Start running 20 miles a week in addition to lifting

>start running 20 miles a week in addition to lifting
>don't change diet
>physique has literally never looked better, lifts actually going up, way better conditioned

cool meme guys. What are some other pieces of bullshit """""advice""""" this board filled with genetic trash gives?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>What are some other pieces of bullshit """""advice""""" this board filled with genetic trash gives?

Fasting. This is the progress you can expect. It's literally fatties being tricked.

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your mom B)

Thanks. Added her on snap fuck it


jesus fucking christ dude

u are just another beta orbiter to her

A strict paleo diet (with rice, lentils and oats) will do wonders
Only drink water

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Whats the bullshit part exactly? Having a good diet?
Yeah thats real bullshit my honorary fucking faggot

We all know cardio is great. 20 miles is about the limit for running. About 80-100 biking. Dunno what you're pissed at.

Gawd damn thats a juicy blonde booty, to bad she worships nig music and probably fuck monkeys

"Cardio kills gains"

Oh gosh i fell for that stupid fucking meme as well.
>tfw would skip cardio bc lolz gains goblin
>tfw my Squats have more depth now and I don't get weird shooting neural pains anymore when doing squats/diddly

Sigh!!! Ya live and learn.

Woops didn't complete my second green text.
*since I started doing hiit** everyday.

>"Yoga is gay, only use it to get chicks, don't be serious about yoga that's for fags"
>Do yoga after workouts, don't change anything else
>Literally my entire life improved

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Right looks infinitely better tho..

How do I into yoga?

Only dumb powerlifters and certified memers say that and cardio only kills gains if your doing say 80% cardio 20% weights which its not even cardio its more lack of weightlifting.
Scooby is a good example of cardio not killing your gains.
try this after a workout

Don't add/follow/etc these fucking whores. Why haven't people realized you're empowering these hookers when you do that?

Take a look. x out of the page. The end.

Why is that so hard?


Cardio is fucking boring as hell tho


>started running 20 miles a week\\\

mysides no you fucking didnt

Whenever i see or hear people that jog every day i just indtantly cringe.

2 x week = cardiovascular maintenance (if you don't account lifting)
3 x week = all you need.
Anything above and you will turn into a cardio skeleton.

Just wanted to point this out.

What an eye you got there my friend...
15/10 easy !
Baaaaaaaaaaaased !

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No, cardio is hell. It is far from boring. If it is boring to you then go in harder. If your mind isn't fighting your entire body to keep chugging along then you aren't pushing yourself enough.

I don't know what it is but a woman's period is like pure Ecstasy to me
I work with a lot of women and when they're on their period I can fucking smell it and it drives me fucking wild
whats wrong with me

I’m not even doing fasting, but that’s a pretty shitty argument. The guy clearly lost weight, if he didn’t have muscle before of course he isn’t gonna magically grow some just from fasting

Was thinking the other day that hell would be full of people endlessly running in circles with that burn in their lungs and shortness of breath without ever running out of energy or being able to stop.
That and jews.

It's called biology and being a man. you should IMPREGNATE

Thats what I thought everyone at work calls me crazy but I always just say I can't help nature
fuck I love the period smell boys

nice bro, you're one step closer to dating her

powerful roastie energy coming off this thot, and god help me i want a piece

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wtf is wrong with your nose how can you smell that


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Idk bro I just can, I just know when these whores are on the rag I hate it but I love it

looks like you're high T

I can smell it too, its not that uncommon, smells irony/bloodlike.

maybe I always think I'm low T but my sex drive is fucking xrazy

>blüht ein kleines Blümelein
>Und das heißt

I've been doing this for years: lift 3-4 times per week, go for an 8km run on other days. It's the only way my physique remains around 13%bf despite eating so much sugar

>lift 3 days per week
>Run 6km 4 days per week (always lift first)
Am I fucking my gainz?

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>this post
And this is the average person posting "MUH SHIN SPLITS!!!" post in any running thread. It's this type of advice that gets people injured.

Blood smells like blood? Who woulda thought

How come thots don't feel any shame for whoring themselves like this?
>inb4 but what about guys flexing
When guys flex they show off their power, their hard work, their objectively beautiful, powerful physique.
Thots like this is literally just "teehee look at me chad, please put your penis inside and spurt out your semen teeehee".

Attached: thotties.jpg (1080x1350, 131K)

virgin detected

You need a hooker. A generous one.

Imagine being the cuck that married this whore

imagine fucking her arse tho

But that guy looks much better.

I’ll never understand straight men.

>imagine watching her bull fucking her arse tho

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Never mind, I’m retarded and thinking of Keto.

You’re supposed to want to impregnate them when they’re ovulating not when they’re on their period. How retarded are you?

Women derive their self worth from their ability to attract a mate (and have children, yes they don’t do it now but the biological imperative has never gone away). They literally are a series of holes.

Imagine thinking men and women are equal

me on the right


Don't need to marry to fuck

nobody here told you not to do yoga you dipshit

however, static stretching immediately after lifting is questionable, but it sounds like youre doing fine

I would argue working your ass off would be better than fasting (if your goal was to just lose weight), but you have a shit-tier example

Why not both?

fat to energy isn't a fast enough conversion to keep up with a workout. you'd feel like shit and might end up binging

Low intensity cardio is almost totally unfatiguing. Daily sprinting would eat up all your recovery resources and actual sprinters don't even do this

Wow. It's almost like cardiovascular health is actually important.

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The trick is to do very low volume but with very high frequency. Give your body time to convert fat to glycogen
I did the mistake of going for high volume while heavily fasted once. I felt weak, dizzy, wanted to throw up. No such problem when I did just simple SS even more heavily fasted. Right now I'm just IFing for a while, but I plan to try a week long water fast where I train every day with very low volume (push/pull) and maybe even multiple times a day with slightly less volume per session (push/pull or full body)

You're doing the wrong kind of cardio then. I too am bored of running, biking or swimming but I can row or dance for hours. Find something you like. Hell, you can probably do free weights for cardio. Load half your 1rm and start cleaning.

>We all know cardio is great
Most of the ss gomadlords here deny cardio

>Take a look
Shouldn't even really be doing this. Why browse the wares of an opium shop if you don't intend to buy? If you're not going to pursue the girl, or if she's not somebody you want in your life... why give any of your attention, consideration, or time whatsoever

guy on right looks better and his dick look bigger and he figured out how to keep his eyes open

fasting works wonders

i bet his insulin sensitivity is 20 billion percent better now

good job user you've unlocked the mystery to fitness. running is god tier

>>Anything above and you will turn into a cardio skeleton.

And what if that's what I want

cardio kills your gains

holistic fitness is the final redpill. If you can't run 5 miles, can't run a -6 minute mile, can't touch your toes, can't do 50 burpees without stopping, can't squat 2xBW, can't do 20 pullups, can't do a human flag, can't see your abs, and aren't trying to do all of those things together, why the FUCK are you going to the gym?

how these bitches survive in the wild even???

where do they work?? Cannot fathom they are all the time pampered and betabuxed just because... are they just real hookers?? In money laundry involved?? how the fuck...

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I don't know dude. It feels good to eat real food to me. Even if I wasn't into fitness I'd still try to eat good foods like this. Not really a meme just tasty

That's five miles 4 days a week. That's like 45-60 minutes of running. Try it fatty.

Absolute degeneracy

Confirmed for knowing nothing about how it train cardio

How is this not believable? Used to run about a hundred a week when I competed.

hes probably been doing it for 2 weeks, very soon his joints will ache like mad and he'll burn out.

You shouldn't run more than 2x a week unless you're a competitive runner.

Jesus please do not let me have daughters

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Why do all these diets based photos have fucking avocados in them? How the fuck do people incorporate a fucking avocado in their meals, do they sit there like morons and spoon it out straight to their mouth? That sounds fucking disgusting.

Avocado on Toast bro. You just wont be able to afford a house if you do tho


But it looks better tho

What's the time frame you genetic dead end? CICO is rock solid, and the right looks like solid improvement.

>When guys flex they show off their power, their hard work, their objectively beautiful, powerful physique.
Nah I do it for puss

Are you a fucking tard? Have you never had Mexican food? You can literally just throw a few slices around as a condiment/garnish/ingredient.

Paleo. Keto. Fuck all that bullshit. Just eat whole foods you make yourself and stop worrying about "much carbs" or whatever.

come back when you're not a beginner anymore and tell us how your lifts are going up