How many eggs can be eaten per day before it becomes unhealthy?

How many eggs can be eaten per day before it becomes unhealthy?

Or does it never?

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I don't understand the egg meme, the large eggs only have about 7 grams of protein, sure when I'm a little short on protein I'll have up to 4, but going out of your way to get your protein from eggs really isn't efficient.


Its always beneficial

It becomes unhealthy at 26.

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>they automatically assume native LDL is toxic, when its put there by the body itself...

Oxidization of LDL allows it to enter the arterial walls. Eating sugar, carbohydrates is what chemically mutilates the body's lipo-proteins and enables this process. Plant foods, processed foods cause this effect.

The old man eating a ton of saturated fat and protein would not damage his body whatsoever, as long as his diet avoided the mentioned above.

egga are for the micros mostly

5 dozen is the only acceptable amount of eggs

4 dozen eggs is acceptable to help you get large.

the number actually depends on whether or not someone who believes in the cholesterol meme knows you're eating eggs

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Go to sleep, Franky.

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Holy fuck that looks so delicious ....

>you don't have to tell me what happened, but you do have to eat this.

2 egg yolks per day. Egg whites don't matter.

Brush your tongue (not your teeth) with baking soda if you eat eggs alot. Will help remove the white tongue the eggs give you.

What are the eggs resting on top of?

>only proteins matter

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Honestly? 1 is unhealthy but it won't kill you by itself. In reality though it won't be your sole source of cholesterol in the day and you'll eat one or more daily which builds up so it'll slowly kill you. If you have a genetic mutation you could literally eat eggs forever and be fine but you probably don't have that either. Or you could have the opposite mutation, eat no eggs or cholesterol, and still get a heart attack in your 30s.

Only gymcels and brainlets think eggs are good for you and there is a lot of crossover between those two groups on this board.

>2 egg yolks per day

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Don't listen to this dumdum, he doesn't even know the difference between cholesterol the molecule (dietary) and multiple lipo-proteins they unfortunately also called cholesterol (HDL, LDL, ect...).
No, consuming dietary cholesterol will not raise your LDL. And then we can question whether a high LDL is really that bad.

sorry man, you are mentally retarded. why would it have been clinically studied and shown otherwise? look at the cholesterol levels of someone who is vegan. ; ^)

As many as you want as long as it doesn't make you a lardass
The most important part of the egg is the yolk, the white is a bonus

>low cholesterol is a good thing
enjoy your notest

I've been eating 6 egg frittatas every day for breakfast for the last 3 weeks since I got an air fryer.

Pretty good you should try it.

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I'm the original guy you replied to. He's right and so am I. The body produces all the cholesterol you need and it's why eating eggs won't stop you being an effeminate ho

Average test is average for a reason and you can't change your genetically low test. There is no hope for gymcels

my coworker says he eats 5 eggs a day and he's an obese fatbody so I'm saying no


It depends wheter you fast or not, and what else you eat besides eggs.

According to my calculations it's between 40 to 50, if you don't eat everyday tough you could eat 60 or more (let's say you only eat 3 days a week, then 100 would be the limit)

I eat 6 eggs a day and not obese so... ?

Yeah, long term vegans have a great chance of getting a heart attack

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Most of them give up after 5 years tough, it depends on how much meat you consumed before becoming a vegan tard

You will be since eggs give you visceral fat like crazy

Nah you're obese but in denial

To be honest, that's not a very good graph. It could be that only a handful of people had 220 ldl (very likely to be true) and that's why few very few people had issues, even though 100% of the people with 220 ldl might have gotten ill. It looks like 90 is very dangerous, though in truth, a great many people have around 90 ldl and the percentages are skewed. A more informative statistic would be the % of people in each range that faced problems
Inactivity gives you visceral fat


All of them.

why are you doing this

>eating eggs for proton
straight kys

the white on your tongue is a sign of having a healthy tongue

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>t. lowtest

yeah bro, keep spendind money on that BCAA powder

that much

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>has had multiple heart operations
You're the dumbest cunt in this thread

vegan shill why are you so annoying

>has had multiple heart operations
>took alot of steroids

Steroids cause cardiomegaly and not long-term atherosclerosis you moron.

Still in a better condition than you'll ever be

I eat roughly 4 whites everyday for breakfast on top of pb toast and I've lost ten lbs. In a month.

>has had multiple heart operations
>Yeah i'm sure as shit is was from the eggs
No you are

As many as you want, only vegan trannies will disagree.

God I hate this word

What if I told you that you could eat multiple eggs?