after a swim, it's mainly because I want to get the chlorine smell off.

>ywn go to a gym has has accidentally gassed people

Get therapy bro , that sounds like a genuine phobia that would benefit from CBT

Are you black? Or do you do it to keep your skin young?

Thanks for the belly laugh, user.

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>benefit from CBT
Cock and ball torture? Miss me with that shit

in case you were wondering what an upper decker looks like after a few weeks of brewing ive got you covered. This is a single one that hasnt yet been topped off, id rate this 3/10 though, could have had more mass and more thickness but didnt eat well that day

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Why does you shit look exactly like chocolate frosting? Even where it hit the arm it does

wanna taste it?

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>taking a shit while doing GOMAD look like

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Please God tell me more
I'm giggling like a retard between my sets
When did this start for you?

That's fucking childish, unless it's a tranny bathroom.

Whatever bro i dont need your hate here

Not but I live right next to mine

Yeah, because it’s convenient, but my high school had seven shower heads on each pole, I did a stint in the Marines, I live out in the country, no fucking shame anymore.

Lol be a civilized person and put it in the towel bin.

Ohhhhh wait, you don't go to a gym that offers big fluffy bath towels? Lol next thing you know you'll tell me you have to take your stinky sweaty gym clothes home with you!

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hold up, there are cameras in the locker room?

If these aren't the most underrated posts of the year so far like legit this is new years comic material. I'm capping for SIR

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I have a small weewee so no. But even if I had a big one I probably wouldnt because after going to the gym I just stand in the shower for like an hour. Would be weird in a public shower

no but i contemplate suicide a lot in the sauna

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If my gym had a shower of course.
>Don't have to get in the car all sweaty and stinky.
>Don't have to wait for the bathroom as soon as I get home
>Don't have to worry about enough hot water to take my shower because my mom didn't he dishes, or already 3 other people showered that same night.
>Got to presume my dick
>Got to take a peek at other gymbros dicks (no homo)
The possibilities are endless.

Used to be self conscious about it but then I went to University Gym. When you see some of the old professors walking around looking like raisins that have grown hair, towel that could be used to conceal scrunched up in one hand, conversing about fucking their 72 year old wives, not giving a single fuck, you realize you don't need to give any either.

even bring my own towel, flip flops, and shampoo
only thing i don't do is walk around nude
before showering i'll remove everything except underwear, remove that in the stall, then when i change i put on a fresh pair under the towel

Ok, so this is Jow Forums, and I don't really fit in usually, but here goes:
You do know that there's a muscle literally called the "testicle lifter", right? Why don't you train that one. I heard you guys are all about reps and sets.
Good Luck!

How do i go about training this muscle? Serious question

It is possible to activate it consciously, something similar to a Kegel exercise, but I can't tell you how if you don't know yet.
It's like being able to flare the nostrils, pull the ears up, or raising single eyebrows; some people "can't do it" (or are not motivated enough to keep trying).

I can tell you that in my experience, the cremaster is "nearby" to the thighs in my homunculus, it feels related to pushing inwards with the legs.

Good Luck.

No, I take a huge protein shit that probably clogs the toilets, don't flush, then jerk off onto the seat

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No and kinda no. I do it because it makes my skin feel nice and it was suggested to increase your T. Not so sure about the T, but my skin feels pretty smooth.

Not after getting a foot fungus despite wearing flip flops the entire time. You could hose the place down with bleach every hour and still have some moldy ass nigga fuck things up for everyone.

>While massage therapy may not directly increase your production of testosterone, it can help, and here is why: Massage therapy is effective at combating some of the root causes of low T. By reducing stress and improving your quality of sleep, massage therapy can help your body produce more of its own testosterone.

I shower once a week because I'm lazy. I also wear the same shirt and shorts all week at work, and only change my underwear after 3 days. Same with socks. I do wear deodorant however everyday. And I rub fabric softer sheets on my shirt before I go to work everyday to mask any smell. But nobody has ever said anything about me smelling in the 3 years Ive been there, nor has my family ever told me I stink. So it's probably fine.
My butthole area gets kind of gross sometimes though, so every morning I take some tp and just wipe a few times and it cleans it good enough for the day.

oops disregard this post, I thought OP was asking how often do people here shower

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I needed this

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Thank you for your service.
Comic this year needs based ball-holder guy.

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Indian detected.

In my locker at the gym - if I decide to not replace it with a fresh towel provided by the gym.

I used to get boners when I first started going to the gym and saw casual nudity all around. Then it became...casual for me as well. Now I only get boners when some gay guy starts playing with his dick while looking at me suggestively.
No homo!

yeah sometimes, but i prefer to shower at home

>i have this irrational phobia that if i take my underwear off my balls cannot support themselves and will stretch lower and lower and eventually fall off
I come to Jow Forums for gems like these

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I think you are homophobic.

There are literally dozens of us

>He Doesn't know

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He doesn’t know he is a star.

sorry bro thats a hard yikes

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