

Will you be going with the Jow Forums choice for classic wow?

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The absolute state of this board

reminder anyone who picks Dwarf is a Jew

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Night Elf is the most aesthetic race

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sup reddit

Class choices should be simple, can't you see? You rolling with me you better roll an M.A.G.E.

Gnome is obvious race. PVP and PVE gods.

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classic wow was bad.
nostalgia is blinding you.


All I see is him, vros

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It's a dangerous, s o y mentality.
Even their beloved South Park skewered this mindset with the "memberberries" episodes. Why are people so desperate to cling on to the "the past = good" mentality?

Video games are okay if you are sick and just trying to pass the time. But otherwise, you should be doing something productive. Video Games are not Jow Forums

When I become a mod. I'm going to start shit banning a fuckton of people.
Zyzz shills, "bloat" shills, the gay agenda, the alphabet agencies, the jidf, the russian and chinese cyberhackers, the indian conmen. I'm just going to start laying into motherfuckers left and right.

Fuck yeah.

But shitposting on a Vietnamese noodle recipe trading image board isn't a waste of time?

Everyone knows Blood Elves are the most aesthetic. Vanilla WoW sucks, didn't get good until WotLK imo.

Video games are just as valid as many other hobbies.
MMOs from the early 2000's specifically designed to waste your time, suck you in, and addict you without actually offering rewarding or enriching content are not.

The horde is unironically reddit this time around.

Thats why I dont shitpost here. Am I the one who made a thread about World of fucking Warcraft? No, so where the fuck did you get the idea that I shitpost here? Get fucking real user, go outside, read a fucking book because i have no fucking patience for people like you

it's a figure of speech. Any posting on Jow Forums is a waste of time and arguing with other Jow Forumsizens over trivial things like you are doing right now is equally dumb.


any game besides osrs is a onions pot

So basically the two people that actually lift are going to be the only ones circlejerking each other on here.

Anyone who plays fucking WoW is never gonna make it

>having such poor self control that you can’t play WoW whilst having an active social life and lifting

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Me desu

The fucking irony hahahah

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Because the future is despair. Not even a robot - I'm married, got a decent job, got a future pretty much lined up but i can imagine no scenario in which the west doesn't end up in a conflagration or culturally and ethnically extinct.

Tell me more how you can balance work, sleeping, lifting, social life AND playing WoW you animeposter piece of shit
You're a loser and you know it

Imagine unironically shitposting on Jow Forums in the middle of the night on a weekday about life balance

I want to play a holy paladin so I guess thats a no from me

>what are different time zones

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Classic was an actual MMO. You constantly had to connect with others.
Retail and all MMOs today are too casual friendly to build up a community like classic wow can. Retail is essentially an action game where you sometimes have to team up with others but you still don't talk to them. Vanilla is just made in a way that by the time you hit lvl 60 you know half your server.

>troll hunter
>herbalism, skinning
>easy levelling
>easily get enough money for mounts and shit
>5 hp perc second
>nothing you can do about it

Why yes, as you should.

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>picking the original chinese goldfarming combination of choice
true fag

alpha races for both factions:
Human and Nelf
Orc and Tauren

Alpha chad class:
if you don't choose this as a fitizen, youre a beta cuck

If you can find time to shitpost on Jow Forums you can also find time for playing some videogames
you gigantic faggot

At this rate like 70% of vanilla will be warriors. Have fun getting into raids

Stay mad poorfag

I played a warrior for over 10 years. It kind of sucks because in Classic everyone will pick warrior because they're the best class. They're the only viable tank, they're great in pvp, and they have really good dps. There will be too many warriors.

>I dont shitpost here
>proceed to shitpost
This post is paradoxal

WoW is a game for incels with no friends who daydream about having a better life. Prove me wrong

Shut the fuck up boomer

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In 2005 this would have been slightly more true.

Reference checks out

I actually played from 2004 to 2007, even Chads played it
Playing Vanilla in 2019 is just downright sad. Probably the most escapist hobby I can think of

Rogue4lyphe bitch
Stop tempting me, I barely escaped

Because this has been the truth since time began spinning and the chariots rolled out of the Steppes.
Iron age, Kali Yuga, call it whatever you want. Today is evil, terrible, and sickening.

Of course
An undead warlock

Quit crying, loser.

have sex

warriors are a pain in the ass to lvl. i will just stick with troll hunter

Posts new models. Fag.

based and redpilled

>is balding even ingame

Vanilla sucks. Can’t believe people call other games “casual” compared to vanilla when vanilla has the slowest combat, dull content and absolutely no depth or complexity to it.
The only reason you ever give is that you have to walk to the dungeon and manually recruit group members. WOW, hardcore!
Oh I forgot, you also spend ages doing quests - very difficult and hardcore, questing!

Casual =/= easy
Hardcore =/= hard

Man you've never played vanilla I can tell.

Unironically started miring orcs because of my new lifestyle.Used to be all about the night elves but now idk.

I'll make eithee a orc warrior or night elf priest

The pvp was less complex than in tbc and wotlk but pve was much better.

zoom zoom

I actually can't tell if he's baiting us or actually just retarded

Warriors almost are always the most chosen class back in vanilla or on private servers but the grind to 60 weeds out most of the weaklings so it should be fine

I'm going warlock.

>They're great in pvp
They are the worst pvp class after hunter and paladin.

Tauren or Night Elf druid?

Feral taurean balance night elf resto night elf

Tauren far more based and bullpilled

Sounds like cope mentality

Yes, but are you ready for the feelz when Christmas comes around? Cairne alive? Nah, fuck that.

Lol I bet people think your this dumb in real life too

was free from the wow bug for like 5 years but with classic coming back im seriously considering getting back into it once it hits
just an hour or two in the evening after gym cant hurt, right? maybe a little in the weekend too...

I'm going dwarf warr (male ofc), never mained alliance before so kinda looking forward to it. My previously Horde friends are playing alliance too this time around.

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No because I'm not a neet. Also fuck blizzard

based dwarfbro, prob going dwarf palla here

i never played a dwarf further than lvl 17 before (on nost, I just hit 17 and got to the gates of IF before The End) so this is gonna be a lot of fun. previously only mained warr though so nothing new there.

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That’s blood elves

It's a shame almost no helmet accommodates your magnificent beard, it just gets deleted.

yeah but I chose the beard in pic related because it shows your chest best and still has an awesome stache, I actually love it
I was unsure wether to go human or dwarf because I lvl'd a gnome on p-server to 50 and was so annoyed I could hardly see my gear I was wearing etc, so I knew I had to pick something where it was visible. I was leaning towards humans because you can see all their gear, but I like dwarves so much more, and then I was so happy when I saw that "short" beard that still had a stache - the amish one is so ugly imo

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>just an hour or two in the evening after gym cant hurt, right?

This is how it begins, soon you'll be playing 3-5 hours a day and sometimes skip the gym. WoW is absolutely not worth it

>playing videogames

>not participating in games where you get motivation and inspiration to lift

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Female orc warrior just like on retail. I'd pick tauren for a true vanilla experience, but that stun resist racial is too good to pass on.

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thats a decent transmog, is that the might of menethil model?

>playing female anything but druid

I don't get this mentality.
I have a full-time job, spend an hour a day at the gym, go out with friends once a week and still able to play vidya 20 hours a week.
You must suck at managing your time.

It's from WOTLK naxx. T3 isn't "real" either, i bought it of BMAH during WoD, took a lot of time and nerves though(well, and money).

>getting pissed because someone plays a different gender
Cringe, RP BOOMERS. I pick models based on animations and the way armor looks on them and female orcs are a champion for that for plate classes, cause male ones are too blocky and shoulders look like shit on them.

>playing a male character

Female orc because I've already played male orcs and male UD to death


Most men are incels fuck off

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user what? Do you honestly feel it's appopriate for a grown man to play as a cutie female in a role-playing game?
Grow a pair already

whatever you say schlomo

>imagine being so insecure about your sexuality that you can't even play a female in a videogame
The only people who throw huff and puff about that shit are closeted boomers who in secret jerk off to trap porn

lmao this nigga stares at a man's ass all day

i mained dwarf pally from like 2005 to 2010 or whenever cata came out. never looked back. although when classic comes out im gonna go rogue bc i wanna gank faggots in the barrens like they did me in duskwood