I am being invited to a picnic party, with a huge pool and alcohol for June 8

I am being invited to a picnic party, with a huge pool and alcohol for June 8.

Problem is, I don't have any gains and I'm 156 lb, it doesn't help I'm a 5'11 manlet. So I fear that women will make fun of my body.

What the fuck do I do? There's no way I can get any gains in a few weeks.

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Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?q=the cheerleader effect

>Problem is, I don't have any gains and I'm 156 lb, it doesn't help I'm a 5'11 manlet. So I fear that women will make fun of my body.
jesus fucking christ stop falling for Jow Forums memes, just drink & have fun retard

It's a party not a bodybuilding competition you tard.

The party will be full of normies. You may be a DYEL twink by Jow Forums standards, but if you work out at all you'll stand out above the crowd.

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As long as you're not fat, you don't need to worry too much. Worst case scenario, wear a tank-top or something like that, keep it on and claim you have a weird mole that you should shield from sunlight.

Don't worry about anything, you're so fucking pathetic that you'll never make it anyway

May sakaali (^:

If they disliked you for how you looked they wouldnt have invited you to go eat food and drink alchohol

Is right, you may be dyel here, but out there you'll be the "big guy". Wear a nice fitting v neck with a thin jacket over it, you'll be drowning in pussy if you can stave off the tism and talk to people

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Any time a woman tries to talk to you, instantly start insulting her body imperfections. (If you're not good on "off the cuff" insults it's okay, just use the normal Jow Forums insults tell her thinks like:
>"You have gyno."
>"Wow, you're not even 6' tall, that's pathetic."
>"Do you even lift faggot?"
>"Have sex."
>"You're just a perma-bulking fatfuck!"

It's better to go on the offensive against women than be defensive.

If you do this, you'll be the most popular guy there. GL user.

This, but not as over the top.
>match girl on app
>ask her a small talk question
>instantly insult (lightly) her answer
Gets them on the hook every time. Example from yesterday
>matched this bitch from FSU studying statistics
>ask her to name her favorite fast food (girls love this shit for some reason, probably because they're bad humans)
>she said "taco bell because its delicious and fulfilling" (what the fuck)
>reply "yeah but it's taco bell"
>"don't hate on taco bell"
>"tacos are just Mexican burgers change my mind"
>she agrees and then says "do you have any other change my mind opinions"
>"statistics is the meme of STEM degrees"
She's already double-texting me when I don't respond. Women love this shit, I don't get it. Every single one of them says, "I'm different", but they all want to be treated like shit. Not trying to go full gamers are oppressed mode or anything.


Just do some pushups anytime you have a free moment every day until the party

need proof

Post screenshots please

Why the fuck do you care what random women think kek. This selfdoubt just reflects that you are not happy with your body. That's what women will pick up on and find unattractive. If you're that selfconcious, train more until you are happy with yourself damnit.

> again, caring what random women think kek.

>What the fuck do I do?
have a good personality

Fat guys literally get more gfs than anyone on Jow Forums.
Just piss on these niggas.

Based, I do this too and it works great my on girl

Not posting the rest because I'm not an attention whore, but here's how I started. The only message I cut off up top was her saying "hey what's up"

Attached: Screenshot_20190523-133810_Bumble.jpg (1440x2271, 248K)

>wearing a jacket to a pool party
fatty cope

Post the other ones please, is she the hot one or the ugly one in the pic?

Grow up

I already said I'm not posting the rest. She's the one on the right, I wouldn't say either are "hot" but they're both about 7/10

Is she Finnish?


Just b yourself unless you’re a mindset virgin who thinks 5’11 is manlet because of Jow Forums then be someone else

She's the ugly one. Lmao why do women do this EVERY time

I hope this question is rehetorical

Shes replying because she wants to win the 15 year old msm tier argument you started not because she wants your dick you faggot

Lol, don't do this. Wear a tanktop if you want, don't explain it though. Nobody will ask and if they do, just say vague shit or play it off.

What the fuck kind of autist would make up a visible health defect and think that improves their image?

I honestly don't get it

Women do this every time to grab your interest with their hotter friend first. It's obvious.

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shes mexican

But it's so easy to realize she tricked you, and she looks uglier by comparison

I never said that it works.
lmgtfy.com/?q=the cheerleader effect

>OP doesn't respond
Another redditor fishing for epic posts.

The one on the left looks like a fucking rat
Also, that other user isn't me
Women are perpetual children until motherhood, user

I'll trust you my man but from the pic I can see left is hotter.

The problem is that OP will most likely will be with taller and more muscular men, nobody will give a fuck about OP

Please do us actual manlets a favor and kill yourself
t. 5’6”

>So I fear that women will make fun of my body.

have you EVER been outside before?

He is already above average height and I doubt the majority of people will be taller than him. Majority will prob be shorter and only few taller

Shorter men are usually more muscular tho

based if true


True, seen my boss do this live to his girl. Plain went and told her she looked like shit. She was a bit upset, trying to protest but visibly drawn towards him.
Our clients complained they couldn't get hold of him later that day and i don't have to imagine why.


Manlets lift more to compensate their height


>Shorter men usually look more muscular tho
Fixed that for you

>Every single one of them says, "I'm different", but they all want to be treated like shit.
Truth, the few women that aren't masochistic are likely dykes.

go full /fringe/
invoke the spirit of Zyzz
go to the party ABSOLUTELY convinced that everyone else will see you as the sweat dripping god of gainz
slay some puss

>tfw 5'8, flabby tummy and mixed race
Fucking kill me.

If you are the biggest autist on this party no muscles in the world will help you

Start taking creatine now. I bet if you start hitting the gym hard, eat lots of protein, and take creatine you'll will stack on a noticeable bit of muscle before June 8th.

Normies have ridiculously low standards. Before I even started lifting I would get compliments just because I was low body fat and had abs even though I was full skelly mode. Now that I'm pretty muscular (still DYEL by Jow Forums standards) normies think I'm some kind of elite athlete.

Dont tell this autists our secrete we need to keep this info to ourselves

This is literally an episode of Doug

Unfortunately true
My friend has these awful thots as friends that I like making fun of to their faces but they seem to respond well to it

>women will make fun of my body

This post seems like troll but am really unsure if this person actually views reality through Jow Forums memes.

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That's not being treated like shit that's a normal conversation yall overanalysing

i actually saw that episode recently while i was trying to put something up to watch while i eat. that episode came out way before all this body positivity movement stuff and thats all we needed.

at 5'11 you are taller than about 60-70 percent of the population.

That might've been true in the '80s. Nowadays most women are at least 5'9.

That's normie tier, the real deal is punching your women

Where do you live? D

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Checked and dysmorphiapilled

Good genes but I could never date a girl over 6'. Not a confidence thing, I just don't find it attractive
>t. 6'2"

did you give her the old lickaroo?


Start doing a shit ton of pull ups and start a water fast. It might work