Attached: 1552772512257.jpg (1596x5664, 1.63M)

what do you get out of demotivating people to better themselves?

Attached: office tard.jpg (1024x1024, 81K)

>tfw uglier than most of these guys
Still happy to be alive, still enjoy lifting


Attached: Big+_ca109fc53339e4c6af348a046e7f8770.jpg (528x960, 34K)

post face with timestamp

I hate this image, but not because of its intended purpose. I hate it because the body of the guy on the far bottom-left looks EXACTLY like the body of something else (I think it may have been a video game? I really can't remember) and it makes me so mad that I can't remember what his body looks like.

>tfw good looking, have decent frame, and I'm 6'0
Try harder next time, lookism incel.

Attached: tom.jpg (807x687, 57K)

damn you sure proved op wrong

sam looks pretty juicy now desu

Attached: 4HiGc7P.jpg (808x1077, 161K)

What mode is this?

Attached: B624973C-738F-4065-B59B-CC56D6BFF14D.jpg (750x1127, 531K)

Team fortress?

obese to ''beast'' mode


Nigga I dont even lift, I come here because its a comfy board

Attached: IMG_20190523_083510.jpg (1080x687, 185K)

idk why but I really want to spitroast this guy

First thing that came to mind was this

Attached: vX2PX3Wg.png (728x814, 224K)

never played it, although I'm almost certain it's from a video game
gigachad is leagues above that guy

nevermind lads it just occurred to me what it was. it wasn't from a video game, and I cannot speak of it.

And I still look better than any those roiding gymcels.
Nice try.

you just proved op right

you have to tell now

This too
I just lift weights because it feels good
Couldnt give two shits about bodybuilding

how so?

it really isnt that entertaining, you probably see something worse every week. just something shameful i saw.

dont skip out now, must now or it will haunt me all day

Back to r9k summerfag

alright whatever, like I said it's not too bad. full disclosure in advance I took no pleasure from the image.
you ever watch the walking dead? hopefully you haven't, it's a terrible show. but it's important to really understand what I saw

Imagine what a funny prank it would be to set up a meetup only to ambush and hospitalize them haha

gymcel cope