/sig/ - self improvement general

This thread endorses both physical and mental fitness in order to promote healthy living for everyone.

/sig/ Basics:
>YOU are 100% responsible for the way you experience life. Not your parents, not your surroundings, not your ex, not your bully, not your future spouse. YOU. Complete, sincere acceptance of this is the most fundamental step to bettering yourself, and it is by far the hardest thing you'll ever do.
>Work your way to becoming the best YOU you can be - one step at a time.
>Set realistic Goals and have a Plan. Use short-term Goals to keep yourself going.
>Learn helpful and effective daily/weekly/etc. routines, including mundane ones.
>Have a steady sleeping rhythm - one that works for you, so long as you keep to it. Get 6-11 hours of sleep. More Info: pastebin.com/h4CDDtKu
>Learn Mindfulnes Meditation. More Info: pastebin.com/0NMDEUNh
>Learn to be Brutally Honest with yourself. Stop being a slave to your Ego.
>Think critically.
>If you need to put others down to feel good about yourself, you are putting yourself in a position where you are dependent on the people you look down on.
>Focus on the essentials. If you try to do everything at once, you’ll burnout.

>newarcitea.neocities.org/ - Overall Guide
>thework.com/ - "Simple" Mental Health self-help resource. You get out what you put in.

discord.gg/YJQQSQf *Everyone* is welcome

>s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=22578279902195591270 - Mortimer J. Adler, Charles Van Doren - How to Read a Book
>s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=01374239493824328035 - Sam Harris - Waking Up
>misc.equanimity.info/downloads/mindfulness_in_plain_english.pdf - Henepola Gunaratana - Mindfulness in Plain English
>s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=93057425205857796418 - Dale Carnegie - How to Win Friends and Influence People
>Tsultrim Allione - Feeding your Demon

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previous thread

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I always find these threads to be quietly desperate. It's offputting.

I posted last thread about possibly moving to Japan, having studied Japanese for several years; a goal I gave up on upon learning fluoxetine, the medication I take for OCD, is almost certainly unavailable there.

On my consulate's advice, I contacted the department of health, only to be met with a generic response. I asked a more specific question, and if I don't get a clear answer, I'm just gonna take the time to articulate my questions in passable Japanese.

Upon doing research, though Fluoxetine (Prozac) is likely not available, Zoloft is quite widely available there. I have an appointment with my psychiatrist to discuss the risks, and I'll probably attempt the switch thereafter. If it works (I should be able to tell in 3 months or so after starting,) I'll start applying, and probably fly out before the end of the year. If not, I'll take the time and systematically try out the other medication.

This might suck really bad (unmedicated, my OCD sucks a lot,) but I know if I don't give this a shot now, I'll regret it for the rest of my life.

Anyhow, thanks /sig/. I don't really wanna tell anyone IRL about possibly moving countries unless I'm for sure doing it, so anonymous encouragement form like-minded people means a lot.

>On a side note, anyone take Zoloft before? My dad says it worked well for his OCD, so I'm hopeful.

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Basic ABA...

>Recognize Target Behavior
>Recognize Antecedents and Precoursers to Target Behavior
>Determine Replacement Behavior
>Determine Preemptive and Reactive Strategies for eliminating Target Behavior and reinforcing use of Replacement Behaviors

There may be what we call an "Extinction Burst" where the individual exhibits a rise in occurances of Target Behavior during transitional period. It may seem as though the issue is getting worse but this is just a platue effect caused by years of negative reinforcers.

There are 4 functions (or reasons) for every behavior...

>Attention seeking
>Access to people places or things
>Sensory Stimulation

A behavior can have more than one function, but always has at least 1. Recognizing the function of a behavior is key to providing Replacement Behaviors as well as determining the preemptive and reactive strategies.

Most of us here just want to improve ourselves. Some people are in a better place than others but I don't think any /sig/ posters would be here if they weren't desperate/ready to change.

Will sugar really fuck you over more then anything even if you eat under your calorie intake? On a cut but i love the occasional sweet

I'm surprised Mike Rowe isn't holding up a sign that only says "WORK IN THE FUCKING TRADES". The guy is alright but not really worth listening to IMO.

cringe. just buy LINK

It's just not gonna fill you up and waste a lot of calories, making it more likely that you go over or not get enough calories from fat and protein. Basically it just makes dieting much harder, and you less likely to loose weight.

Also, everything in moderation. My great grandma said it all the time and it's very true.

Pissed the bed on that stuff when i was 11

and look where it got her...

My advice is to never ask anyone who's not a doctor, advice on meds. There are many factors that determine the effectiveness of meds, and other people's experiences will not be the same as yours.

I know people who do great on Zoloft, but it caused me to have a manic episode that ended me up in jail. It's biochemistry, genetics, and a bunch of other factors that people on Jow Forums probably know nothing about. Don't let other people's bad experiences keep you from doing something that could really help you.

I don't think people under 25 are supposed to be prescribed Sertraline/Zoloft, but good to know.

Oh I know it's ultimately a roll of the dice, and I'm going in this hoping that it works but fully prepared that it won't. I only asked my dad because similar genetic make up and all. I figured I'd collect experiences here because why not? It's a useful source of info.

I'm guessing you were dealing with bipolar? Obviously my worst-case scenario is a little less severe with OCD.

I loved that bitch. She swam the English channel in her 20's, traveled the world, remained rich through the depression, beat Tigger woods in golf, and died at 99.

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I was diagnosed bipolar as a teen (which according to the DSM-5, teenagers can't be diagnosed bipolar). But my most recent diagnosis is ADHD and manic depression.

Do you take anything now? Not looking for suggestions, just curious. I have I think 4 possible medications to try before I'm SOL

How's my diet? Trying to lose 25 pounds of fat.
>#14 Unwich with cheese from Jimmy John's
>Roast beef, turkey, cheese, and tomato wrapped in lettuce (no mayo)
>350 calories
>40 grams of protein

This is all I eat each day at lunch time, I also walk 5 miles a night so I am literally burning all the calories from the meal.

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Currently no. I was prescribed buspirone and strattera for a couple years, but I eventually weened myself off when I was more comfortable with life. It's pretty hard without them and I'm considering taking them again.

What about breakfast and lunch. Any other Exercise? What kind of job?

>try watching bojack redditman
>bojack is a selfish prick but every other character is worse in their own way
>bojack is the only one ever held accountable for his shit

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Based and Linkpilled

Really struggling bros.
Have good plans, but fail to realize/commit.
Also BPD monster exchange keeps messaging.
Would appreciate some hard motivation.
Cut and reading is going well, however.
Last finished Beowulf, A Moveable Feast, about to finish Othello.

Bojack made me so fucking depressed.

Go back to your containment board you closeted faggot

Imagine being this angry all the time.

What's my containment board

I wish there was a board just for /sig/. It's the only Jow Forums thread with follow. The only thing you need from this neurotic board is the sticky and sig, everything else is basically /soc/ in disguise.

>basically /soc/ in disguise
not nearly enough boy bums unfortunately

I would guess /sig/ is similar to most of Jow Forums in terms of life outlook. It’s just that /sig/ realizes there’s a problem and wants to fix it. If it’s an earnest attempt to improve, that’s maturity not desperation.

Jow Forums

imagine propagating bullshit spread by 'redpilled' incels who believe george bush did 9/11 and denying the repeatedly scientifically demonstratable fact that environment affects free will specifically success and decision making (like op)

What's LINK

>(like op)
stopped reading here

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I've been thinking obessively about irrational shit (religion, conspiracy theories, etc). Sometimes, i get shitty panic attacks despite knowing that these thoughts are irrational. I think i may have some sort of anxiety disorder.

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Nice blog post +1 like

hes a stupid cuck and that sign is embarrassing

>Stopped reading at the end of the post


Hi user. What type of OCD symptoms do you experience if you go without medication?

try to make some friends that feel comfortable talking about that stuff. sometimes you just need someone to talk to who acknowledges that the world is a weird place.

Self hate/depression
fucking don't fully understand why I even have it either
just can't stand myself at the end of the day(and throughout at times)

seriously anons what is this 'self-acceptance' all y'all seem to have and lets you ''make it'' whatever that means to you?

i hate Jow Forumstards

I've recently gone back to the cardio-loving ways of before I discovered Jow Forums and got into lifting. I noticed that I like it so much more than lifting, but I've gotten used to being big and strong and I'm not sure I want to give thag up. However, I just don't feel like lifting anymore.
What do? How do I reconcile these two feelings?

I made a lot of shitty excuses and stopped going to the gym for about 5-6 months now. I also stopped eating properly and gained some weight and generally have no energy now. I know it's my fault, but I'm not wanting to get back in to the gym, but it's so god damned difficult for some reason.

For the short term, I've changed my diet and have been consistent with it for almost 3 weeks now, so I'm confident I have that part down. But I need to find some motivation to go to the gym. There's one literally 3 minutes from my house and it's right off the main road I take to/from work, so I'm hoping it'll be easy to force my dumb ass in there

How does one enjoy being a part of society? Been in and out of mental """"hospitals""""" the past two years and I always feel like an alien, an outsider a creep who society does not want. Even now, I make no effort to reach out to friends as much as I should, starting to doubt if they were ever friends in the first place or I was just too much of a bitch to realize it. Plz halp

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Not exactly /sig/ but my barber fucked up my hair so I just got a buzz cut. What's some ways to have more silky/smooth hair? Any particular kind of food I have to eat?

How do I become an independent adult? I don't want to be a neet anymore. I have zero life experience though and literally don't know what makes an adult.
I want to be an Ant/Arctic geologist but I cannot afford University in the USA and my parents laughed when I said that I wanted to study on Europe for free (specifically Norway because they have universities with Arctic geology courses). My ultimate life goal is to work in Antarctica for a period of time.
Would this be better posted on Jow Forums? Although I'm pretty sure they will just tell me to kill myself.

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t. wagies flooded with debt from a useless degree. Sad! Many such cases.

what the fuk. How memetic would it be for an american to study geology in Norway? I dropped out of CC in months/shit gpa, im sure if i actually pulled my shit together, unclustering alot of shit in mind I could go back to school. It seems far fetched.

My way to work in the arctic would be welder/electrician but you wouldn't be in the research develpment which is homo

"Poison is in the quantity"

there ya go

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Pharmacist here. Imo Zoloft is better in most ways. The main difference would be that Prozac has a far longer half life and you're less likely to get fluctuations due to improperly timed doses. It does mean it will take a while for the Prozac to get out of your system tho

Otherwise they're comparable. Where I work Zoloft would be used for OCD first before Prozac

Look up positions with the US antarctic polar program. You don't have to be a geologist- you could be a mechanic, cook, etc., etc. Many opportunities each cycle

Im in a similar position but i live in Europe.

>I wanted to study on Europe for free
Its not free unless you have some kind of scholarship, also you have to pay for your apartment/food and so on. Its not cheap at all. Also, most universities will only take you if you have some kind of certification that you speak their language (there are standardized tests, like TOEFL for english).

>but I cannot afford University in the USA
I think your best bet would be to find a side job that allows you to finance university. If you want to study in europe, most universities have exchange programs that you can then take part in.

When I was 10 I was put on zoloft. Lasted two years til I said I wanted to stop. They gave it to me because they said I had anxiety.

>Jow Forums
>Believing self-improvement is right-wing

I can tell you are fat lazy left-wing cunt which blames the society for your problems

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I literally just saved that from a sig months ago, can I please get help with my actual post?


Post body, I guarantee you look like shit, hence why you need a fucking Jow Forums thread to motivate yourself to get out of bed, you fucking loser.

How do I learn to love myself? I feel social anxiety and social pressure constantly and I've narrowed it down to not having any confidence in myself.

I'm a new lifter and I'm going through some health issues right now but I expect to start lifting in a month or so.

Has anybody gone through anything like this? How do I combat my basic lack of belief in myself that I'm worth it?

Gratitude from Shlomo von shekelberg won't put food like in your plate.

Here you go you triggered left-wing cunt

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Does anybody else feel like life isn't ever enough for them? Like you achieve one thing, but then something else comes up and you want that.

Like it feels as if you are actively competing with people, if I see somebody have some experience or achievement that I don't have, I instantly want to compete and do better.

Now he's gonna say you look like shit without posting his own lol

Of course he will do that. Or post some shit like

>I bet you cant diddylift 600lbs, benchpress 300lbs and squat 500lbs

I'm not him but is there any proof that's you

I could do a timestamp with my tattoo, but why? To make a triggered left-wing cunt even more triggered?

Mirin that motivation. I literally don't give a fuck 99% of the time, makes it hard to get anything done

I'm not him you mentally ill german freak.

Hope Ahmed and Mahmood run a train on your sister you seething retard.

>To make a triggered left-wing cunt even more triggered?

I wasnt talking about you while writing this but you seem mentally unstable aswell

You look like shit even with the perfect lighting, fuck off you fat boomer

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I'm not the 30+ year old who's going off about lefties on a Cantonese rice-harvesting forum

>No chest
>small arms
>Pressing legs on a chair so they look bigger
>No Veins
>Calls others out about lightning while doing a photo with lightning coming from above to look more "buff"

Lmao, you are a joke mate

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Cope more dyel

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>5ft 11

I-I just want a gf lads, am I gonna have to bulk? I'm skinnyfat

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Gain muscle. I am an inch shorter than you and weight around 170.

Yes and no. There are certain things that I know will be life long journeys. That no matter how long I live for I will continually train for it and push my abilities to get better.


That's the dream man been trying for ages, I have made progress though thanks man

Meant for you

Don't talk if you don't know shit, mate. Lots of European countries offer degrees. Czech Republic, Germany, Poland. Of course you're required to study in the local language.

Most likely you'll be required to study in the local language if you go for a European degree. Germany, Poland, Czech Republic and a few other countries have those programs and they're actually quite easy to get into.

>Don't talk if you don't know shit, mate. Lots of European countries offer degrees.
i never said that they dont, i just said that they dont offer them for free


>YOU are 100% responsible for the way you experience life.
dumbest fucking thing I have ever heard.

every successful person ever will say that, while anyone at the bottom of society economically or socially will blame everything outside of their control

>Jow Forums

>This /sig/ OP
>Stop being an ego slave
>Personal responsibility
>Stop putting other people down
>Self-help resources written by women
>Discord with a tranny admin and hugboxes

You don't have to like /sig/ but I'm not sure on what you base the claim that this has anything to do with Jow Forums

Thats basically anything lefties fighting against.

It's like you are white, male and hetero... you are basically an evil nazi

I have kicked caffeine to the curb since 8 days.
Still yawn and fall asleep a lot.
I am trying to move around a bit in-between study sessions.

I have also started to eat a keto diet because I wanted to have less inflammation in my body, which honestly might be caused by stress (a.plified by caffeine) and the diet.

>show up early, stay late
Speaking from personal experience, don't do this. Your boss will get used to it and exploit it.

>either all or nothing

Theres a middle ground for maximizing your happiness and success in life. The sweat pledge definitely isnt it. "Sleep in a tent and eat beans" for real? ok mike you go do that.

This picture is unequivocally the most NPC fucking thing I have ever seen. BE A FUCKING DRONE AND LIKE IT WORKER. MAKE THE FUCKS AT THE TOP RICHER WHILE THEY CONTINUE TO FUCK YOU.

>Get weirdly under the impression that I've written something horribly offensive or threatening on key documents (such as essays or work emails,) thus forcing myself to check over anything written like 50 times (only 2-0 times on medication)
>Have to check the stove, door, faucet, etc. several times before I can tear myself away from the house (once again, like 1-2 times on meds, a lot more otherwise)
>Am pretty much constantly concerned I've contracted some STD, whether or not I've been tested since the last time I've had sex (I have been)
>A combination of these things makes me extremely anxious and depressed; I am able to hide it from the outside world well enough though
Thank you user, that gives me some hope

ahahahahaha, you dumb fucking retard, nipland is nothing like animu.

I'm well aware - in fact I'm fairly certain I will hate it there. I dislike strict work culture, high population centers, rigid conformity, etc. I realize that it will most likely be extremely frustrating, and I'll have to work my ass off to maintain any sort of muscle mass.

Still, its a culture that's fascinated me since childhood, admittedly first from anime, but later the history, the culture, the rise and fall in the 80s/90s, etc. etc. I was content with giving it up due to the medication thing and the reasoning outlined above, but I came to a realization:

>If I don't do this now (age 27,) I will likely wonder "what if" for the rest of my life.

Basically, I'd rather go there, spend a year getting competent at Japanese, and come back dejected, miserable, and with my tail between my legs, than wake up in 20 years wondering "what if?"

good for you m8. Sorry for calling you a retard.........

4 days down out of 35
each day:
>morning: run
>afternoon: 15kg weighted jog / full body workout / weighted 1.5 mile run
>Night: river slither / swimming / 30 seconds on 1 min off sprints
step one is become a marine
step two is become SF
step 3 become a God

you set me down this path 5 years ago Jow Forums all the suffering and joy ive had since that day is down to this place. I just wanted to be fucking normal but you fucks decided that was not the path for me

never fails to make me seethe

Thank you and no worries.