Anyone surprised by the body types of free climbers and free soloers?
You imagine them to be super Muscular Mountain Yetis yet their bodies look very light and scrawny.
Anyone surprised by the body types of free climbers and free soloers?
You imagine them to be super Muscular Mountain Yetis yet their bodies look very light and scrawny.
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You would think they’d have lats like a flying squirrel
its almost like high rep low weight doesn't build mass
its almost like being light is an advantage for a climber
Surprisingly, Alex Honnold's hand strength is lower than average for his age range.
because of the way he needs to use it
it'll hardly decrease over duration under stress though
alot of climbing is just pivoting around and leveraging your legs. If youre using your upper body to constantly pull yourself up you will get tired very, very quickly
I'm more surprised by those flappers on the right. He needn't even worry about falling
Doubt it, must have been a shit test.
Just think for a second why most kids can climb everywhere like monkeys and your typical gym monkey struggles to climb a tree.
I thought they'd at least look like Jared Leto. Nope they just look like pussies that make those snotty anti-lifting running/boxing threads.
They want to be very light yet lean, and it seems like they're muscular in places you'd expect climbers to be (core, lats/back, forearms), big arms/chest wouldn't help them much so there's no reason to try to add muscle in those places
>You imagine them to be super Muscular Mountain Yetis
No I don't because they have to support their own body weight and I'm not retarded
This. Climbing is also different when talking about bouldering vs. lead climbing.
It's easier to get heavy / add unnecessary muscles as a climber than it is to stay pro level lean without muscle in unnecessary places.
> not autistic about diet
> don't care about gains
> actually want to enjoy their hobby and life
Gee, I wonder user
big muscles are uneconomic and takes up energy
that's why in sports where endurance counts more than a single exertion of strength you don't see muscle bound dudes
They don't look like they enjoy life. They're incels that live in a car and eat cereal.
>blocks your path
Finger strength in climbing is almost entirely static when it comes to gripping crimps, pressing down on some plastic doesnt really illustrate that well.
>Yetis yet their bodies look very light and scrawny
Are you surprised by ballerinas being so light and graceful too despite leaping around and being strong enough to balance on the tip of one toe?
>You imagine them to be super Muscular Mountain Yetis
No (You) imagine them to be a certain way, which they aren't, because you're stupid.
If climbing made you a "super Muscular Mountain Yeti" bodybuilders would be all over that. But they aren't. Hence you're dumb for thinking this.
guys in the upper weight classes naturally have a fuck ton of muscle, it's just not gym muscle.
Because strength isn't directly correlated with aesthetics, and actual athletes aren't insecure faggots like the kids on this board. Hence why women go nuts over men who actually are functionally fit and look good instead of the losers compensating for something
Another thread of ugly dyels talking whiny and dickriding ugly dyels
Campus bouldering is good for lat and forearm growth if you're a thicc ol boy but you'll never be very good
No, I never expected them to be huge. Why?
Elite competition climbers are much better than muh alex honnold. He would be absolutely shit on in sport or bouldering competitions. he climbs 5.14c, this is hard but in any climbing town or serious gym there will be multiple people climbing harder.
Lol I know boulderers V7+ regularly who MOG the shit out of lifters on this board. Massive lats, well defined abs and pecs, 6'0+.
If you want to maintain an impressive physique and still be a "hobby well balanced well adjusted functional man" (tm) just boulder, do gymnastic movements and some deadlifts. Fuck lead, fuck trad, and fuck free soloing.
Youre comparing an elite endurance athlete with people who will never care about this shit. 99% of people will be satisfied with bouldering at an upper intermediate level, maintaining an above average level of strength, and maybe some casual hiking here and there.
Is also on the money. Climbing culture is filled with beta STEM males and lesbians. There is nothing to emulate about quirky autists who dye their hair purple and eat vegan.
The only climbers who exude any sort of precence, fitness, and discipline are asians desu.
>you'll never be very good
Nobody outside fedora wearers care about being "very good" at climbing.
Climbing an entry level grade outdoors as a hobby while being juicy is always going to be more satisfying than wearing tight pants and sperging out over pieces of plastic in an overpriced hipster gym
Dude, I have literally never met anyone who climbs 5.15. I've met a few 5.13 people and the odd 5.14er but nobody who can reliably climb above a 5.14 level. Unless we are defining "climbs 5.15" as "once redpointed a 5.15a and is projecting another one".
>Hence why women go nuts over men who actually are functionally fit and look good instead of the losers compensating for something
I agree with you. I like climbing for the social aspect because you generally meet a lot of helpful, nice people. (at least where I'm at)
There is of course a gaggle of neo-urbanite SWPL faggots who'll say
"You know you'd climb better if you lost some of that muscle"
but they're pretty easy to ignore.
>You imagine them to be super Muscular Mountain Yetis
No you don't. Unless you are fucking stupid
It's mostly just good for injury. Bodybuilder weight campusing leads to broken arms and fingers.
theres one study in particular that looked at maximum voluntary contraction through EMG on a grip test and on climbing holds. They found that on climbing holds, you can see from 100-200% more emg activation than when performing a grip test. Basically, there's something about climbing holds that either activates more muscles or more motor units than a grip test does.
tldr: grip test is not indicative of climbing grip strength. Also, hes not doing the grip test right in that video.
Do you live near a world class crag? That's where all the people who climb 5.15 are... Just living in a major city near an international climbing destination I see many v15/5.15 climbers at the gym. Locals specifically.
smaller boxers are common because of weight classes, you dolt
>Imagine not being able to hold up >200lbs with your fingers
>campusing 180-200lbs leads to broken arms and fingers
Fucking twig faggot
>posts a picture of a boxer while ranting about not having big muscles
>lenno Lewis was 6'5 and 249 lbs when he knocked out Mike fucking Tyson, who was 234 lbs
How can anyone be this stupid?