Is he the one true lord and saviour of Jow Forums and the most aesthetic human currently alive?

Is he the one true lord and saviour of Jow Forums and the most aesthetic human currently alive?

Attached: david laid.jpg (1024x1820, 169K)

my favorite natural vegan olympic powerlifter

How da fuck you get that super lean look, like you don't have any fat at all. I've been cutting for 3 months and I still have lower ab fat and my legs aren't as defined and I weigh 72kg at 5'11

>zipper abs


>72kg at 5'11

There's your problem. Finish your cut at 10 percent then lean bulk. Work abs at least twice a week with high weight and volume, gain weight untill your 13-15 percent then cut down to sub 10. You'll look far closer to this than if you jump straight to sub 10 percent.

Why doesn't he have any leaked nudes yet wtf

I love this board.

If you don't look buff while dressed, what's the fucking point?

Looking buff while you're undressed obviously, at all the pool parties, beaches and sex you'd be having if you were such a fatty

I guarantee he looks buff while dressed.

He looks kind of natty in that pic.

being lean means you get cold, easily pushed around

It's for filtering out shallow thots, and a nice suprise for someone nice who decides to give you BoD

>just push him around bro, he's only 400lbs

Attached: main-qimg-6fc5c9e72e64663b4ff5491df9effed6.jpg (602x669, 146K)

No he looks small

Dry fasting

this, Laid is a hack and not natty

Looks great but personally I'd like a bit more body fat, sounds crazy but with his shirt on he doesn't look huge

That egghead isn't lean

This, how often do you have your shirt off in public?

He's 6' 11" 400lbs of muscle you fucking retard.

>visible full 6 pack
>h-he isn't lean! ;_;
Bro if he cut even more he'd still be like 385lbs.



The #1 benefit by far of being lean is having a lean face. After that, building muscle is only good insofar as you become less of a shrimp so people can't push you around. Even if this guy doesn't look like he lifts with a shirt on, muscle is still going to give him confidence to take his shirt off (which skellies struggle with) and nobodies gonna be able to push him around like a non-muscular guy of similar leanness.

Yes there is some merit to his physique, but still i prefer being buff. Less hard, but more benefits while clothed (like 90% of the time you're outside).

nah that's jeff .

deadass the prettiest man alive. no homo.

Attached: 418a3c54-5825-40b8-a7d1-07e1104853a5.jpg (769x1600, 68K)

>that bellybutton

>Even if this guy doesn't look like he lifts with a shirt on,
Why do people think retarded shit like this?

Attached: f7ecc3a59f0b49064d3563a9301292f4.jpg (236x419, 16K)

Do you think this level of leanness would be unhealthy? He looks very good despite being so lean, to me at least.

>he's still struggling and looking like shit
>chad just roids and is shredded out of his mind already at 20 yo
Nattycucks, when will they learn?

Attached: 13yo to 20yo.jpg (1280x720, 69K)

You are a homosexual and your memespeak is pathetic

Yes. It's perfectly healthy.

Also dead in 30 years

someone post the user mogging him

Nice cope, faggot.

>Franco Columbu, currently alive, 77 years old
>Arnold Schwarzenegger, still alive, 71 years old
Both did way more juice than that kid ever will. Nattycucks, when will they learn?

>choosing quantity over quality


He's on gear.

>Implying david has as much money as guys like Schwarzenegger to get professional health care when he turns 50-60


What's his name

check the filename


Attached: td0TbdD.png (518x418, 269K)


Attached: davidlaid.png (303x560, 305K)

>this sheer desperate cope
>n-nobody gets healthcare unless they're a millionaire!
The absolute state of nattycucks.

Genetics, diet, gear.

What roids are these guys doing that let them keep their hair?

David Laid is definitely losing hair. I enjoy watching his vlogs and I remember it being very apparent in multiple videos. His hair even changed texture. He used to have thick straight hair with light waves. Now its very thin and curly. He is straightening it with a flattening iron.

Couldn't find the video i was talking about, but this one is good enough. saged for pure autism

Attached: autism.png (1416x745, 1.08M)

Tbh i don't think he's roiding.

Always roids

Just because he isn't huge doesn't mean he isn't on gear. Steroids help tremendously with keeping muscle at low body fat. I'm pretty damn strong and if I tried to lose as much fat to reach that kind of body I sure as fuck would lose muscle at the same time.

To put this into perspective I'd have that kind of body if I lost only fat, but since that's not possible I would be smaller than that guy while also working out for 14 years. If you really think that guy is natty you haven't been working out very long.

I'll soon make a year.

Here's the current progress

Attached: progress.jpg (1056x2728, 264K)

1 you're not very close to that
2 beginner gains
You will taper off so much once you start to get some real strength. After 1 year my OHP went up by only 10 lbs, after 2 years I finally got a new bench PR, and I haven't got a new squat PR in I don't remember how long. Newbie gains are great but progress is not linear.

I'm just lucky my delts go halfway down my upper arms, that and we had nothing to do but swim in the pool for a year when i was 10. I have never been leaner or more muscular than 6-days-a-week cardio training and smoking a pack a day.

Looked like this guy but with less chest mass because i was doing martial arts instead of gym faggotry. Much stronger core (he has none) and actually more cut legs and neck.

Decades of martial arts gave me weird lungs, had an x-ray a few years ago and they had to take it twice because my lungs extend lower than most people's.

Body dysmorphia detected


fuckin cookie cutters

Lol no. Post body

Main focus while dressed should be your handsome face. Your body only comes into the equation when you take your shirt off at the party.

Not everyone is at their 100 percent all the time.

Post body. He is jacked and clearly has decent biceps/vascularity to show that he is Jow Forums in clothing.

You don't need to be a fucking /plg/ bloatlord for people to see you lift. Fuck I hate Jow Forums

Based closeted bearmode homoposter.

dry fasting, intermediate fasting, carnivore diet.

Not everyone is blasting all the time?

>XD he’s taking steroids!!!!!
Fuck off idiot

> totally natty delta bro
state of fit, thank god women (not girls) actually like real men, not this faggot

Are you stupid?

Tren and to a degree genetics. Having his proportions helps too, his natural build is very thin and lanky. Pic related is what he looked like before lifting and roiding.

Attached: 1A2B_T22ui55UfJ_7JP8tnw.jpg (351x500, 28K)

how the fuck is this possible ?
Diet + routine pls

Albert Einstein

By never having been a fatass. The pouch will be last thing to go

That's called a haircut you retard lmao


I don't control kalories or anything, so I just eat as much as I can each meal since am permabulking.


Look file attached plus this on monday:

Monday(biceps, triceps)
seated/standing bicep curls 4x10
skull crushers 4x15
dumbbell tricep extension sitting or standing 4x12
cable tricep extension 4x12
hammer curls 4x10
cable bicep extension 4x12
preacher curls 4x10
single dumbbell isolation curls 4x12
available machinery at your gym for arms, do till failure 4 sets

I've also been on nofap the whole time, but I don't really know it that matters.

Attached: rutinadeljewfren.png (1529x241, 33K)

nice progress, maybe its just the pose/lighting, but i would hit chest more. gl